Individual Details

Raimond de Turenne, Vicount of Turenne

(Abt 1074 - 1137)

According to Wikipedia:

Raymond or Raimond de Turenne (around 1074 in Bas-Limousin in France - around 1137 ) is the 7 th Viscount of Turenne .

In 1096 , he participated with his vassals in the first crusade in the ost of Raymond de Saint-Gilles , count of Toulouse .

Raymond or Raimond de Turenne was born around 1074 , in the viscounty of Turenne , in Bas-Limousin. He succeeds his father, who died on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1091 , and thus becomes the 7 th Viscount of Turenne .

In 1096, Raymond I of Turenne participated with his vassals in the first crusade in the ost of Raymond de Saint-Gilles , count of Toulouse . He returned from the Holy Land seven years later, as is assumed with regard to the multiple donations he made from 1103 to abbeys and monasteries in Limousin .

He will let himself be dragged by Gaulcelme de Pierrebufière , husband of Béatrix, daughter of Archambaud IV viscount of Comborn , in local wars 1 .

In 1135 , Easter day, he was at a meeting of barons held at La Sanvatat 2 . He does not seem to be cited in any act after this date.

He died after 1135 , perhaps in 1137 3 , and was buried in the burial of the Viscounts of Turenne, in front of the main door of the Saint-Martin de Tulle abbey.

His family
In the eleventh century, the family of Turenne, rich and powerful, extended its branches throughout the region. Their viscounty extends over a large part of Bas-Limousin, Quercy and Périgord . It is divided into vicairies, the first of which are those of Turenne, Arnac , Spaniac . The viscounts of Turenne enjoy all the royal rights, and make change money on their grounds and one of them is known in 1135 under the name of "raymondoise" 4 . The dukes of Guyenne are obliged to give currency to this currency in the dioceses of Cahors, Limoges and Périgueux, while maintaining its ordinary value 5 .

His father Boson 6 , first name, 6 th Viscount de Turenne, made a donation to the Abbey of Saint-Pierre-d'Uzerche , in 1074 , of land located between the castle of Turenne and said mountain Vetula Torenna . It is mentioned in an act of 1076 .

His mother, Gerberge daughter of Bernard " comtor de Terrasson " and second wife of Boson, became a nun at Saint-Martin de Tulle abbey in 1103 , and died the same year, that of the return from the Holy Land of Raymond I. She is buried in the burial of the Viscounts of Turenne.

Raymond has several brothers and sisters:

Archambaud de Turenne († 1117);
Ebles de Turenne († circa 1150), abbot of Saint-Martin de Tulle;
Alpaïs de Turenne, wife of Count Bernard III d'Armagnac ;
Étiennette, wife of Hugues de Belcastel 7 ;
Guillaume de Turenne († 1105) who could be the ancestor of the Marquis of Aynac.
The First Crusade
Following the sermons of Urban II in Clermont and Limoges 8 , Raymond I of Turenne participated with his vassals in the first crusade in 1095 , in the host of the count of Toulouse Raymond de Saint-Gilles 9 . Before his departure, he entrusted the viscounty of Turenne to his mother. He will be illustrated on various occasions, at the siege of Antioch and that of Jerusalem (1099) 10 .

Main article: First crusade .
Raymond de Turenne, his knights and men-at-arms are part of the army of the Count of Toulouse Raymond de Saint-Gilles 11 . Departing from Burgundy, Auvergne, Gascogne, Gothic and Provence, there are some 1,200 riders and 10,000 infantrymen as the count of Toulouse, Raymond de Saint-Gilles , and Adhémar de Monteil , bishop of Puy , pontifical legate of the first crusade , lead to the Holy Land .

At the end of the long siege of Antioch , from October 21, 1097 to June 2, 1098 , the crusaders seized the city. Muslims are trying to retake the city from June 7 . Raymond de Saint-Gilles, sick, accused of laziness and greed , decides to defend the fort of Mahomerie, the most attacked, to put an end to the rumors. He chooses his best captains to defend him: Pierre de Castillon , Raymond de Turenne, Guilhem de Montpellier , Guillaume de Sabran and Goufier de Lastours. These, in turn, regroup the 500 bravest men of their troops and prepare to defend Fort 12 , 13 , 14 . The siege was finally lifted by the Muslims on June 28, 1098 .

Raymond de Saint-Gilles then walks south. Part of the troops arrived on February 12, 1099 in front of Tell Arqa . The count of Toulouse sends various detachments to fetch food in the country, and Raymond de Turenne, accompanied by Pierre, viscount of Castillon, Amanieu d'Albret, Sicard, Regon de La Rivière, Guillaume de Loubens, and some other knights to number of 14. This troop having started on February 16, 1099 meets another of 60 Turks or Arabs who take some Christian prisoners and 500 pieces of cattle. Despite the unequal number, the Christians attack the Muslims, kill six, take as many horses, and take away the booty they brought toTripoli . Prisoners are released 15 .

Another day Raymond Pelet and the Viscount de Turenne, having been detached with 100 horsemen and 200 footmen, advanced to the town of Tortose and besieged it. The many inhabitants defend themselves with great value. The knights resort to a trick to make the besieged change over their numerical inferiority: they light, in the evening, countless fires in the surrounding countryside, suggesting that their army is powerful. The terrified castle defenders flee before dawn, leaving the city. Turenne finds a lot of food there which will be used to supply the army 16 .

In early July 1099, nine Genoese vessels arrived at the port of Jaffa to come to the aid of the Crusaders. The Count of Toulouse wants to protect them. He sent Raymond Pelet, Guillaume de Sabran, and Raymond de Turenne to the head of 50 riders. The detachment of Turenne allows the Genoese to unload in the port the relief material which will allow the crusaders to take Jerusalem 17 .

"The third day, Raymond Pilet and Raymond de Turenne and several others, eager to fight, detached themselves from the army. They met two hundred Arabs, and these knights of Christ fought against these unbelievers; God helping, they had the upper hand, killed a great number and seized thirty horses . 18

After the capture of Jerusalem, Raymond de Turenne was given the guard of a fort near Antioch . Gouffier de Lastours, Géraud de Malefaïda, lord of Saint-Viance, and Guillaume I er de Sabran , accompany him. Again it will push with his companions a sudden attack of 7000 Muslims threatening the camp cross 19 .

His gifts to the Church
Revenue as it is assumed in the Holy Land in 1103 , this-year, Raymond I first made a donation to the abbey of Saint-Martin de Tulle for the repose of the soul of William, his brother, and Gerberge his mother 20 .

In thanksgiving , he founded not far from the castle of Turenne, in the middle of the forests, a hospital called Jaffa , intended to accommodate pilgrims, and a leper colony placed in Nazareth on the same route 19 . He also gave land at Saint-Pantaléon to Saint-Pierre d'Uzerche Abbey, and confirmed the donations made by his father to the church in Nadaillac 19 .

The Nazareth leper colony will soon pass to the Templars . As for the hospital in Jaffa, it is called thereafter the hospital-Saint-Jean and disappears 19 .

