Individual Details

Forest G Jordan

(Apr 28, 1892 - 1979)

Obituary: Jordan Funeral To Be Held Here Monday. Forrest G. Jordan, 8 7, R.R. 1 , Poland, died Thursday, May 31 (1979), in the Bloomington H ospital. He was bo rn in Owen County April 28, 1892, the son of Charl es and Laura Jordan. His wif e, Edith Powell Jordan, preceded him i n death in September 1957. He was a reti red farmer and a member of t he Carolina Church. Survivors are his son, Marion Jordan, R.R. 1 Pola nd; brothers, Clarence, R.R. 1, Poland, Charles of Quincy, a nd Carl o f Spencer; two grand-children, four step grandchildren, and four grea t grand daughters, and sister Beryl Rubeck. Funeral services will b e Monday at 1:00 p.m. at the West and Parrish Funeral Home with the Re v. Raymond Shelton of ficiating. Internment will be in the Carolina C emetery. Calling hours at the funeral home will begin at 2:00 p.m. Su nday.


BirthApr 28, 1892Owen County, Indiana, USA
MarriageDec 25, 1915Owen County, Indiana, USA - Ruth Edith Powell
BurialCarolina Cemetery, Morgan Township, Owen County, Indiana


SpouseRuth Edith Powell ( - 1957)
ChildMarion Jordan ( - )
FatherCharles A Jordan (1869 - 1932)
MotherLaura E Crowmer (1869 - 1924)
SiblingHazel Hope Jordan (1893 - )
SiblingGlo Jordan (1894 - )
SiblingDalsa Edith Jordan (1899 - 1957)
SiblingClarence Jordan (1903 - 1980)
SiblingCarl Jordan (1905 - 1980)
SiblingMyrl Jordan (1909 - 1975)
SiblingByrl Jordan (1909 - 1980)
SiblingCharles Jordan (1912 - )
