Individual Details

Chilperic I, King of the Franks

(539 - 584)

CHILPERIC I, d. 584. Frankish king of Neustria (561-84). With his mistress and future wife, FREDEGUNDE, he murdered his wife Galswintha (567), thus precipitating a savage feud with Brunhilda (Galswintha's sister) and his brother Sigebert I of Austrasia (Brunhilda's husband). The feud was inherited by his son, CLOTAIRE, II. (The Columbia Viking Desk Encyclopedia, 1953)

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

CHILPERIC I, d. 584. Frankish king of Neustria (561-84). With his mistress and future wife, FREDEGUNDE, he murdered his wife Galswintha (567), thus precipitating a savage feud with Brunhilda (Galswintha's sister) and his brother Sigebert I of Austrasia (Brunhilda's husband). The feud was inherited by his son, CLOTAIRE, II. (The Columbia Viking Desk Encyclopedia, 1953)


Title (Facts Page)King of Soissons (Neustria).


SpouseFredegund (543 - 597)
ChildChlothar II, King of the Franks ( - 629)
SpouseFredegund (543 - 597)
ChildChlothar II, King of the Franks ( - 629)
FatherChlothar I, King of the Franks (499 - 561)