Marriage and descendants
His wife Mathilde du Perche was the daughter of Geoffroy II du Perche , Count of Mortagne and Lord of Nogent from 1060 to 1090 , then Count of Perche from 1090 to 1100 . Raymond's mother-in-law is Béatrice de Montdidier, daughter of Hildouin , count of Roucy and Ramerupt, and of Alix de Roucy.

The brother of his wife, Rotrou III († 1144) said the Great , is a count of Perche and his sister, Margaret is married to Henry de Beaumont , 1 st Earl of Warwick .

Raymond de Turenne and Mathilde du Perche have three children:

Boson II Turenne ( 1122 - 1143 ), 8 e Viscount Turenne, married in 1142 Eustorgie Anduze;
Magne, wife of Aymeri III de Gourdon, son of Gérard III de Gourdon ;
Marguerite who marries Adémar IV de Limoges for the first time, and gives Adémar V de Limoges (1135-1188). In second nuptials, she marries Ebles III , viscount of Ventadour , from whom she separates around 1151. In third nuptials, she marries count Guillaume VI Taillefer , of which she has four children including:
William VII of Angoulême ;
Aymar Taillefer , who marries Alice de Courtenay .
Mathilde and Raymond de Turenne are the ancestors of:

Raymond II de Turenne, who died at the siege of Acre in 1190 [ref. necessary] ;
Raymond IV de Turenne, who participates in the headquarters of Damiette [ref. necessary] ;
Raymond VI de Turenne, who follows Saint Louis in Egypt [ref. required] .
Mathilde, his widow, remarries Guy de Lastours.

The modifications of the castle of Turenne
The castle of Turenne is one of the most remarkable feudal fortresses of the region. It is built on a steep oval-shaped rock. Before his departure for the first crusade , Raymond I er had surrounded the rock with a strong rampart and several surrounding walls between which is hidden the narrow and rapid path that leads inward, and defended by towers placed at regular intervals. The stones used come from various sources. Tradition reports that Raymond had a well dug at the top of the hill, the depth of which was at the level of the plain. So that the garrison under siege was provided with water 21 .

The keep (which is still improperly called the tower of Caesar) consists of three vaulted floors, connected by a narrow staircase.

Raymond I er , viscount of Turenne, is one of the main characters of Azémire , tragedy in five acts by Marie-Joseph Chénier , represented at Fontainebleau on November 4, 1786 and at the Comédie-Française on November 6, 1786. The play is located in Heraclea, city of Cilicia , at the time of the first crusade 22 .

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

According to Wikipedia:

Raymond or Raimond de Turenne (around 1074 in Bas-Limousin in France - around 1137 ) is the 7 th Viscount of Turenne .

In 1096 , he participated with his vassals in the first crusade in the ost of Raymond de Saint-Gilles , count of Toulouse .

Raymond or Raimond de Turenne was born around 1074 , in the viscounty of Turenne , in Bas-Limousin. He succeeds his father, who died on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1091 , and thus becomes the 7 th Viscount of Turenne .

In 1096, Raymond I of Turenne participated with his vassals in the first crusade in the ost of Raymond de Saint-Gilles , count of Toulouse . He returned from the Holy Land seven years later, as is assumed with regard to the multiple donations he made from 1103 to abbeys and monasteries in Limousin .

He will let himself be dragged by Gaulcelme de Pierrebufière , husband of Béatrix, daughter of Archambaud IV viscount of Comborn , in local wars 1 .

In 1135 , Easter day, he was at a meeting of barons held at La Sanvatat 2 . He does not seem to be cited in any act after this date.

He died after 1135 , perhaps in 1137 3 , and was buried in the burial of the Viscounts of Turenne, in front of the main door of the Saint-Martin de Tulle abbey.

His family
In the eleventh century, the family of Turenne, rich and powerful, extended its branches throughout the region. Their viscounty extends over a large part of Bas-Limousin, Quercy and Périgord . It is divided into vicairies, the first of which are those of Turenne, Arnac , Spaniac . The viscounts of Turenne enjoy all the royal rights, and make change money on their grounds and one of them is known in 1135 under the name of "raymondoise" 4 . The dukes of Guyenne are obliged to give currency to this currency in the dioceses of Cahors, Limoges and Périgueux, while maintaining its ordinary value 5 .

His father Boson 6 , first name, 6 th Viscount de Turenne, made a donation to the Abbey of Saint-Pierre-d'Uzerche , in 1074 , of land located between the castle of Turenne and said mountain Vetula Torenna . It is mentioned in an act of 1076 .

His mother, Gerberge daughter of Bernard " comtor de Terrasson " and second wife of Boson, became a nun at Saint-Martin de Tulle abbey in 1103 , and died the same year, that of the return from the Holy Land of Raymond I. She is buried in the burial of the Viscounts of Turenne.

Raymond has several brothers and sisters:

Archambaud de Turenne († 1117);
Ebles de Turenne († circa 1150), abbot of Saint-Martin de Tulle;
Alpaïs de Turenne, wife of Count Bernard III d'Armagnac ;
Étiennette, wife of Hugues de Belcastel 7 ;
Guillaume de Turenne († 1105) who could be the ancestor of the Marquis of Aynac.
The First Crusade
Following the sermons of Urban II in Clermont and Limoges 8 , Raymond I of Turenne participated with his vassals in the first crusade in 1095 , in the host of the count of Toulouse Raymond de Saint-Gilles 9 . Before his departure, he entrusted the viscounty of Turenne to his mother. He will be illustrated on various occasions, at the siege of Antioch and that of Jerusalem (1099) 10 .

Main article: First crusade .
Raymond de Turenne, his knights and men-at-arms are part of the army of the Count of Toulouse Raymond de Saint-Gilles 11 . Departing from Burgundy, Auvergne, Gascogne, Gothic and Provence, there are some 1,200 riders and 10,000 infantrymen as the count of Toulouse, Raymond de Saint-Gilles , and Adhémar de Monteil , bishop of Puy , pontifical legate of the first crusade , lead to the Holy Land .

At the end of the long siege of Antioch , from October 21, 1097 to June 2, 1098 , the crusaders seized the city. Muslims are trying to retake the city from June 7 . Raymond de Saint-Gilles, sick, accused of laziness and greed , decides to defend the fort of Mahomerie, the most attacked, to put an end to the rumors. He chooses his best captains to defend him: Pierre de Castillon , Raymond de Turenne, Guilhem de Montpellier , Guillaume de Sabran and Goufier de Lastours. These, in turn, regroup the 500 bravest men of their troops and prepare to defend Fort 12 , 13 , 14 . The siege was finally lifted by the Muslims on June 28, 1098 .

Raymond de Saint-Gilles then walks south. Part of the troops arrived on February 12, 1099 in front of Tell Arqa . The count of Toulouse sends various detachments to fetch food in the country, and Raymond de Turenne, accompanied by Pierre, viscount of Castillon, Amanieu d'Albret, Sicard, Regon de La Rivière, Guillaume de Loubens, and some other knights to number of 14. This troop having started on February 16, 1099 meets another of 60 Turks or Arabs who take some Christian prisoners and 500 pieces of cattle. Despite the unequal number, the Christians attack the Muslims, kill six, take as many horses, and take away the booty they brought toTripoli . Prisoners are released 15 .

