Individual Details

Cleo K Wyant

(Dec 5, 1900 - Feb 26, 1985)

Obituary: Graveside Rites Wednesday for Cleo K Query, Age 84. Cleo K . Query, 8 4 years old, former resident of rural route 1, Cloverdale , died Tuesday, Februa ry 26, at the Tender Care Nursing Home in Danvi lle. She was born December 5, 19 00 in Clinton County, Indiana. Her pa rents were Charles Wyant and Katherine Da vis Wyant. Mrs. Query wa s a retired Registered Nurse. Her husband, Daniel 'Fr ed' Query prece ded her in death December 21, 1947. The Rev. Gary Schaar will o ffici ate at the graveside services at Cloverdale Cemetery at 4:00 p.m. Wedn esda y, February 27, and internment will follow. Arrangements are und er the directi on of the Whitaker Funeral Home in Cloverdale. BIOGRAP HY: She was first marr ied to a man named Green.


BirthDec 5, 1900Clinton County, Indiana
DeathFeb 26, 1985Danville, Hendricks County, Indiana
MarriageOwen County, Indiana, USA - Daniel Boone Webster Query
BurialCloverdale Cemetery, Cloverdale Township, Putnam County, Indiana


SpouseDaniel Boone Webster Query (1881 - 1947)
FatherCharles Wyant (1872 - )
MotherKatherine Davis (1870 - )