Individual Details
John Quesenbury Sr.
(1746 - Aft 1810)
Also Known As:<_AKA> Christenberry Name Suffix:<NSFX> Sr. BIOG RAPHY: John Que ssonbury/Christenberry was born in Virginia and migrat ed to North Carolina abou t 1769. He enlisted in the 15th Virginia Re giment under Captain James Foster's command on March 15, 1777, and se rved one month. In the 1790 Census of Catham County, North Carolina , he was listed as John Quishingbury, one male 16, four under 16 - tw o females, three slaves. By 1791, he was listed as having 354 acr e s in the St. Lukes district, which became part of Person County, Nort h Carolin a. In 1793, he was listed as having 150 acres in the Glouce ster District. He sold his holdings in Person County, North Carolin a on February 17, 1796 and app arently migrated to Madison County, Ken tucky where he is registered in the 1800 census. Past researchers sugg ested that this John Christenberry used both the "Q" and "Ch" spelling s throughout his life. He was living during the American Revolutio n when the spelling of the name changed. Records suggest that he us e d the "Q" spelling early in life, began using the "Ch" version later , and then changed back again to the Quessonbury spelling later in lif e when he lived in K entucky. As a result, some of his children use d the name Quessonbury, while ot hers used the Christenberry spelling.
Birth | 1746 | Albermarle County, Virginia | |||
Marriage | Feb 3, 1769 | Sussex County, Virginia - Isabella Bedenfield | |||
Death | Aft 1810 | Madison County, Kentucky | |||
Title (Nobility) | Sr. |
Spouse | Isabella Bedenfield (1747 - ) |
Child | Joshua Christenberry Sr. (1771 - 1854) |
Child | William Miner Christenberry (1779 - 1851) |
Child | Moses Christenberry (1782 - 1864) |
Child | Ginney Christenberry (1805 - ) |
Child | James Christenberry (1809 - 1860) |
Child | Anderson Christenberry ( - ) |
Child | Humphrey Christenberry ( - ) |
Child | Henry Christenberry ( - ) |
Child | Mary B Christenberry ( - ) |
1. Albert H. Brigance, Christenberry/Christenbury Genealogy, Page 15.
2. Albert H. Brigance, Christenberry/Christenbury Genealogy, Page 15.