Individual Details

Robert Motheral Sr.

(Abt, 1723 - Abt, 1778)

Name Suffix:<NSFX> Sr. BIOGRAPHY: The MOTHERAL/MODRELL were Scotch -Irish Presb yterians who came from Ireland, likely the northern part , possibly Donergal or Down County. They immigrated through the port o f Philadelphia as early as 1713. They first settled in Lancaster Cou nty, Pennsylvania, in the vicinity of adja cent Martic and Drumore (in cluding Chestnut Level) townships. It seems that th e name was firs t Motheral, but then was changed to Modrell with various spellin gs . The earliest record found is of a MARY MOTHERAL, wife (presumably s econd) of Robert Middleton who settled in the vicinity of Martic in 17 13, but then mov ed to Donergal Township in 1716. This couple owned l and adjacent to the Donerg al Presbyterian Church, founded in 1721. A fter Robert's death in 1731, his wif e went by the surname of Motheral . In 1757, ROBERT MATHROLL appears on the Tax List for Martic/Provid ence townships of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Betwe en 1757-176 5 Robert likely moved to York County, Pennsylvania. About 1775, ROB E RT MOTHERAL moved from York County, Pennsylvania to Mecklenburg County , North Carolina. On 14 April 1778, ROBERT MOTHERAL signed his will i n Mecklenburg Cou nty, which notes the following; wife, Elizabeth; son s, Adam, George, Robert and John. Money owed from Pennsylvania to b e divided between son William and daug hter, Sarah. Daughters, Marth a (widow with children), Margery and Elizabeth. Three youngest childre n: Rebecca (not yet 13), Robert and John (youngest, not y et 21). Plan tation was originally purchased from William Manson. Source: Doug la s Showalter, February 2000, Boards>Surnames>Modd rell.


BirthAbt, 1723Ireland
DeathAbt, 1778Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
Title (Nobility)Sr.


SpouseElizabeth Unknown (1727 - )
ChildWilliam Modrell (1749 - 1781)
ChildSarah Modrell (1751 - )
ChildMartha Modrell (1753 - )
ChildMarjery Modrell (1755 - )
ChildAdam Modrell (1755 - 1835)
ChildGeorge Modrell (1757 - 1832)
ChildElizabeth Modrell (1759 - )
ChildMargareth Modrell (1765 - )
ChildRebecca Modrell (1765 - )
ChildJohn Modrell (1768 - )
ChildRobert Modrell Jr. (1774 - 1830)