Individual Details
(Oct 26, 1759 - Jan 28, 1838)
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Jr. BIOGRAPHY: He enlisted in the North Carolin a Militia fr om Bertie County and served at various times during 1776 , 1778 and 1781 (it was common for soldiers to enlist for a few month s duration when needed). Between battles and skirmishes, they would r eturn to their farms. He served as a priva te in Childs Company in 177 8 for nine months. He also served in Colonel Abraham Shepards Regimen t, the 10th Regiment of North Carolina. Perhaps his biggest c laim t o fame is that he also served as one of George Washington's scouts. A lso , it is important to note that William Freeman served under the co mmand of Gene ral Nathanial Greene at the Battle of Guilford Courthous e, which was one of the bloodiest and most bitterly contested engagem ents of the war. Although Britis h General Charles Cornwallis forced G reene's army to retreat, British casualtie s were almost 30%, while Na thanial Greene saved most of his army. Cornwallis, having outrun hi s supplies, was forced to retreat to Virginia, leaving the Caro lina s in the hands of the patriots. Logistics won when arms failed. Afte r the war ended, Freeman married Mary Bryan and moved west to Burke C ounty, North Ca rolina. This area became Caldwell County in about 180 0. By 1832, he was living in Maury County, Tennessee, as he applied f or a war pension there on September 12, 1832. In 1834, at the age o f 75, William Freeman, his wife Mary and five of their ten living chil dren (sons John and Lemuel, daughter Nancy, and grandso n William W, s on of Reddick, and possibly others) moved to Greene County, Misso uri . William settled on a farm of 160 acres where Cherry and Glenstone st reets meet today in Springfield. The site was between East Trafficwa y and Cherry. William Freeman died on January 28, 1839 and was burie d on his farm, but in 191 2 his remains were moved to Springfield Nati onal Cemetery. It is presumed that his wife and other family member s are buried still on the old family farm in u nmarked graves. He i s the only known Revolutionary War Veteran bured there.
Birth | Oct 26, 1759 | Bertie County, North Carolina | | | |
Marriage | Sep 5, 1778 | Prisilla Hunt | | | |
Marriage | 1786 | Martin County, North Carolina - Mary Bryan | | | |
Death | Jan 28, 1838 | Green County, Missouri | | | |
Title (Nobility) | | Jr. | | | |
Burial | | National Cemetery, Springfield, Missouri | | | |