Individual Details

Anthony Loggesden

(3 Sep 1603 - Bef 8 Mar 1661)

Anthony and Eleanor are listed as the parents on many christening records in Melchbourne. No records exist specifically linking Anthony to the house of John; however, no better family link could be found and thus it is very probable that he is the son of John. The names of his children and second wife are from that source as well as the christening records. The marriage date (after 1650 ?) for Elizabeth and Anthony was derived from the death date of Eleanor and the birth date of Susannah.

The Last will and testament of Anthony Logsdon

March ye 08 ye 1661 In ye name of God amen. I Anthony Logsdon of Melchbourne in ye Countie of Bedford Woodard being sicke in bodye but of in overt memory pray Lord Our God for ye same. I doe have instructions & ordaine this my last will and testament as followest: First I give and bequeath my soule into ye hands of my creator & redeemer hoping to receive true pardon & remission for all my sinns by ye precious blood of Jesus Christ & my bodye to be decently buried CM ye Churchyard of Melchbourne.

Item of my temporall goods I give unto Elizabeth my loving wife eight pound of money to be paide to her by my executor within one year after my deceased & I give unto her four bushels of wheat & four bushels of barley & all my old wood & ye milke of a cowe from May Day unto Christmas next seeing ye take leave of.Item I give unto my oldest son James Logsdon three poundItem I give unto my sonn John Logsdon ten shillingsItem I give unto my youngest sonn Anthony Logsdon five poundsItem I give unto my 05 oldest daughters that is to say my daughter Katherine, Mary, Ellen, Grace & Sarah five pound a piece to bee paide to them & to my sonn James & John when my son Anthony shall attain unto ye age of fifteen years and if is shall please God that any of my daughters shall die bee fore my son Anthony shall attain unto ye age of 15 years that then their portion shall equally bee divide amongest ye rest of my children.

Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth twentie shillings.
Item I give unto my daughter Susanah ten shilling to be paid to them when ye rest of my children are piade.
Item I give unto y sonn Thomas Logsdon all ye rest of my goods and chattle bequeath and I doe make him full executor of this my last will and testament in witnesse where of I have set my hand ye day & year above withen.

Ye markeof Anthony Logsdon


Birth3 Sep 1603Melchbourne, Bedfordshire, England
Marriage15 Jan 1628Shelton, England - Eleanor 'Ellen' Mee
DeathBef 8 Mar 1661Melchbourne, Bedfordshire, England
Probate8 Mar 1661Bedfordshire, England


SpouseEleanor 'Ellen' Mee (1610 - 1659)
ChildJames Logsdon (1631 - 1683)
FatherJohn 'Johannus' Loggesden (1576 - 1621)
MotherKatherine ( - )