Individual Details

Beatrice de Morvois

(862 - )

According to Wikipedia:

Bertha von Morvois was a noblewoman from the second half of the 9th century. The name comes from the Morvois ( Pagus Mauripensis ) around Pont-sur-Seine .

She is said to have been the wife of Count Heribert I of Vermandois . However, the information about Heribert's wife is controversial in the literature:

Erich Brandenburg writes that Heribert's wife is unknown
Eduard Hlawitschka agrees.
In the European genealogical tables in Volume II, 1984, Plate 10 (Robertiner) as the wife of King Roberts II of France is entered: Béatrix de Vermandois, † after March 931, daughter of Comte Heribert I de Vermandois (Carolingian) and Berthe (de Morvois ); the other panels on this (Volume I.1, 2005, panel 4 and panel 7 (Carolingian) and panel 8 (Konradiner)) do not note Heriberts' wife.
If the assumption about her marriage is correct, then with Heribert she had a number of children, which put her at the center of Central European genealogy:

Heribert II. (* Probably 880, † February 23, 943 ) 900/907 Count of Meaux , Soissons and Vermandois, 907 Abbot of Saint-Médard in Soissons , buried in Saint-Quentin , 8 before May 21, 907 Adela, daughter of Duke Robert of Neustria (from 922 as Robert I King of France ) ( Robertiner )
Beatrix (* probably 886; † after March 26, 931) 8 around 895 Robert Duke of Neustria († 923), from 922 as Robert I King of France ( Capetian )
Daughter 8 (Gebhard Gf im Ufgau 940 ( Konradiner )) † after January 15, 947 [1]
Kunigunde [2] 8 Udo Graf in the Wetterau († 949) ( Konradiner )
The information about Bertha's marriage comes from Joseph Dépoin, which Maurice Chaume took up. The two authors name Heriberts wife as Berta, daughter of Count Wigeric and Aba, who is said to have been a daughter of Gerhard von Vienne, and widow of Count Ebroin. Depoin is based on the chronicle of Waulsort Abbey from the 12th century. However, since the studies by René Louis (1946), Daniel Misonne (1967) and Alain Dierkens (1985), the chronicle of Waulsort Abbey has been viewed as a fantasy, especially with regard to the genealogy mentioned. This affects not only Bertha's marriage to Heribert von Vermandois, but Bertha's existence in general.

Erich Brandenburg: The descendants of Charlemagne, I.-XIV. Generation (1964)
Maurice Chaume: Les origines du duché de Bourgogne Volume I (1925) p. 218 No. 1.
Joseph Dépoin: Recherches sur l'origine d'Eilbert de Waulsort (1910) p. 11.
Alain Dierkens: Abbayes et chapitres entre Sambre et Meuse (VIIe-Xie siècles) (1985) pp. 175ff.
Eduard Hlawitschka: The ancestors of the high medieval German kings, emperors and their consorts I / 2 (2006), pp. 288 and 411.
René Louis: The History of the Legend. Girart comte de Vienne (… 819-877) et ses fondations monastiques (1946) No. 3, pp. 132-134.
Daniel Misonne: Eilbert de Florennes. History and legends. La gest de Raoul de Cambrai (1967) pp. 47-52.
Detlev Schwennicke: European Family Tables Volume I.1 (2005) Tables 4, 7 and 8, Volume II (1984) Table 10.
Christian Settipani : La préhistoire des Capétiens (1993) p. 222, text and footnote 218.
Settipani, at Schwennicke NN


MarriageAbt 878Herbert I, Count of Vermandois
