Individual Details

A. J. Halek

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(Submitted by Paddy McCullough) I know very little about Mother' s family except that they were bothimmigrants from Czechoslovakia. Whe never we made trips to their homein Fairbury, Nebraska, the Czech lang uage was spoken much of the timeand I recall letters which Mother rece ived from her parents andSisters which were written in Czechoslovakian . I can recall that thehome was heated with a coal-fired furnace in th e basement, which hadto be fed and stoked. The coal was dropped throug h an opening and felladjacent to the furnace. Grandmother Halek's kit chen was the centerof life in their home, which was good because of th e great aromacoming from grandmothers cooking. Mother was also a grea t cook havingthe same talents as grandmother demonstrated so often . (The following info was discovered by Ted Davis - this may or ma y notbe the A. J. Halek in Paddy's ancestry) Immigrant Ships Trans cribers Guild SS Humboldt Stettin, Germany to New York * Septe mber 21, 1872 List or Manifest of all the Passengers taken on boar d the SS Humboldtwhereof S. Arnold, is master, from Stettin burthe n 1884 tons. Columns represent: given name, surname, age, sex, occ upation, countryto which they severally belong, country which they int end to becomeinhabitants, died on voyage* 98 Andreas Hale k 28 M Labr Germany U.S.


ChildAnna Helen Halek (1903 - 1976)