Individual Details

William Brantley Stevens

(Feb 7, 1816 - Abt, 1893)

Nickname:<NICK> Brantley BIOGRAPHY: William Brantley Stevens was t he son of He nry and Amy (Hicks) Stevens. Based on the birth dates o f Brantley Stevens' chi ldren, it appears he was married three times . He patented his first land in Ow en County, Indiana on January 8, 1 836. He entered a total of 120 acres that ye ar. Amy and Brantley li ved in Jackson Township on a farm worth $1,400 in 1860. Brantley joi ned the New Union Baptist Church in March 1846. In October 1852 he wa s brought up on charges of shouting and for using "spirituous" liquors . T he following month, he was excluded from the church for this offe nse. In June 1859 he and his father appeared before the church brethr en and satisfactorily r efuted unspecified charges that were made agai nst them. On July 18, 1869, Bran tley rejoined the church at the bar n of Isaac S. Lucas where a meeting was held . He once again got int o trouble, being excluded from the congragation in Janu ary 1877 alon g with his wife and daughter Marilda. William suffered a mental b rea kdown sometime between 1856-70. Although he was able to sign deeds u p to Ju ly 26, 1856, afterward, he only made his mark. He was liste d as illiterate in 1870. Stories have been passed down in the Halto m family of "Grandpa Brantley" losing his mind. One day his family c ame home and found him out in the yard e ating grass like a horse. Th e family had to chain him to a tree when they were working on the far m so he wouldn't wander off. They did the same in the house , chainin g him to a bedpost in the main room so he wouldn't fall into the fire p lace. Brantley apparently was married before he wed Amy Haltom, a s he had two or three children born ca. 1834-38. After Amy's death, h e married a household servant, Lucinda Yant, born 1848 in Ohio. She g ave him one child, Hiram. Lucin da joined the New Union Baptist Churc h on July 18, 1869 and was excluded along with William in January 1877 . Lucinda died April 1, 1910 in Jackson Township. Brantley, who was l isted in the Owen County Democrat on July 21, 1892 as "stil l sick" . He died in about 1893, in Owen County. Source: The History of th e H altom Family, By Patrick R. Pearsey, 1999


BirthFeb 7, 1816Montgomery County, North Carolina
MarriageSep, 1840Owen County, Indiana, USA - Amy A Haltom
MarriageJan 14, 1873Owen County, Indiana, USA - Lucinda Yant
DeathAbt, 1893Jordan Village, Owen County, Indiana


SpouseLucinda Yant (1848 - 1910)
ChildHiram R Stevens (1881 - 1936)
SpouseAmy A Haltom (1814 - 1872)
ChildHenry H Stevens (1840 - 1915)
ChildSarah Ann Stevens (1842 - 1869)
ChildJincey Emeline Stevens (1844 - 1906)
ChildMary E Stevens (1846 - )
ChildTarry Marilda Stevens (1849 - 1906)
ChildJames William Stevens (1853 - )
ChildLouisa Stevens (1834 - 1862)
ChildDeborah A Stevens (1836 - )
ChildLeasy Stevens (1838 - 1879)
FatherHenry B Stevens (1788 - 1868)
MotherAmy Hicks (1791 - 1870)
SiblingJincy Ann Stevens (1813 - 1881)
SiblingDeborah Stevens (1818 - )
SiblingNancy Stevens (1825 - 1861)
SiblingTamer Stevens (1825 - 1908)
SiblingBelinda Stevens (1828 - 1852)
SiblingElizabeth A Stevens (1828 - 1874)
SiblingHiram B Stevens (1834 - 1880)
SiblingJohn C Stevens (1836 - )
