Individual Details

Henry Grass Sr.

(Abt, 1755 - Dec, 1828)

Also Known As:<_AKA> DeGrasse Name Suffix:<NSFX> Sr. BIOGRAPHY : He was in the service during the Revolutionary War for 35 days fro m July 18, 1780 to August 21, 1780 and was paid 35 pounds for his serv ice for that period. The unit was under the command of Colonel Willia m Linn. In December 1781 he and wife Mary Gray were awarded 400 acre s of land in Jefferson County, Kentucky (Jefferson County, Kentucky, C ourt Minute Book A, 1781-1783, pages 14, 15 and 16). In 1782, he was a gain called to service under the command of General George Rogers Clar k to repel "an invasion of the enemy Indians" and to avenge a "massac re at the Lower Blue Licks." In 1786, Henry Grass was awarded In-Lo t 78, Out-Lot Number 44 in Vienna. In 1798, Henry Grass purchased 20 0 acres from Aron Rawlings in Hardin County, Kentucky. On December 18 , 1804, Henry's son Daniel was married to Betsy Brown in Hardin County . On May 1, 1806, his daughter Ruth Grass married Philip Barger in Ha rdin County. The 1810 Federal Census of Hardin County Kentucky list s the household of Henry Grass: 1 male 16-26 (Henry Jr.), 1 male ov e r 45 (Henry Sr.), 1 female 16-26 (Elizabeth), 1 female over 45 (Mar y). On September 26, 1811, Henry's daughter Elizabeth Grass was marri ed to Solomon Query in Hardin County. On December 15, 1812, Willia m Lyon married Susannah Gray (p resumably Henry's daughter). On Novem ber 21, 1814, Henry and wife Mary Grass s old 50 acres of his origina l 200 acres to Solomon Query for $100. On December 19, 1816 Henry Gra ss and Mrs. Elizabeth Kindle, his second wife, were married in Hardi n County (Hardin County Kentucky Marriages 1793-1850, page 52). In 18 17 , Henry Grass, "the step-father", gives consent for marriage of Sop hia Knighten to Thomas Smith. That marriage was performed on 21 Oc t 1817. In 1822, the Will of Henry Grass is filed in Hardin County, K entucky (Will Book D, pages 134 - 137). In 1824 Henry and wife Eliza beth convey six acres of land on which Grass lives, to Deborah Garne r for sum of $36. DEATH: January 12, 1829 - Will Proved: At a court b egan and held for Hardin County at the courthouse in Elizabethtown, o n Monday the fifth day of January 1829, the foregoing instrument of wr iting paper purporting to be the last will and testament of Henry Gras s deceased with a codicil thereto annexed was produced in court, and S amuel Haycraft, one of the subscribing witnesses to the original will , made oath that the said Henry Grass signed published and acknowledge d the same in his presence and in the presence of Lewis Rhoades the ot her subscribing witness (who was then dead) and that he, the said Hayc raft and Lewis Rhoades witnessed the same in the presence of each othe r & that he believed the said Henry Grass was in his perfect mind & me mory at the time of doing the same. And Samuel Haycraft & Margaret Rho ades two of the subscribing witnesses to the codicil to the said wil l make oath that the said Henry Grass signed sealed and published th e said codicil in connection with the will to which the same is annexe d as his last will and testament, and that they subscribed therein nam es thereto as witnesses in this the said Henry Grass presence and th e presence of each other, and that they believed the said Grass was i n his perfect mind and memory at the time of doing the same. Aquill a Standaford one of the subscribing witnesses for the said codicil wa s also sworn and made oath that the said Henry Grass acknowledged th e same in his presence as his last will and testament, and desired hi m to witness the same which he did by signing his name in the presenc e of said Grass who he believed was in his perfect mind and memory, wh ereupon it was ordered that the said will and codicil be established a s the last will and testament of the said Henry Grass deceased and ord ered to be recorded. And thereupon I have truly recorded the same thi s 12th day of January 1829. Saml Haycraft Clk. Hardin County Court.


BirthAbt, 1755
MarriageAug 11, 1783Lincoln County, Kentucky - Mary Gray
MarriageDec 19, 1816Hardin County, Kentucky - Elizabeth Kendall
DeathDec, 1828Hardin County, Kentucky
Title (Nobility)Sr.


SpouseMary Gray (1758 - 1815)
ChildDaniel Grass (1784 - 1855)
ChildRuth Grass (1789 - 1871)
ChildElizabeth Grass (1791 - 1866)
ChildHenry Grass Jr. (1797 - )
SpouseElizabeth Kendall ( - )