Individual Details

Hopewell Hull

(Jun 1635 - 26 Mar 1693)

Will of Hopewell Hull
yeoman; will of. Wife Mary. Sons--Hopewell, Joseph, both under age;
daughters mentioned, but not by name. Farm on Rariton R. next to Symon
Brinsleys, land bought of Josuah Bradly, do. at Shingle Hill, do. in
Piscataway Meadows. Personal property. The wife executrix with brother
Benjamin Hull and John Drake as overseers. Witnesses--Edward Slater,
Benia Hull and Edmond Downham. Proved 08 May 1693.
N. J. Archives, XXI., p. 194, and Middlesex Wills
27 Apr 1693 Inventory of the personal estate of, £90.1.6, incl. books
15s., 6 bushels of rye 15s., 26 of Indian corn 4s., four cows £10.-, four
oxen £15, a 4 year old heifer £2.10; made by Benjamin Hull and Edward
13 Jul 1693 Bond of his widow Mary Hull as executrix of his will.
Benjamin Hull of the same place fellow bondsman.13 Jul 1693 Bond of his
widow Mary Hull as executrix of his will. Benjamin Hull of the same place
fellow bondsman.

As the Governor's jurisdiction in licensing marriages was recognized by
the foregoing statute, so, conversely, he was admitted to have power in
granting divorces, as appears by this instrument, in 1669:
"These are to Give Notice to all persons Whome It may Concerne that
Whereas I am Informed that Hopewell Hull hath VnLawfully taken to Wife
the Daughter of John Martin of Woodbridge, Without Observing the Lawes
and Customes of England Or these parts of America, I the Governor of this
province doe declare that the Mariage & that all others that are or shall
be Comitted In the same Manner to be null Void and of none Effect, And
they that doe Live In that VnLawfull Estate of Matrimony May be
Prossecuted as such as doe Live In the Estate of fornication, And that
the Children begotten by them are to be accompted Bastards and not
Capable of Inheritance. Given vndr my hand and Scale the 29th day of
Decembr 1669."East Jersey Records, in office of the Secretary of State,
at Trenton, Liber 3, p. 32. It is probable that Hull remarried his wife,
Mary Martin, with all due ceremony, for John Martin, in his will, March
17, 1687-8, names his "son" Hopewell Hull as one of the overseers and
assistants of his executrix.—E. J. Deeds, Liber B, f. 220; and see N. J
Archives. XXI., 107, 108, 194.2

Will of Hopewell Hull
yeoman; will of. Wife Mary. Sons--Hopewell, Joseph, both under age;
daughters mentioned, but not by name. Farm on Rariton R. next to Symon
Brinsleys, land bought of Josuah Bradly, do. at Shingle Hill, do. in
Piscataway Meadows. Personal property. The wife executrix with brother
Benjamin Hull and John Drake as overseers. Witnesses--Edward Slater,
Benia Hull and Edmond Downham. Proved 08 May 1693.
N. J. Archives, XXI., p. 194, and Middlesex Wills
27 Apr 1693 Inventory of the personal estate of, £90.1.6, incl. books
15s., 6 bushels of rye 15s., 26 of Indian corn 4s., four cows £10.-, four
oxen £15, a 4 year old heifer £2.10; made by Benjamin Hull and Edward
13 Jul 1693 Bond of his widow Mary Hull as executrix of his will.
Benjamin Hull of the same place fellow bondsman.13 Jul 1693 Bond of his
widow Mary Hull as executrix of his will. Benjamin Hull of the same place
fellow bondsman.

As the Governor's jurisdiction in licensing marriages was recognized by
the foregoing statute, so, conversely, he was admitted to have power in
granting divorces, as appears by this instrument, in 1669:
"These are to Give Notice to all persons Whome It may Concerne that
Whereas I am Informed that Hopewell Hull hath VnLawfully taken to Wife
the Daughter of John Martin of Woodbridge, Without Observing the Lawes
and Customes of England Or these parts of America, I the Governor of this
province doe declare that the Mariage & that all others that are or shall
be Comitted In the same Manner to be null Void and of none Effect, And
they that doe Live In that VnLawfull Estate of Matrimony May be
Prossecuted as such as doe Live In the Estate of fornication, And that
the Children begotten by them are to be accompted Bastards and not
Capable of Inheritance. Given vndr my hand and Scale the 29th day of
Decembr 1669."East Jersey Records, in office of the Secretary of State,
at Trenton, Liber 3, p. 32. It is probable that Hull remarried his wife,
Mary Martin, with all due ceremony, for John Martin, in his will, March
17, 1687-8, names his "son" Hopewell Hull as one of the overseers and
assistants of his executrix.—E. J. Deeds, Liber B, f. 220; and see N. J
Archives. XXI., 107, 108, 194.2


Will of Hopewell Hull
yeoman; will of. Wife Mary. Sons--Hopewell, Joseph, both under age;
daughters mentioned, but not by name. Farm on Rariton R. next to Symon
Brinsleys, land bought of Josuah Bradly, do. at Shingle Hill, do. in
Piscataway Meadows. Personal property. The wife executrix with brother
Benjamin Hull and John Drake as overseers. Witnesses--Edward Slater,
Benia Hull and Edmond Downham. Proved 08 May 1693.
N. J. Archives, XXI., p. 194, and Middlesex Wills
27 Apr 1693 Inventory of the personal estate of, £90.1.6, incl. books
15s., 6 bushels of rye 15s., 26 of Indian corn 4s., four cows £10.-, four
oxen £15, a 4 year old heifer £2.10; made by Benjamin Hull and Edward
13 Jul 1693 Bond of his widow Mary Hull as executrix of his will.
Benjamin Hull of the same place fellow bondsman.13 Jul 1693 Bond of his
widow Mary Hull as executrix of his will. Benjamin Hull of the same place
fellow bondsman.

As the Governor's jurisdiction in licensing marriages was recognized by
the foregoing statute, so, conversely, he was admitted to have power in
granting divorces, as appears by this instrument, in 1669:
"These are to Give Notice to all persons Whome It may Concerne that
Whereas I am Informed that Hopewell Hull hath VnLawfully taken to Wife
the Daughter of John Martin of Woodbridge, Without Observing the Lawes
and Customes of England Or these parts of America, I the Governor of this
province doe declare that the Mariage & that all others that are or shall
be Comitted In the same Manner to be null Void and of none Effect, And
they that doe Live In that VnLawfull Estate of Matrimony May be
Prossecuted as such as doe Live In the Estate of fornication, And that
the Children begotten by them are to be accompted Bastards and not
Capable of Inheritance. Given vndr my hand and Scale the 29th day of
Decembr 1669."East Jersey Records, in office of the Secretary of State,
at Trenton, Liber 3, p. 32. It is probable that Hull remarried his wife,
Mary Martin, with all due ceremony, for John Martin, in his will, March
17, 1687-8, names his "son" Hopewell Hull as one of the overseers and
assistants of his executrix.—E. J. Deeds, Liber B, f. 220; and see N. J
Archives. XXI., 107, 108, 194.2


BirthJun 1635Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony
Marriage29 Dec 1669Piscataway, Middlesex County, New Jersey - Mary Martin
Death26 Mar 1693Piscataway, Middlesex County, New Jersey


SpouseMary Martin (1646 - 1694)
ChildHephsibah Hull (1670 - 1734)
FatherRev. Joseph Hull (1596 - 1665)
MotherAgnes (1610 - )