Individual Details

Margaret Cook

(Jul 6, 1887 - Dec 4, 1976)

Obituary: Owen Leader, Dec 9, 1976: Margaret Query. 89, died Wednesda y at Lynhu rst Nursing Home in Indianapolis. She was born in Owen Cou nty July 6, 1887, da ughter of Joshua V. and Josephine Schroer Cook . Survivors are daughters Marcel la Geller of Evansville and Alvett a Chandler of Indianapolis, and three grandch ildren. The funeral wil l be held Friday at 2:30 at Whitaker Funeral Home in Cl overdale. Rev . Charles Denny will officiate. Calling hours begin Thursday at 1 p.m . Burial will be in Cloverdale Cemetery.


BirthJul 6, 1887
MarriageNov 25, 1914Owen County, Indiana, USA - Roy Argiel Query
DeathDec 4, 1976Marion County, Indiana
BurialCloverdale Cemetery, Putnam County, Indiana


SpouseRoy Argiel Query (1892 - 1962)
ChildMarcella Query ( - )
ChildAlvetta J Query (1915 - 1984)
FatherJoshua V Cook ( - )
MotherJosephine Schroer ( - )
SiblingWilliam E Cook (1885 - 1948)
SiblingJohn Wesley Cook (1891 - 1934)
