Individual Details

Malcolm I of Alba, King of Scotland

(897 - 954)

His Gaelic name was Mael Coluim. He annexed Moray into the Scottish kingdom and drove the Danes from York. The English King Edmund turned over Cumbria to him as a fief or seal of alliance. In 954 the West Saxon King Eadred reunited the north counties to his domains, Malcolm was slain the same year.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

His Gaelic name was Mael Coluim. He annexed Moray into the Scottish kingdom and drove the Danes from York. The English King Edmund turned over Cumbria to him as a fief or seal of alliance. In 954 the West Saxon King Eadred reunited the north counties to his domains, Malcolm was slain the same year.


Title (Facts Page)Bet 943 and 954King of Scotland
Death954Fordoun, Knvdn, Scotland
InterredIsle of Iona, Scotland
Cause of death (Facts PaKilled by the men of Moray.
Fact 4Mael-Coluim