Another day Raymond Pelet and the Viscount de Turenne, having been detached with 100 horsemen and 200 footmen, advanced to the town of Tortose and besieged it. The many inhabitants defend themselves with great value. The knights resort to a trick to make the besieged change over their numerical inferiority: they light, in the evening, countless fires in the surrounding countryside, suggesting that their army is powerful. The terrified castle defenders flee before dawn, leaving the city. Turenne finds a lot of food there which will be used to supply the army 16 .

In early July 1099, nine Genoese vessels arrived at the port of Jaffa to come to the aid of the Crusaders. The Count of Toulouse wants to protect them. He sent Raymond Pelet, Guillaume de Sabran, and Raymond de Turenne to the head of 50 riders. The detachment of Turenne allows the Genoese to unload in the port the relief material which will allow the crusaders to take Jerusalem 17 .

"The third day, Raymond Pilet and Raymond de Turenne and several others, eager to fight, detached themselves from the army. They met two hundred Arabs, and these knights of Christ fought against these unbelievers; God helping, they had the upper hand, killed a great number and seized thirty horses . 18

After the capture of Jerusalem, Raymond de Turenne was given the guard of a fort near Antioch . Gouffier de Lastours, Géraud de Malefaïda, lord of Saint-Viance, and Guillaume I er de Sabran , accompany him. Again it will push with his companions a sudden attack of 7000 Muslims threatening the camp cross 19 .

His gifts to the Church
Revenue as it is assumed in the Holy Land in 1103 , this-year, Raymond I first made a donation to the abbey of Saint-Martin de Tulle for the repose of the soul of William, his brother, and Gerberge his mother 20 .

In thanksgiving , he founded not far from the castle of Turenne, in the middle of the forests, a hospital called Jaffa , intended to accommodate pilgrims, and a leper colony placed in Nazareth on the same route 19 . He also gave land at Saint-Pantaléon to Saint-Pierre d'Uzerche Abbey, and confirmed the donations made by his father to the church in Nadaillac 19 .

The Nazareth leper colony will soon pass to the Templars . As for the hospital in Jaffa, it is called thereafter the hospital-Saint-Jean and disappears 19 .

Marriage and descendants
His wife Mathilde du Perche was the daughter of Geoffroy II du Perche , Count of Mortagne and Lord of Nogent from 1060 to 1090 , then Count of Perche from 1090 to 1100 . Raymond's mother-in-law is Béatrice de Montdidier, daughter of Hildouin , count of Roucy and Ramerupt, and of Alix de Roucy.

The brother of his wife, Rotrou III († 1144) said the Great , is a count of Perche and his sister, Margaret is married to Henry de Beaumont , 1 st Earl of Warwick .

Raymond de Turenne and Mathilde du Perche have three children:

Boson II Turenne ( 1122 - 1143 ), 8 e Viscount Turenne, married in 1142 Eustorgie Anduze;
Magne, wife of Aymeri III de Gourdon, son of Gérard III de Gourdon ;
Marguerite who marries Adémar IV de Limoges for the first time, and gives Adémar V de Limoges (1135-1188). In second nuptials, she marries Ebles III , viscount of Ventadour , from whom she separates around 1151. In third nuptials, she marries count Guillaume VI Taillefer , of which she has four children including:
William VII of Angoulême ;
Aymar Taillefer , who marries Alice de Courtenay .
Mathilde and Raymond de Turenne are the ancestors of:

Raymond II de Turenne, who died at the siege of Acre in 1190 [ref. necessary] ;
Raymond IV de Turenne, who participates in the headquarters of Damiette [ref. necessary] ;
Raymond VI de Turenne, who follows Saint Louis in Egypt [ref. required] .
Mathilde, his widow, remarries Guy de Lastours.

The modifications of the castle of Turenne
The castle of Turenne is one of the most remarkable feudal fortresses of the region. It is built on a steep oval-shaped rock. Before his departure for the first crusade , Raymond I er had surrounded the rock with a strong rampart and several surrounding walls between which is hidden the narrow and rapid path that leads inward, and defended by towers placed at regular intervals. The stones used come from various sources. Tradition reports that Raymond had a well dug at the top of the hill, the depth of which was at the level of the plain. So that the garrison under siege was provided with water 21 .

The keep (which is still improperly called the tower of Caesar) consists of three vaulted floors, connected by a narrow staircase.

Raymond I er , viscount of Turenne, is one of the main characters of Azémire , tragedy in five acts by Marie-Joseph Chénier , represented at Fontainebleau on November 4, 1786 and at the Comédie-Française on November 6, 1786. The play is located in Heraclea, city of Cilicia , at the time of the first crusade 22 .

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

According to Wikipedia:

Raymond or Raimond de Turenne (around 1074 in Bas-Limousin in France - around 1137 ) is the 7 th Viscount of Turenne .

In 1096 , he participated with his vassals in the first crusade in the ost of Raymond de Saint-Gilles , count of Toulouse .

Raymond or Raimond de Turenne was born around 1074 , in the viscounty of Turenne , in Bas-Limousin. He succeeds his father, who died on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1091 , and thus becomes the 7 th Viscount of Turenne .

In 1096, Raymond I of Turenne participated with his vassals in the first crusade in the ost of Raymond de Saint-Gilles , count of Toulouse . He returned from the Holy Land seven years later, as is assumed with regard to the multiple donations he made from 1103 to abbeys and monasteries in Limousin .

He will let himself be dragged by Gaulcelme de Pierrebufière , husband of Béatrix, daughter of Archambaud IV viscount of Comborn , in local wars 1 .

In 1135 , Easter day, he was at a meeting of barons held at La Sanvatat 2 . He does not seem to be cited in any act after this date.

He died after 1135 , perhaps in 1137 3 , and was buried in the burial of the Viscounts of Turenne, in front of the main door of the Saint-Martin de Tulle abbey.

His family
In the eleventh century, the family of Turenne, rich and powerful, extended its branches throughout the region. Their viscounty extends over a large part of Bas-Limousin, Quercy and Périgord . It is divided into vicairies, the first of which are those of Turenne, Arnac , Spaniac . The viscounts of Turenne enjoy all the royal rights, and make change money on their grounds and one of them is known in 1135 under the name of "raymondoise" 4 . The dukes of Guyenne are obliged to give currency to this currency in the dioceses of Cahors, Limoges and Périgueux, while maintaining its ordinary value 5 .

His father Boson 6 , first name, 6 th Viscount de Turenne, made a donation to the Abbey of Saint-Pierre-d'Uzerche , in 1074 , of land located between the castle of Turenne and said mountain Vetula Torenna . It is mentioned in an act of 1076 .

His mother, Gerberge daughter of Bernard " comtor de Terrasson " and second wife of Boson, became a nun at Saint-Martin de Tulle abbey in 1103 , and died the same year, that of the return from the Holy Land of Raymond I. She is buried in the burial of the Viscounts of Turenne.

