Individual Details

Caron Brannon

(1687 - 4 Jun 1750)

Caron came from Bedford, England to Virginia in 1695 as an indentured servant to
George Davenport.

Will of Caran Brannan, 1749

Will of Caran Brannan Richmond Co., VA, 8 Feb 1749 Will Book, 5/620 In the name of God, amen. I, Caran Brannan, being very sick and weak but of sound and perfect memory, I give devise and dispose of my Estate in the following manner and form: Item. I give to my wife Margarett Brannan the use of my Plantation during (of) her natural life, not to be no ways molested, nor disturbed, and after my wife's decease I give my said Land and Plantation to my son James Brannan and his heirs. Item. I give to my son Caran Brannan one feather bed and furniture now standing in my Inner Room in the corner after my decease -- when his mother thinks fit. Item. I give to my son Joseph Brannan the feather bed and furniture now standing in my Out Room in the corner after his mother's decease. Item. I give to William Croucher and Elenor his wife one bed and furniture, the bed which my wife lies upon, after her decease. Item. I give to my loving wife Margarett Brannan the use of all my Personable Estate during her natural life after all my debts is satisfyed and paid, and after her decease to be Equally Divided between all my children, viz., James, Caran, Thomas, and Joseph Brannan and Elenor Croucher. Item. My will and pleasure is that my Estate shall not be appraised . Item. I likewise nominate, constitute, and ordain my loving wife Margarett Brannan and my son James Brannan to be Executrix and Executor of this my Last Will and Testament, revoking and disanulling all other Will or Wills heretofore by me made ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament the 8th day of February in the year of Our Lord 1749. his mark, Caran Brannan Signed Sealed Publishs and Declared in Presence: John Durham, James Howard ================================ Probate 4 June 1750 Richmond County, VA. This Will was presented in Court by James Brannen the Executor therein named who made Oath thereto according to Law and being Proved by the Oath of John Durham the only surviving witness. Thereto was by the Court ordered to be recorded, and on Motion of the said Executor giving Security a Certificate is granted him for obtaining aprobate thereof in due form. Test T. Tarpley D.CC


Birth1687Bedford, England
Death4 Jun 1750Richmond, Richmond, Virginia, British America
MarriageRichmond, Richmond County, Virginia - Morgave (Margaret) Bryan


SpouseMorgave (Margaret) Bryan (1693 - 1752)
ChildThomas Alexander Brannon (1723 - 1804)
FatherJohn Branham (1650 - )
MotherRosanna Ellis (1652 - )