Individual Details

Erenfried II of Lotharingia

( - 970)

According to Wikipedia:

Erenfried II (died c. 970) was a Lotharingian nobleman, from the area of Bonn in what is now Germany. According to one proposal, he was son of Eberhard I, Count of Bonngau and Zülpichgau. He could also be the same as Ehrenfrid, son of Ricfrid.
He was Count in Keldachgau, Count in the Zülpichgau (942), in the Bonngau (945), in Hubbelrath (950).
Possibly he was also the Count of this name in the Hattuariergau (947) and in the neighbouring Tubalgau (Duffelgau) (948), and also count in the Belgian county of Huy, and Vogt of the Stavelot Abbey.
It is proposed that he married Richwara (died 10 Jul 963) and had issue:
Hermann I, Count Palatine of Lotharingia.
Erenfried, Abbot of Gorze (same as Poppo II Bishop of Würzburg (961-983)?) (fl. 999).
Although there is record of Hermann's mother being Richwara, the proposal concerning who his father is likely but not certain.

Detlev Schwennicke: Europäische Stammtafeln Band I.2 (1999) Tafel 201
Jongbloed, Hein H., (2006) , "Immed “von Kleve” (um 950) – Das erste Klevische Grafenhaus (ca. 885-ca. 1015) als Vorstufe des geldrischen Fürstentums", Annalen des Historischen Vereins für den Niederrhein, Heft 209 [1]
Lewald Ursula, "Die Ezzonen. Das Schicksal eines rheinischen Fürstengeschlechtes"


