Individual Details

Solomon Stephenson

(1730 - 1794)

BIOGRAPHY: It is possible that Solomon Stephenson was born in Wight Co unty, Vir ginia where he married a Sarah. They migrated to Johnson Co unty, North Carolin a in about 1766 according to an affidavit filed b y son James. As early as the November 1769 court term, Solomon serve d on a jury. The Stephenson's settled i n what are now the Pleasant G rove and Elevation Township areas of Johnston Coun ty. On September 9 , 1778, Solomon Stephenson had received or purchased a 300-a cre lan d grant located on the North side of Black Creek. On October 21, 1782 , he purchased 175 acres of land located on the North side of Black Cr eek and on both sides of the Camp Branch. Solomon Stephenson's Will w as probated in 1794 and in it he left to his daughter Patty (Langdon ) "the manner plantation whereo n I now live with 150 acres of land... also one cow and calf and one two year ol d cattell kind." His wife , Sarah received "five cows and calves...five head of hoggs and all m y household goods and long as the lives at my dw ellin g place..." Solomon's son James received carpenter tools; son John rec eive d a shotgun, son David one cow and a calf among other things. I t is thought th at there was another son named Solomon, Jr. that had d ied in 1781 which was pri or to the making of the will. Source: The S tephenson, Langdon, Parrish, Steven s and Query Family Descent by Arth ur C. Query, More detailed sources can be fo und in that document whi ch is on file file at the Owen County, Indiana Library.


Marriage1766Virginia - Sarah Matthews
Death1794Johnston County, North Carolina


SpouseSarah Matthews (1728 - )
ChildDavid Stephenson (1749 - 1851)
ChildJames Stephenson ( - )
ChildJohn Stephenson ( - )
ChildPatty Stevens ( - 1810)
