Individual Details


(890 - )

According to Wikipedia:

Cunigunda (c. 893 - aft. 923) was the daughter of Ermentrude of France, daughter in turn of Louis the Stammerer, king of the Franks. The identity of her father is unknown. In 898 her uncle Charles III gained control as king of the Franks, changing Cunigunda's life for the better.

To gain greater affinity with the nobles of Lotharingia, King Charles III arranged the marriage of Cunigunda in 909 with the powerful Wigeric of Lotharingia (890-919). Their children were:

Frederick I (d. 978), who was count of Bar and duke of Upper Lorraine
Adalberon I (d. 962), elected bishop of Metz in 929
Gilbert (d. 964), count in the Ardennes
Sigebert, mentioned in 942.
Liutgarde, who married Adalbert, Count of Metz, then Eberhard IV, count of Nordgau.
Gozlin, Count of Bidgau (d. 942), married to Oda of Metz and father of Godfrey I, Count of Verdun.
Siegfried, count of Luxembourg.[1]
Around 922, she married Ricwin, Count of Verdun (d. 923).

Parisse, ‘Généalogie de la Maison d'Ardenne’, La maison d'Ardenne Xe-XIe siècles. Actes des Journées Lotharingiennes, 24 - 26 oct. 1980, Centre Univ., Luxembourg, (1981) 9-41

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According to Wikipedia:

Cunigunda (c. 893 - aft. 923) was the daughter of Ermentrude of France, daughter in turn of Louis the Stammerer, king of the Franks. The identity of her father is unknown. In 898 her uncle Charles III gained control as king of the Franks, changing Cunigunda's life for the better.

To gain greater affinity with the nobles of Lotharingia, King Charles III arranged the marriage of Cunigunda in 909 with the powerful Wigeric of Lotharingia (890-919). Their children were:

Frederick I (d. 978), who was count of Bar and duke of Upper Lorraine
Adalberon I (d. 962), elected bishop of Metz in 929
Gilbert (d. 964), count in the Ardennes
Sigebert, mentioned in 942.
Liutgarde, who married Adalbert, Count of Metz, then Eberhard IV, count of Nordgau.
Gozlin, Count of Bidgau (d. 942), married to Oda of Metz and father of Godfrey I, Count of Verdun.
Siegfried, count of Luxembourg.[1]
Around 922, she married Ricwin, Count of Verdun (d. 923).

Parisse, ‘Généalogie de la Maison d'Ardenne`, La maison d'Ardenne Xe-XIe siècles. Actes des Journées Lotharingiennes, 24 - 26 oct. 1980, Centre Univ., Luxembourg, (1981) 9-41


Marriage909Wigeric, Count of Bidgau and Trier
Marriage922Ricwin, Count of Verdun
