Individual Details

Charles Melton

(1757 - Sep 13, 1827)

BIOGRAPHY: This information is from the Lasswell family Bible copied b y Mrs. Jo seph Lynch, descendant of Jesse W. Lasswell and Jimmy Milton . Mrs. Lynch's DAR application #43695 and Charles Milton's Revolutiona ry pension file. Records of Loudoun County, Virginia, show that Charle s appeared there in September and Oct ober 1784 to prove his service i n the war. This presence in that general area i s also indicated b y a suit of trespass in Fairfax County against him by John He reford , Fairfax County Order Book 1783 -- 1788, p. 83. It is interesting t o not e that Thomas Windsor was renting land from John Hereford in 179 2, as indicated by Windsor's will of 14 July 1792 and Fairfax County . Charles Milton bought tw o hundred acres from Abraham Lincoln's fath er Thomas in Hardin County on 27 Oct ober 1814, Deed Book E. p. 193. T hey had sold Land in Washington County on 28 F eb. 1807 to John Hall . He received his last revolutionary war pension payment i n Septembe r 1827. This excerpt is from a book entitled THE KENTUCKY LINCOLN S O N MILL CREEK by Robert Gerald McMurtry, published in 1939 by Linco ln Memorial U niversity, Harrogate, Tennessee. p. 36. "According to do cumentary evidence, Cha rles Melton was a soldier in the Revolutinar y War. The following record has bee n discovered: Charles Melton sched ule. District of Kentucky, Hardin County, Jun e term 1820. On the 21s t day of June, 1820 (he) personally appeared in open co urt of recor d for the said district, Charles Melton age 62 years, who first bei n g sworn according to law doth on his oath, declare that he served in t he Revol utionary War as follows: inlisted in the year 1777 in Londo n County.Virginia... .my family consists of my self and wife (Sibla) S ibba 54 years old." Ordinary Bundle #105. Hardin Circuit Court, Eliza bethtown, Kentucky.


Birth1757Fairfax County, Virginia
MarriageAbt, 1782Hampshire County, Virginia - Sibba Windsor
DeathSep 13, 1827Hardin County, Kentucky


SpouseSibba Windsor (1754 - 1828)
ChildSarah Melton (1792 - )
FatherJohn Melton (1729 - )
MotherSybil Conner ( - )