Individual Details

Belló, Count of Carcassonne

(755 - 810)

According to Wikipedia:

Bello (c. 755 - 810) was Count of Carcassonne from 790 until his death. He was the founder of the Bellonid Dynasty of Carcassonne and Razès which reached its apex in Wilfred the Hairy, progenitor of the House of Barcelona.

It is not known who Bello married, but several children have been suggested for him:

Guisclafred, his successor in Carcassonne
Oliba I, Count of Carcassonne and Razès
Sunyer I, Count of Empúries
Sunifred I, Count of Barcelona - may have been his son or possibly son-in-law. He is mentioned to be the brother of Sunyer I; might have been his brother-in-law.
Argila of Razès, Count of Carcassonne and Razès
Bera of Barcelona, Count of Carcassonne and Razès, Count of Barcelona, Girona, Ausona, Empúries
Argila and Bera are less likely to have been sons of Bello. Bera is also noted to be the son of William of Gellone, but that is also unlikely based on references detailing William's inheritance.[1]

"Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2013-10-12. Retrieved 2013-05-02.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

According to Wikipedia:

Olivier Olibia or I st of Carcassonne is Count of Carcassonne and also Razes of 821-837.
Biography [ edit | modify the code ]

He is the son of Bello de Carcassonne and Nimilde, he succeeds his brother Gisclafred , he marries a Richilde and they had a child, Olibia II of Carcassonne , count of Carcassonne and of Razès.
Descendants [ edit | modify the code ]

Bello of Carcassonne could be the son of the Earl of Fézensac Leuthard I st and the husband of Nimilde. They could have had two children:
Gisclafred (? -V. 821), comte de Carcassonne, married to Ailona
Olibia I er de Carcassonne (? -837), comte de Carcassonne, married to Ermentrude de Septimanie, remarried to Richilde
A hypothesis assigns him two other children 1  :
Sunifred I st Barcelona
Sunyer I of Empúries
A final theory makes Sunifred the son-in-law of Bello, while Sunyer is not related to him 2 .
Notes and references [ edit | modify the code ]

^ (Ca) Ramon d'Abadal i de Vinyals, Els primers comtes catalans , Vicens-Vives, 1958 (reed. 1991) ( ISBN  84-316-1804-3 )
↑ Peter Ponsich , Wifred the Hairy and his brothers , IBIX, n. 1, September 2000, p.  55-86


