Individual Details

John Carter Sr.

(Mar 25, 1810 - Jan 5, 1896)

Name Suffix:<NSFX> Sr. BIOGRAPHY: John Carter, farmer and stock-ra iser, is a n ative of Montgomery County, North Carolina and was born M arch 25, 1810. His pa rents were Finch and Sarah (Gibson) Carter, lik ewise natives of the "Old North State." He emigrated to this State (I ndiana) in 1829, and shortly afterward en tered and occupied Governmen t land, now his present farm, at which time the reg ion of Owen Count y was wild and very sparsely settled, but in the development o f whic h few men are more identified than our subject. In 1828, he married P ats y Singleton (nee Parker), to which the alliance succeeded four chi ldren, Moses (born 8 Feb 1830), Tabitha (deceased), John and Lively (d eceased). Mrs. Carter (Paysy) died in 1853, and in 1856, Mr. Carte r married Mary Ann Clark (nee Evan s), who also died about 1860. Ten y ears thereafter, he married a third wife Mr s. Betsy (Vickery) Goss . Mr. Carter has been a hard-working, economical man, a nd has thereb y acquired a provision for his age and needs. He owns 180 acres o f w ell-improved and cultivated land, containing varied and necessary appu rtenan ces and a supply of good stock. Mr. Carter is a Democrat, an d a liberal and es teemed citizen. Source: 1884 History of Owen Count y, Indiana, pp. 944-945. BIO GRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Morgan Township.


BirthMar 25, 1810Montgomery County, North Carolina
Marriage1828Montgomery County, North Carolina - Martha Parker
MarriageOct 2, 1856Owen County, Indiana, USA - Mary Ann Evans
MarriageAbt, 1870Owen County, Indiana, USA - Elizabeth Vickery
DeathJan 5, 1896Owen County, Indiana, USA
Title (Nobility)Sr.


SpouseMary Ann Evans (1814 - 1860)
SpouseElizabeth Vickery ( - )
SpouseMartha Parker ( - 1853)
ChildMoses Carter (1830 - 1903)
ChildDelitha Carter (1835 - )
ChildLively Carter (1837 - )
ChildJohn Carter Jr. (1839 - 1926)
FatherFinch Carter (1750 - 1823)
MotherSarah Gibson (1779 - 1815)
SiblingMoses Carter (1800 - )
SiblingHannah Carter (1801 - )
SiblingWilliam Carter (1804 - )
SiblingNancy Carter (1807 - )
SiblingHiram Carter (1815 - )
SiblingMorgan Gibson Carter ( - )
