Individual Details
(Mar 5, 1877 - Nov 16, 1948)
Obituary: Owen Leader, November 1948. Mrs. Christenberry Dies; Fina l Rites Fri day. Mrs. Jessie Hood Christenberry, age 71, passed awa y at her home in Clover dale at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, following an extend ed illness. She was born March 5 , 1877, in Morgan county, the daught er of Lafe and Hannah Steele Hood, and spen t the greater part of he r life in Putnam County, in and around Cloverdale. She was a membe r of the First Christian Church of Cloverdale. Survivors are he hu sb and Edward of Cloverdale; three daughter, Mrs. Garnet Mugg of Quincy , Mrs. Ev elyn Yanders of Cloverdale, and Miss Glee Christenberry of C loverdale; one brot her, Noah Hood of Chesterton; two sisters, Mrs. Ne llie Huber of Indianapolis, a nd Mrs. Otis Maxwell of Quincy; and thre e Grandchildren, Billie, Bobby and Doro thy Mugg, of Quincy. Funeral s ervices were held at the Whitaker Funeral Home i n Cloverdale at 11:0 0 a.m. Friday, with Rev. June Evans officiating. Burial wa s in the C loverdale Cemetery. Friends may call at the Whitaker Funeral Home i n Cloverdale.
Birth | Mar 5, 1877 | Morgan County, Indiana | | | |
Death | Nov 16, 1948 | Putnam County, Indiana | | | |
Burial | | Cloverdale Cemetery, Cloverdale Township, Putnam County, Indiana | | | |