Individual Details

Joseph Rastatter Sr.

(Bet 1857 and 1860 - Bet 1947 and 1954)

Name Suffix:<NSFX> Sr. BIOGRAPHY: He was a cousin to Michael Rasta tter, they w ere both from the same town, German St. Peter (now a par t of Romania). He was a dairy farmer who lived in a house with a bar n that was attached for the cows. The house had earthen walls becaus e daughter Theresa remembers her mother usi ng a rolled up paper to bu rn bugs off the walls. People came to the dairy to p ickup or delive r milk for sale. He owned a drum and uniform and may have been the tow n crier. With his Daughter Theresa, he immigrated to the US and arriv ed in Baltimore (from Bremen Germany), aboard the "Breslau", on May 1 9, 1907. Th ey arrived in the US with $42 in cash and planned to go t o this cousin Michael' s at 1319 Hamilton Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio. T hey moved into a residence on D avenport Avenue, an area that housed m any German immigrants. He worked at odd jobs and his daughter Theres a worked as a domestic until they could save enough money to send fo r his wife and family. Later, Joesph worked at Cleveland Twis t Dril l in Cleveland. He tended a garden and chickens in his spare time. T her esa remembers her Grandmother Barbara buying her a new dress (rath er than makin g one from scratch) and going to church on Sunday.


BirthBet 1857 and 1860German St. Peter, Arad, Romania
MarriageAbt, 1880German St. Peter, Arad, Romania - Barbara Lindner
ImmigrationMay 18, 1907Baltimore, Maryland
DeathBet 1947 and 1954German St. Peter, Arad, Romania
Title (Nobility)Sr.


SpouseBarbara Lindner (1858 - 1941)
ChildAnton Rastatter (1888 - 1972)
ChildTheresa Rastatter (1890 - 1986)
ChildJoseph Rastatter Jr. ( - )