Individual Details

Aubry de Mâcon, Count of Mâcon

(935 - 982)

According to Wikipedia:

Albéric or Aubry II de Mâcon ( 935 - 982 ) [ ref. desired] was count of Mâcon from 966 to 982 and count of Besançon (965-982).

Son of Count Liétald II de Mâcon and Ermengarde de Chalon (sister of the main Count of Burgundy Gilbert de Chalon ).

In 966, he succeeded his father as Count of Macon.

He married Ermentrude de Roucy, daughter of Count Renaud de Roucy , and his wife Albérade de Lorraine, with whom he had a child:

Létaud, Archbishop of Besançon ;
Aubry , abbot of Saint-Paul de Besançon;
Béatrice de Mâcon (974-1030), married in 975 Count Geoffroy I er du Gâtinais then Count Hugues du Perche ;
perhaps a daughter, N de Mâcon, who could have married Eble de Poitiers, son of Guillaume IV d'Aquitaine and Emma de Blois ; they are the parents of Ebles Ier de Roucy 1 .
He disappears in 982 without heir son. His wife inherits the Mâconnais and marries in second marriage Count Otte-Guillaume de Bourgogne , who succeeds him.

Notes and references
Jean-Nöel Mathieu, The Succession in the county of Roucy around the year 1000 , Onomastics and Kinship in the medieval West , Oxford, Linacre College, coll. "Unit for Research Prosopographical" ( n o Prosopographica and Genealogica / 3)2000, 310 p. ( ISBN 1-900934-01-9 ) , p. 75-84




SpouseErmentrude de Roucy (949 - 1005)
ChildBéatrice de Mâcon (974 - 1005)