Raymond has several brothers and sisters:

Archambaud de Turenne († 1117);
Ebles de Turenne († circa 1150), abbot of Saint-Martin de Tulle;
Alpaïs de Turenne, wife of Count Bernard III d'Armagnac ;
Étiennette, wife of Hugues de Belcastel 7 ;
Guillaume de Turenne († 1105) who could be the ancestor of the Marquis of Aynac.
The First Crusade
Following the sermons of Urban II in Clermont and Limoges 8 , Raymond I of Turenne participated with his vassals in the first crusade in 1095 , in the host of the count of Toulouse Raymond de Saint-Gilles 9 . Before his departure, he entrusted the viscounty of Turenne to his mother. He will be illustrated on various occasions, at the siege of Antioch and that of Jerusalem (1099) 10 .

Main article: First crusade .
Raymond de Turenne, his knights and men-at-arms are part of the army of the Count of Toulouse Raymond de Saint-Gilles 11 . Departing from Burgundy, Auvergne, Gascogne, Gothic and Provence, there are some 1,200 riders and 10,000 infantrymen as the count of Toulouse, Raymond de Saint-Gilles , and Adhémar de Monteil , bishop of Puy , pontifical legate of the first crusade , lead to the Holy Land .

At the end of the long siege of Antioch , from October 21, 1097 to June 2, 1098 , the crusaders seized the city. Muslims are trying to retake the city from June 7 . Raymond de Saint-Gilles, sick, accused of laziness and greed , decides to defend the fort of Mahomerie, the most attacked, to put an end to the rumors. He chooses his best captains to defend him: Pierre de Castillon , Raymond de Turenne, Guilhem de Montpellier , Guillaume de Sabran and Goufier de Lastours. These, in turn, regroup the 500 bravest men of their troops and prepare to defend Fort 12 , 13 , 14 . The siege was finally lifted by the Muslims on June 28, 1098 .

Raymond de Saint-Gilles then walks south. Part of the troops arrived on February 12, 1099 in front of Tell Arqa . The count of Toulouse sends various detachments to fetch food in the country, and Raymond de Turenne, accompanied by Pierre, viscount of Castillon, Amanieu d'Albret, Sicard, Regon de La Rivière, Guillaume de Loubens, and some other knights to number of 14. This troop having started on February 16, 1099 meets another of 60 Turks or Arabs who take some Christian prisoners and 500 pieces of cattle. Despite the unequal number, the Christians attack the Muslims, kill six, take as many horses, and take away the booty they brought toTripoli . Prisoners are released 15 .

Another day Raymond Pelet and the Viscount de Turenne, having been detached with 100 horsemen and 200 footmen, advanced to the town of Tortose and besieged it. The many inhabitants defend themselves with great value. The knights resort to a trick to make the besieged change over their numerical inferiority: they light, in the evening, countless fires in the surrounding countryside, suggesting that their army is powerful. The terrified castle defenders flee before dawn, leaving the city. Turenne finds a lot of food there which will be used to supply the army 16 .

In early July 1099, nine Genoese vessels arrived at the port of Jaffa to come to the aid of the Crusaders. The Count of Toulouse wants to protect them. He sent Raymond Pelet, Guillaume de Sabran, and Raymond de Turenne to the head of 50 riders. The detachment of Turenne allows the Genoese to unload in the port the relief material which will allow the crusaders to take Jerusalem 17 .

"The third day, Raymond Pilet and Raymond de Turenne and several others, eager to fight, detached themselves from the army. They met two hundred Arabs, and these knights of Christ fought against these unbelievers; God helping, they had the upper hand, killed a great number and seized thirty horses . 18

After the capture of Jerusalem, Raymond de Turenne was given the guard of a fort near Antioch . Gouffier de Lastours, Géraud de Malefaïda, lord of Saint-Viance, and Guillaume I er de Sabran , accompany him. Again it will push with his companions a sudden attack of 7000 Muslims threatening the camp cross 19 .

His gifts to the Church
Revenue as it is assumed in the Holy Land in 1103 , this-year, Raymond I first made a donation to the abbey of Saint-Martin de Tulle for the repose of the soul of William, his brother, and Gerberge his mother 20 .

In thanksgiving , he founded not far from the castle of Turenne, in the middle of the forests, a hospital called Jaffa , intended to accommodate pilgrims, and a leper colony placed in Nazareth on the same route 19 . He also gave land at Saint-Pantaléon to Saint-Pierre d'Uzerche Abbey, and confirmed the donations made by his father to the church in Nadaillac 19 .

The Nazareth leper colony will soon pass to the Templars . As for the hospital in Jaffa, it is called thereafter the hospital-Saint-Jean and disappears 19 .

Marriage and descendants
His wife Mathilde du Perche was the daughter of Geoffroy II du Perche , Count of Mortagne and Lord of Nogent from 1060 to 1090 , then Count of Perche from 1090 to 1100 . Raymond's mother-in-law is Béatrice de Montdidier, daughter of Hildouin , count of Roucy and Ramerupt, and of Alix de Roucy.

The brother of his wife, Rotrou III († 1144) said the Great , is a count of Perche and his sister, Margaret is married to Henry de Beaumont , 1 st Earl of Warwick .

Raymond de Turenne and Mathilde du Perche have three children:

Boson II Turenne ( 1122 - 1143 ), 8 e Viscount Turenne, married in 1142 Eustorgie Anduze;
Magne, wife of Aymeri III de Gourdon, son of Gérard III de Gourdon ;
Marguerite who marries Adémar IV de Limoges for the first time, and gives Adémar V de Limoges (1135-1188). In second nuptials, she marries Ebles III , viscount of Ventadour , from whom she separates around 1151. In third nuptials, she marries count Guillaume VI Taillefer , of which she has four children including:
William VII of Angoulême ;
Aymar Taillefer , who marries Alice de Courtenay .
Mathilde and Raymond de Turenne are the ancestors of:

Raymond II de Turenne, who died at the siege of Acre in 1190 [ref. necessary] ;
Raymond IV de Turenne, who participates in the headquarters of Damiette [ref. necessary] ;
Raymond VI de Turenne, who follows Saint Louis in Egypt [ref. required] .
Mathilde, his widow, remarries Guy de Lastours.

The modifications of the castle of Turenne
The castle of Turenne is one of the most remarkable feudal fortresses of the region. It is built on a steep oval-shaped rock. Before his departure for the first crusade , Raymond I er had surrounded the rock with a strong rampart and several surrounding walls between which is hidden the narrow and rapid path that leads inward, and defended by towers placed at regular intervals. The stones used come from various sources. Tradition reports that Raymond had a well dug at the top of the hill, the depth of which was at the level of the plain. So that the garrison under siege was provided with water 21 .

The keep (which is still improperly called the tower of Caesar) consists of three vaulted floors, connected by a narrow staircase.

Raymond I er , viscount of Turenne, is one of the main characters of Azémire , tragedy in five acts by Marie-Joseph Chénier , represented at Fontainebleau on November 4, 1786 and at the Comédie-Française on November 6, 1786. The play is located in Heraclea, city of Cilicia , at the time of the first crusade 22 .

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

According to Wikipedia:

Raymond or Raimond de Turenne (around 1074 in Bas-Limousin in France - around 1137 ) is the 7 th Viscount of Turenne .

