Individual Details

Ira Lykins

(Abt, 1868 - DECEASED)

BIOGRAPHY: Alternative spellings of the names could be Likens (a Charl ie), or L icken (an Ira). Articles in the The Democrat, July 28, 189 8 Spencer, Owen Coun ty, Indiana, mention these two individuals. Speci fically: "Charley Likens visi ted his family at Spencer last Saturda y and Sunday." Also, "Ira Licken and fami ly visited relatives at Braz il last Saturday and Sunday."


BirthAbt, 1868
MarriageJan 16, 1895Owen County, Indiana, USA - Rosetta Sanders
DeathDECEASEDIndianapolis, Marion County, Indiana


SpouseRosetta Sanders (1878 - 1945)
Child(Female Child) Lykins (1895 - )
Child(Female Child) Lykins (1902 - )
FatherMonon Lykins ( - )
MotherUnknown Wilkinson ( - )
