Individual Details

Captain Simon Miller

(1 Jan 1647 - 2 May 1684)

From the website at

Symon Miller was born in England in 1642. He sailed out of Bristol about 1673. It is possible that was his British home. It is not known who his parents were. However, there is a book written by John Poindexter at the Austin Library in Texas that states his father was Simon Miller born 1631 (impossible) at Blackfriers, St. Anne’s parish England.
He patented 817 acres of land in Old Rappahannock County on Nov. 5, 1673 for the transportation of 16 persons into the colony. It is not known who those persons were.
He became a very important person in the community right away. The Virginia Historical Magazine, Volume 3, page 37 contains an article entitled "Causes of Discontent in Virignia. A letter is quoted to the King from the Fresh of Rappahannock and it was signed by Cadwallader Jones and John Badse of Citternborn Parish March 8, 1676/7. It lists the attacks, death and destruction by Indians "thus our Enimies reigned till at yast yt Fire Brand, which with our Good Major jt had by God's assistance soe well defended us sent to our assistance one Capt. Simon Miller a Liver amongst us and Scince his time wee have had noe men killed nor great damage in our stocks though scince this war begun, wee have lost above 600 pounds Sterl: Now scince by an Evil hand wee his Majesties always, leige people have in a maner had our lives defended by ye said Miller. In gratitude wee desire he may be looked upon with an eye on favour." High praise indeed.
This letter is repeated again in The Virginia Historical Magazine, Volume 12, page 237 in an article about Simon Miller, Captain in Bacon's Rebellion. The Fire Brand noted in the letter was Nathaniel Bacon.
                     From Wagnall's encyclopedia
BACON'S REBELLION, uprising in 1676 of Virginia farmers, under the leadership of Nathaniel Bacon(1647-76), against the colonial authorities headed by Sir William Berkeley, governor of Virginia. Among the grievances of the colonists were the Navigation Acts of 1651 and 1660, which forced them to trade only withEnglish firms and individuals at prices established in England, and the intolerably high export duties levied bycolonial officials. In addition, the colonists were outraged by Governor Berkeley's monopoly of the fur tradewith the Indians.
Toward the end of 1675 the Indians began a series of raids on the frontier plantations of Virginia. Fearful of jeopardizing his trade with them, Berkeley made only a half-hearted attempt to repel the attacks. The colonists then formed an army of their own and named as its leader Nathaniel Bacon, a plantation owner and member of the Governor's Council. Bacon marched his army against the Indians on his own authority, defeated them, and then occupied Jamestown, the capital of the colony. Forcing the governor to give him a commission, Bacon led another expedition against the Indians, defeating them at the Battle of Bloody Run. While Bacon was engaged in this effort, Berkeley began to raise a force to fight him. Marching against Jamestown a second time, Bacon captured the city and burned it in September 1676. The following month, while marching to meet a hostile force sent against him by the governor, Bacon died of malaria. His rebellion immediately collapsed. The governor took revenge upon Bacon's followers, executing some and confiscating the property of others. Some historians interpret Bacon's Rebellion as the forerunner of the American Revolution.
Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia gives the following details. "Nathaniel Bacon was a young lawyer who had emigrated from London to become a planter in Virginia. The Virginia colony at that time was badly misgoverned by Sir William Berkeley. In addition, the Indians regularly attacked outlying plantations. When no official measures were taken to stop the Indian outrages, Bacon organized his neighbors and punished the guilty tribes.
The movement broadened into a rebellion of the democratic element among the colonists against the aristocratic clique who supported the governor. In the course of the conflict Bacon burned Jamestown, and the governor took refuge on English ship.
Soon after this Bacon died suddenly and the rebellion collapsed. Governor Berkeley hanged more than 20 of his foes. King Charles II was emphatic in his disapproval of Berkeley. The affair created a great stir in London and brought more attention to the needs and wishes of the colonists."
The History of Essex County VA, Settlers, Southerns, Americans notes specifically that at one point in the battles with the Indians, the Rappahannock frontier was left undefended and the Indians burned 37 farms. Bacon sent "Rappahannock native" Major Simon Miller to the frontier and his troops stopped the attacks.
Symon survived the anger of Berkeley.
Symon seemed to have arrived in the colonies alone and in his 30s. The Plague was found throughout England in the 1660s. It is possible that he wed in England but his family died there.
Symon married the widow Margaret  Prosser about 1668 in Old Rappahannock County, Virginia. The current Rappahannock County is on the east side of the Virginia mountains, but the original county was on the south side of the Rappahannock RiverMargaret and John Prosser were of Golden Valley. They had sons mentioned in Symon's will. However, not all of the children may have been Margarets.  Possibly children born to an earlier unidentified wife.  This still needs to be worked out.