In 1096 , he participated with his vassals in the first crusade in the ost of Raymond de Saint-Gilles , count of Toulouse .

Raymond or Raimond de Turenne was born around 1074 , in the viscounty of Turenne , in Bas-Limousin. He succeeds his father, who died on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1091 , and thus becomes the 7 th Viscount of Turenne .

In 1096, Raymond I of Turenne participated with his vassals in the first crusade in the ost of Raymond de Saint-Gilles , count of Toulouse . He returned from the Holy Land seven years later, as is assumed with regard to the multiple donations he made from 1103 to abbeys and monasteries in Limousin .

He will let himself be dragged by Gaulcelme de Pierrebufière , husband of Béatrix, daughter of Archambaud IV viscount of Comborn , in local wars 1 .

In 1135 , Easter day, he was at a meeting of barons held at La Sanvatat 2 . He does not seem to be cited in any act after this date.

He died after 1135 , perhaps in 1137 3 , and was buried in the burial of the Viscounts of Turenne, in front of the main door of the Saint-Martin de Tulle abbey.

His family
In the eleventh century, the family of Turenne, rich and powerful, extended its branches throughout the region. Their viscounty extends over a large part of Bas-Limousin, Quercy and Périgord . It is divided into vicairies, the first of which are those of Turenne, Arnac , Spaniac . The viscounts of Turenne enjoy all the royal rights, and make change money on their grounds and one of them is known in 1135 under the name of "raymondoise" 4 . The dukes of Guyenne are obliged to give currency to this currency in the dioceses of Cahors, Limoges and Périgueux, while maintaining its ordinary value 5 .

His father Boson 6 , first name, 6 th Viscount de Turenne, made a donation to the Abbey of Saint-Pierre-d'Uzerche , in 1074 , of land located between the castle of Turenne and said mountain Vetula Torenna . It is mentioned in an act of 1076 .

His mother, Gerberge daughter of Bernard " comtor de Terrasson " and second wife of Boson, became a nun at Saint-Martin de Tulle abbey in 1103 , and died the same year, that of the return from the Holy Land of Raymond I. She is buried in the burial of the Viscounts of Turenne.

Raymond has several brothers and sisters:

Archambaud de Turenne († 1117);
Ebles de Turenne († circa 1150), abbot of Saint-Martin de Tulle;
Alpaïs de Turenne, wife of Count Bernard III d'Armagnac ;
Étiennette, wife of Hugues de Belcastel 7 ;
Guillaume de Turenne († 1105) who could be the ancestor of the Marquis of Aynac.
The First Crusade
Following the sermons of Urban II in Clermont and Limoges 8 , Raymond I of Turenne participated with his vassals in the first crusade in 1095 , in the host of the count of Toulouse Raymond de Saint-Gilles 9 . Before his departure, he entrusted the viscounty of Turenne to his mother. He will be illustrated on various occasions, at the siege of Antioch and that of Jerusalem (1099) 10 .

Main article: First crusade .
Raymond de Turenne, his knights and men-at-arms are part of the army of the Count of Toulouse Raymond de Saint-Gilles 11 . Departing from Burgundy, Auvergne, Gascogne, Gothic and Provence, there are some 1,200 riders and 10,000 infantrymen as the count of Toulouse, Raymond de Saint-Gilles , and Adhémar de Monteil , bishop of Puy , pontifical legate of the first crusade , lead to the Holy Land .

At the end of the long siege of Antioch , from October 21, 1097 to June 2, 1098 , the crusaders seized the city. Muslims are trying to retake the city from June 7 . Raymond de Saint-Gilles, sick, accused of laziness and greed , decides to defend the fort of Mahomerie, the most attacked, to put an end to the rumors. He chooses his best captains to defend him: Pierre de Castillon , Raymond de Turenne, Guilhem de Montpellier , Guillaume de Sabran and Goufier de Lastours. These, in turn, regroup the 500 bravest men of their troops and prepare to defend Fort 12 , 13 , 14 . The siege was finally lifted by the Muslims on June 28, 1098 .

Raymond de Saint-Gilles then walks south. Part of the troops arrived on February 12, 1099 in front of Tell Arqa . The count of Toulouse sends various detachments to fetch food in the country, and Raymond de Turenne, accompanied by Pierre, viscount of Castillon, Amanieu d'Albret, Sicard, Regon de La Rivière, Guillaume de Loubens, and some other knights to number of 14. This troop having started on February 16, 1099 meets another of 60 Turks or Arabs who take some Christian prisoners and 500 pieces of cattle. Despite the unequal number, the Christians attack the Muslims, kill six, take as many horses, and take away the booty they brought toTripoli . Prisoners are released 15 .

Another day Raymond Pelet and the Viscount de Turenne, having been detached with 100 horsemen and 200 footmen, advanced to the town of Tortose and besieged it. The many inhabitants defend themselves with great value. The knights resort to a trick to make the besieged change over their numerical inferiority: they light, in the evening, countless fires in the surrounding countryside, suggesting that their army is powerful. The terrified castle defenders flee before dawn, leaving the city. Turenne finds a lot of food there which will be used to supply the army 16 .

In early July 1099, nine Genoese vessels arrived at the port of Jaffa to come to the aid of the Crusaders. The Count of Toulouse wants to protect them. He sent Raymond Pelet, Guillaume de Sabran, and Raymond de Turenne to the head of 50 riders. The detachment of Turenne allows the Genoese to unload in the port the relief material which will allow the crusaders to take Jerusalem 17 .

"The third day, Raymond Pilet and Raymond de Turenne and several others, eager to fight, detached themselves from the army. They met two hundred Arabs, and these knights of Christ fought against these unbelievers; God helping, they had the upper hand, killed a great number and seized thirty horses . 18

After the capture of Jerusalem, Raymond de Turenne was given the guard of a fort near Antioch . Gouffier de Lastours, Géraud de Malefaïda, lord of Saint-Viance, and Guillaume I er de Sabran , accompany him. Again it will push with his companions a sudden attack of 7000 Muslims threatening the camp cross 19 .

His gifts to the Church
Revenue as it is assumed in the Holy Land in 1103 , this-year, Raymond I first made a donation to the abbey of Saint-Martin de Tulle for the repose of the soul of William, his brother, and Gerberge his mother 20 .

In thanksgiving , he founded not far from the castle of Turenne, in the middle of the forests, a hospital called Jaffa , intended to accommodate pilgrims, and a leper colony placed in Nazareth on the same route 19 . He also gave land at Saint-Pantaléon to Saint-Pierre d'Uzerche Abbey, and confirmed the donations made by his father to the church in Nadaillac 19 .

The Nazareth leper colony will soon pass to the Templars . As for the hospital in Jaffa, it is called thereafter the hospital-Saint-Jean and disappears 19 .

Marriage and descendants
His wife Mathilde du Perche was the daughter of Geoffroy II du Perche , Count of Mortagne and Lord of Nogent from 1060 to 1090 , then Count of Perche from 1090 to 1100 . Raymond's mother-in-law is Béatrice de Montdidier, daughter of Hildouin , count of Roucy and Ramerupt, and of Alix de Roucy.

