Individual Details

Malise, 1st Earl of Strathearn

(1099 - 1141)

According to Wikipedia:

Malise (Gaelic: Maol �osa; fl. 1099-1141), is the earliest known earl or mormaer of Strathearn in central Scotland.

In 1138, Malise participated in King David's invasion of England, and he fought in the vanguard at the Battle of the Standard. Like his successor Ferquhard, Malise is largely absent from the witness lists of Scottish royal charters, indicating a lack of involvement in royal government. He was, however, a witness to a Charter of David, confirming certain gifts and grants to Dunfermline Abbey, dated about 1128.[1]

Ailred of Rievaulx portrays Malise as the chief representative of the native Scottish faction at the royal court, opposed to the faction of Normans led by Robert de Brus.

He married Rosabella Forteith, and has one known son, Ferquhard, who succeeded him as the 2nd Earl.

Neville, Cynthia J., Native Lordship in Medieval Scotland: The Earldoms of Strathearn and Lennox, c. 1140-1365, (Portland & Dublin, 2005)
Gordon A.C.MacGregor, Celtic Earls of Strathearn, in The Red Book of Perthshire (Perthshire Heritage Trust, 2006)




ChildFerteth, 2nd Earl of Strathearn (1130 - 1170)