The children of Symon and Margaret were:  They were all in Symon's will, note below.
1. Simon, born 1668 (if there were 2 son's Simon, the first must have died soon after childbirth)
2. Simon, born 1670 (Colonel)
3. William, born 1670
4. John, born 1675
5. Margaret, born Feb.16, 1678/9 twins, wed James Hord
6. Isabella, born Feb.16, 1678/9 wed William Triplett
7. Susannah, born 1681 wed Henry Brice

 The names and dates of his children came from the Ancestral World Tree on the Web. It is possible that there was only one Simon, born 1668. But it was common when a child died to name the next child the same name. Tyler's Quarterly Magazine, Vol. 12 contains an article, "Simon Miller, Captain in Bacon's Rebellion" in which all children are named but the first Simon.
The William and Mary Quarterly in an article on the Triplett Genealogy, Vol XXI, page 42, states that Symon Miller was a noted shipbuilder during Colonial times and a large landowner.

A few deeds give us the location of Simon Millers lands.. from Virginians Along and near the Lower Rappannock Richer 1667-1799, Vol I by John Otto Yurechko, he notes in 1673 Dor. Brookes, headright, re Simon Miller's patent of 817 acres in Rappannock ct (now Essex) on south side and in freshes of said river on head of pewamanessee Creek, Nov. 5, 1673. 

In Old Rappahannock Deeds and wills 1677-1682, Part II, page 263 is a deed noted being on line with Simon Miller on south side of Gingoteak Branch Creek of Sittingburne Parish.

Another deed from same source, page 236 has Simon Miller selling 440 acres on the north Side of Rappae. River to Roger Cleveland. His wife Margaret accepts the sale. with her mark of an "M"  Nov. 4, 1679.

Symon Miller's will was proved May 2, 1684 in Old Rappannoch County. It was dated Feb. 16, 1679. For a copy, CONTACT US. He notes by name his children Simon, William, John, Susanna, Isabella and Margaret and wife's son Anthony Prosser as well as "to the Sons of Mr. Prosser.
It is not known where Symon Miller was buried. His widow Margaret married again in 1686, to Hugh French. From Index to Marriages of Old Rappahannock and Essex Counties VA 1655-1900, Book 1, page 248.
Symon Miller died sometime before Nov. 30, 1683. From Essex County Court Orders 1692-93 is the record of a suit filed by Hugh French and wife Margaret against Andrew Harrison. For while she was a widow on Nov. 30, 1683 Mr. Harrison was to farm and improve her land, but did not.
Old Rappahannock County existed from 1651 until 1691. It was the land that surrounded the Rappahannock River. In 1691 it was divided in two with the north side of the river becoming Richmond County and the south side Essex CountyOld Rappahannock records are maintained in Essex County.
If you know the answer please CONTACT US
1. Where and when was Symon born?
2..Who were his parents?
3. Confirm all children’s names and birthdates, spouses.


Birth1 Jan 1647Bristol, Somerset, England
Death2 May 1684Rappahannock County, Virginia, British America


SpouseMargaret Gaines (1643 - )
ChildSarah Miller (1670 - 1764)