The brother of his wife, Rotrou III († 1144) said the Great , is a count of Perche and his sister, Margaret is married to Henry de Beaumont , 1 st Earl of Warwick .

Raymond de Turenne and Mathilde du Perche have three children:

Boson II Turenne ( 1122 - 1143 ), 8 e Viscount Turenne, married in 1142 Eustorgie Anduze;
Magne, wife of Aymeri III de Gourdon, son of Gérard III de Gourdon ;
Marguerite who marries Adémar IV de Limoges for the first time, and gives Adémar V de Limoges (1135-1188). In second nuptials, she marries Ebles III , viscount of Ventadour , from whom she separates around 1151. In third nuptials, she marries count Guillaume VI Taillefer , of which she has four children including:
William VII of Angoulême ;
Aymar Taillefer , who marries Alice de Courtenay .
Mathilde and Raymond de Turenne are the ancestors of:

Raymond II de Turenne, who died at the siege of Acre in 1190 [ref. necessary] ;
Raymond IV de Turenne, who participates in the headquarters of Damiette [ref. necessary] ;
Raymond VI de Turenne, who follows Saint Louis in Egypt [ref. required] .
Mathilde, his widow, remarries Guy de Lastours.

The modifications of the castle of Turenne
The castle of Turenne is one of the most remarkable feudal fortresses of the region. It is built on a steep oval-shaped rock. Before his departure for the first crusade , Raymond I er had surrounded the rock with a strong rampart and several surrounding walls between which is hidden the narrow and rapid path that leads inward, and defended by towers placed at regular intervals. The stones used come from various sources. Tradition reports that Raymond had a well dug at the top of the hill, the depth of which was at the level of the plain. So that the garrison under siege was provided with water 21 .

The keep (which is still improperly called the tower of Caesar) consists of three vaulted floors, connected by a narrow staircase.

Raymond I er , viscount of Turenne, is one of the main characters of Azémire , tragedy in five acts by Marie-Joseph Chénier , represented at Fontainebleau on November 4, 1786 and at the Comédie-Française on November 6, 1786. The play is located in Heraclea, city of Cilicia , at the time of the first crusade 22 .

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

According to Wikipedia:

Raymond or Raimond de Turenne (around 1074 in Bas-Limousin in France - around 1137 ) is the 7 th Viscount of Turenne .

In 1096 , he participated with his vassals in the first crusade in the ost of Raymond de Saint-Gilles , count of Toulouse .

Raymond or Raimond de Turenne was born around 1074 , in the viscounty of Turenne , in Bas-Limousin. He succeeds his father, who died on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1091 , and thus becomes the 7 th Viscount of Turenne .

In 1096, Raymond I of Turenne participated with his vassals in the first crusade in the ost of Raymond de Saint-Gilles , count of Toulouse . He returned from the Holy Land seven years later, as is assumed with regard to the multiple donations he made from 1103 to abbeys and monasteries in Limousin .

He will let himself be dragged by Gaulcelme de Pierrebufière , husband of Béatrix, daughter of Archambaud IV viscount of Comborn , in local wars 1 .

In 1135 , Easter day, he was at a meeting of barons held at La Sanvatat 2 . He does not seem to be cited in any act after this date.

He died after 1135 , perhaps in 1137 3 , and was buried in the burial of the Viscounts of Turenne, in front of the main door of the Saint-Martin de Tulle abbey.

His family
In the eleventh century, the family of Turenne, rich and powerful, extended its branches throughout the region. Their viscounty extends over a large part of Bas-Limousin, Quercy and Périgord . It is divided into vicairies, the first of which are those of Turenne, Arnac , Spaniac . The viscounts of Turenne enjoy all the royal rights, and make change money on their grounds and one of them is known in 1135 under the name of "raymondoise" 4 . The dukes of Guyenne are obliged to give currency to this currency in the dioceses of Cahors, Limoges and Périgueux, while maintaining its ordinary value 5 .

His father Boson 6 , first name, 6 th Viscount de Turenne, made a donation to the Abbey of Saint-Pierre-d'Uzerche , in 1074 , of land located between the castle of Turenne and said mountain Vetula Torenna . It is mentioned in an act of 1076 .

His mother, Gerberge daughter of Bernard " comtor de Terrasson " and second wife of Boson, became a nun at Saint-Martin de Tulle abbey in 1103 , and died the same year, that of the return from the Holy Land of Raymond I. She is buried in the burial of the Viscounts of Turenne.

Raymond has several brothers and sisters:

Archambaud de Turenne († 1117);
Ebles de Turenne († circa 1150), abbot of Saint-Martin de Tulle;
Alpaïs de Turenne, wife of Count Bernard III d'Armagnac ;
Étiennette, wife of Hugues de Belcastel 7 ;
Guillaume de Turenne († 1105) who could be the ancestor of the Marquis of Aynac.
The First Crusade
Following the sermons of Urban II in Clermont and Limoges 8 , Raymond I of Turenne participated with his vassals in the first crusade in 1095 , in the host of the count of Toulouse Raymond de Saint-Gilles 9 . Before his departure, he entrusted the viscounty of Turenne to his mother. He will be illustrated on various occasions, at the siege of Antioch and that of Jerusalem (1099) 10 .

Main article: First crusade .
Raymond de Turenne, his knights and men-at-arms are part of the army of the Count of Toulouse Raymond de Saint-Gilles 11 . Departing from Burgundy, Auvergne, Gascogne, Gothic and Provence, there are some 1,200 riders and 10,000 infantrymen as the count of Toulouse, Raymond de Saint-Gilles , and Adhémar de Monteil , bishop of Puy , pontifical legate of the first crusade , lead to the Holy Land .

At the end of the long siege of Antioch , from October 21, 1097 to June 2, 1098 , the crusaders seized the city. Muslims are trying to retake the city from June 7 . Raymond de Saint-Gilles, sick, accused of laziness and greed , decides to defend the fort of Mahomerie, the most attacked, to put an end to the rumors. He chooses his best captains to defend him: Pierre de Castillon , Raymond de Turenne, Guilhem de Montpellier , Guillaume de Sabran and Goufier de Lastours. These, in turn, regroup the 500 bravest men of their troops and prepare to defend Fort 12 , 13 , 14 . The siege was finally lifted by the Muslims on June 28, 1098 .

Raymond de Saint-Gilles then walks south. Part of the troops arrived on February 12, 1099 in front of Tell Arqa . The count of Toulouse sends various detachments to fetch food in the country, and Raymond de Turenne, accompanied by Pierre, viscount of Castillon, Amanieu d'Albret, Sicard, Regon de La Rivière, Guillaume de Loubens, and some other knights to number of 14. This troop having started on February 16, 1099 meets another of 60 Turks or Arabs who take some Christian prisoners and 500 pieces of cattle. Despite the unequal number, the Christians attack the Muslims, kill six, take as many horses, and take away the booty they brought toTripoli . Prisoners are released 15 .

Another day Raymond Pelet and the Viscount de Turenne, having been detached with 100 horsemen and 200 footmen, advanced to the town of Tortose and besieged it. The many inhabitants defend themselves with great value. The knights resort to a trick to make the besieged change over their numerical inferiority: they light, in the evening, countless fires in the surrounding countryside, suggesting that their army is powerful. The terrified castle defenders flee before dawn, leaving the city. Turenne finds a lot of food there which will be used to supply the army 16 .

In early July 1099, nine Genoese vessels arrived at the port of Jaffa to come to the aid of the Crusaders. The Count of Toulouse wants to protect them. He sent Raymond Pelet, Guillaume de Sabran, and Raymond de Turenne to the head of 50 riders. The detachment of Turenne allows the Genoese to unload in the port the relief material which will allow the crusaders to take Jerusalem 17 .

"The third day, Raymond Pilet and Raymond de Turenne and several others, eager to fight, detached themselves from the army. They met two hundred Arabs, and these knights of Christ fought against these unbelievers; God helping, they had the upper hand, killed a great number and seized thirty horses . 18

After the capture of Jerusalem, Raymond de Turenne was given the guard of a fort near Antioch . Gouffier de Lastours, Géraud de Malefaïda, lord of Saint-Viance, and Guillaume I er de Sabran , accompany him. Again it will push with his companions a sudden attack of 7000 Muslims threatening the camp cross 19 .

His gifts to the Church
Revenue as it is assumed in the Holy Land in 1103 , this-year, Raymond I first made a donation to the abbey of Saint-Martin de Tulle for the repose of the soul of William, his brother, and Gerberge his mother 20 .

In thanksgiving , he founded not far from the castle of Turenne, in the middle of the forests, a hospital called Jaffa , intended to accommodate pilgrims, and a leper colony placed in Nazareth on the same route 19 . He also gave land at Saint-Pantaléon to Saint-Pierre d'Uzerche Abbey, and confirmed the donations made by his father to the church in Nadaillac 19 .

The Nazareth leper colony will soon pass to the Templars . As for the hospital in Jaffa, it is called thereafter the hospital-Saint-Jean and disappears 19 .

Marriage and descendants
His wife Mathilde du Perche was the daughter of Geoffroy II du Perche , Count of Mortagne and Lord of Nogent from 1060 to 1090 , then Count of Perche from 1090 to 1100 . Raymond's mother-in-law is Béatrice de Montdidier, daughter of Hildouin , count of Roucy and Ramerupt, and of Alix de Roucy.

The brother of his wife, Rotrou III († 1144) said the Great , is a count of Perche and his sister, Margaret is married to Henry de Beaumont , 1 st Earl of Warwick .

Raymond de Turenne and Mathilde du Perche have three children:

Boson II Turenne ( 1122 - 1143 ), 8 e Viscount Turenne, married in 1142 Eustorgie Anduze;
Magne, wife of Aymeri III de Gourdon, son of Gérard III de Gourdon ;
Marguerite who marries Adémar IV de Limoges for the first time, and gives Adémar V de Limoges (1135-1188). In second nuptials, she marries Ebles III , viscount of Ventadour , from whom she separates around 1151. In third nuptials, she marries count Guillaume VI Taillefer , of which she has four children including:
William VII of Angoulême ;
Aymar Taillefer , who marries Alice de Courtenay .
Mathilde and Raymond de Turenne are the ancestors of:

Raymond II de Turenne, who died at the siege of Acre in 1190 [ref. necessary] ;
Raymond IV de Turenne, who participates in the headquarters of Damiette [ref. necessary] ;
Raymond VI de Turenne, who follows Saint Louis in Egypt [ref. required] .
Mathilde, his widow, remarries Guy de Lastours.

The modifications of the castle of Turenne
The castle of Turenne is one of the most remarkable feudal fortresses of the region. It is built on a steep oval-shaped rock. Before his departure for the first crusade , Raymond I er had surrounded the rock with a strong rampart and several surrounding walls between which is hidden the narrow and rapid path that leads inward, and defended by towers placed at regular intervals. The stones used come from various sources. Tradition reports that Raymond had a well dug at the top of the hill, the depth of which was at the level of the plain. So that the garrison under siege was provided with water 21 .

The keep (which is still improperly called the tower of Caesar) consists of three vaulted floors, connected by a narrow staircase.

Raymond I er , viscount of Turenne, is one of the main characters of Azémire , tragedy in five acts by Marie-Joseph Chénier , represented at Fontainebleau on November 4, 1786 and at the Comédie-Française on November 6, 1786. The play is located in Heraclea, city of Cilicia , at the time of the first crusade 22 .

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

According to Wikipedia:

Raymond or Raimond de Turenne (around 1074 in Bas-Limousin in France - around 1137 ) is the 7 th Viscount of Turenne .

In 1096 , he participated with his vassals in the first crusade in the ost of Raymond de Saint-Gilles , count of Toulouse .

Raymond or Raimond de Turenne was born around 1074 , in the viscounty of Turenne , in Bas-Limousin. He succeeds his father, who died on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1091 , and thus becomes the 7 th Viscount of Turenne .

In 1096, Raymond I of Turenne participated with his vassals in the first crusade in the ost of Raymond de Saint-Gilles , count of Toulouse . He returned from the Holy Land seven years later, as is assumed with regard to the multiple donations he made from 1103 to abbeys and monasteries in Limousin .

He will let himself be dragged by Gaulcelme de Pierrebufière , husband of Béatrix, daughter of Archambaud IV viscount of Comborn , in local wars 1 .

In 1135 , Easter day, he was at a meeting of barons held at La Sanvatat 2 . He does not seem to be cited in any act after this date.

He died after 1135 , perhaps in 1137 3 , and was buried in the burial of the Viscounts of Turenne, in front of the main door of the Saint-Martin de Tulle abbey.

His family
In the eleventh century, the family of Turenne, rich and powerful, extended its branches throughout the region. Their viscounty extends over a large part of Bas-Limousin, Quercy and Périgord . It is divided into vicairies, the first of which are those of Turenne, Arnac , Spaniac . The viscounts of Turenne enjoy all the royal rights, and make change money on their grounds and one of them is known in 1135 under the name of "raymondoise" 4 . The dukes of Guyenne are obliged to give currency to this currency in the dioceses of Cahors, Limoges and Périgueux, while maintaining its ordinary value 5 .

His father Boson 6 , first name, 6 th Viscount de Turenne, made a donation to the Abbey of Saint-Pierre-d'Uzerche , in 1074 , of land located between the castle of Turenne and said mountain Vetula Torenna . It is mentioned in an act of 1076 .

His mother, Gerberge daughter of Bernard " comtor de Terrasson " and second wife of Boson, became a nun at Saint-Martin de Tulle abbey in 1103 , and died the same year, that of the return from the Holy Land of Raymond I. She is buried in the burial of the Viscounts of Turenne.

Raymond has several brothers and sisters:

Archambaud de Turenne († 1117);
Ebles de Turenne († circa 1150), abbot of Saint-Martin de Tulle;
Alpaïs de Turenne, wife of Count Bernard III d'Armagnac ;
Étiennette, wife of Hugues de Belcastel 7 ;
Guillaume de Turenne († 1105) who could be the ancestor of the Marquis of Aynac.
The First Crusade
Following the sermons of Urban II in Clermont and Limoges 8 , Raymond I of Turenne participated with his vassals in the first crusade in 1095 , in the host of the count of Toulouse Raymond de Saint-Gilles 9 . Before his departure, he entrusted the viscounty of Turenne to his mother. He will be illustrated on various occasions, at the siege of Antioch and that of Jerusalem (1099) 10 .

Main article: First crusade .
Raymond de Turenne, his knights and men-at-arms are part of the army of the Count of Toulouse Raymond de Saint-Gilles 11 . Departing from Burgundy, Auvergne, Gascogne, Gothic and Provence, there are some 1,200 riders and 10,000 infantrymen as the count of Toulouse, Raymond de Saint-Gilles , and Adhémar de Monteil , bishop of Puy , pontifical legate of the first crusade , lead to the Holy Land .

At the end of the long siege of Antioch , from October 21, 1097 to June 2, 1098 , the crusaders seized the city. Muslims are trying to retake the city from June 7 . Raymond de Saint-Gilles, sick, accused of laziness and greed , decides to defend the fort of Mahomerie, the most attacked, to put an end to the rumors. He chooses his best captains to defend him: Pierre de Castillon , Raymond de Turenne, Guilhem de Montpellier , Guillaume de Sabran and Goufier de Lastours. These, in turn, regroup the 500 bravest men of their troops and prepare to defend Fort 12 , 13 , 14 . The siege was finally lifted by the Muslims on June 28, 1098 .

Raymond de Saint-Gilles then walks south. Part of the troops arrived on February 12, 1099 in front of Tell Arqa . The count of Toulouse sends various detachments to fetch food in the country, and Raymond de Turenne, accompanied by Pierre, viscount of Castillon, Amanieu d'Albret, Sicard, Regon de La Rivière, Guillaume de Loubens, and some other knights to number of 14. This troop having started on February 16, 1099 meets another of 60 Turks or Arabs who take some Christian prisoners and 500 pieces of cattle. Despite the unequal number, the Christians attack the Muslims, kill six, take as many horses, and take away the booty they brought toTripoli . Prisoners are released 15 .

Another day Raymond Pelet and the Viscount de Turenne, having been detached with 100 horsemen and 200 footmen, advanced to the town of Tortose and besieged it. The many inhabitants defend themselves with great value. The knights resort to a trick to make the besieged change over their numerical inferiority: they light, in the evening, countless fires in the surrounding countryside, suggesting that their army is powerful. The terrified castle defenders flee before dawn, leaving the city. Turenne finds a lot of food there which will be used to supply the army 16 .

In early July 1099, nine Genoese vessels arrived at the port of Jaffa to come to the aid of the Crusaders. The Count of Toulouse wants to protect them. He sent Raymond Pelet, Guillaume de Sabran, and Raymond de Turenne to the head of 50 riders. The detachment of Turenne allows the Genoese to unload in the port the relief material which will allow the crusaders to take Jerusalem 17 .

"The third day, Raymond Pilet and Raymond de Turenne and several others, eager to fight, detached themselves from the army. They met two hundred Arabs, and these knights of Christ fought against these unbelievers; God helping, they had the upper hand, killed a great number and seized thirty horses . 18

After the capture of Jerusalem, Raymond de Turenne was given the guard of a fort near Antioch . Gouffier de Lastours, Géraud de Malefaïda, lord of Saint-Viance, and Guillaume I er de Sabran , accompany him. Again it will push with his companions a sudden attack of 7000 Muslims threatening the camp cross 19 .

His gifts to the Church
Revenue as it is assumed in the Holy Land in 1103 , this-year, Raymond I first made a donation to the abbey of Saint-Martin de Tulle for the repose of the soul of William, his brother, and Gerberge his mother 20 .

In thanksgiving , he founded not far from the castle of Turenne, in the middle of the forests, a hospital called Jaffa , intended to accommodate pilgrims, and a leper colony placed in Nazareth on the same route 19 . He also gave land at Saint-Pantaléon to Saint-Pierre d'Uzerche Abbey, and confirmed the donations made by his father to the church in Nadaillac 19 .

The Nazareth leper colony will soon pass to the Templars . As for the hospital in Jaffa, it is called thereafter the hospital-Saint-Jean and disappears 19 .

Marriage and descendants
His wife Mathilde du Perche was the daughter of Geoffroy II du Perche , Count of Mortagne and Lord of Nogent from 1060 to 1090 , then Count of Perche from 1090 to 1100 . Raymond's mother-in-law is Béatrice de Montdidier, daughter of Hildouin , count of Roucy and Ramerupt, and of Alix de Roucy.

The brother of his wife, Rotrou III († 1144) said the Great , is a count of Perche and his sister, Margaret is married to Henry de Beaumont , 1 st Earl of Warwick .

Raymond de Turenne and Mathilde du Perche have three children:

Boson II Turenne ( 1122 - 1143 ), 8 e Viscount Turenne, married in 1142 Eustorgie Anduze;
Magne, wife of Aymeri III de Gourdon, son of Gérard III de Gourdon ;
Marguerite who marries Adémar IV de Limoges for the first time, and gives Adémar V de Limoges (1135-1188). In second nuptials, she marries Ebles III , viscount of Ventadour , from whom she separates around 1151. In third nuptials, she marries count Guillaume VI Taillefer , of which she has four children including:
William VII of Angoulême ;
Aymar Taillefer , who marries Alice de Courtenay .
Mathilde and Raymond de Turenne are the ancestors of:

Raymond II de Turenne, who died at the siege of Acre in 1190 [ref. necessary] ;
Raymond IV de Turenne, who participates in the headquarters of Damiette [ref. necessary] ;
Raymond VI de Turenne, who follows Saint Louis in Egypt [ref. required] .
Mathilde, his widow, remarries Guy de Lastours.

The modifications of the castle of Turenne
The castle of Turenne is one of the most remarkable feudal fortresses of the region. It is built on a steep oval-shaped rock. Before his departure for the first crusade , Raymond I er had surrounded the rock with a strong rampart and several surrounding walls between which is hidden the narrow and rapid path that leads inward, and defended by towers placed at regular intervals. The stones used come from various sources. Tradition reports that Raymond had a well dug at the top of the hill, the depth of which was at the level of the plain. So that the garrison under siege was provided with water 21 .

The keep (which is still improperly called the tower of Caesar) consists of three vaulted floors, connected by a narrow staircase.

Raymond I er , viscount of Turenne, is one of the main characters of Azémire , tragedy in five acts by Marie-Joseph Chénier , represented at Fontainebleau on November 4, 1786 and at the Comédie-Française on November 6, 1786. The play is located in Heraclea, city of Cilicia , at the time of the first crusade 22 .


BirthAbt 1074Bas-Limousin, France
MarriageAbt 1119Mathilde du Perche


SpouseMathilde du Perche ( - 1143)
ChildMarguerite de Turenne (1120 - )
FatherBoson de Turenne, Vicount of Turenne (1050 - 1092)
MotherGerberge de Terrasson (1055 - 1103)