Individual Details

John Marady Lucas

(1793 - 1879)

Nickname:<NICK> Marady BIOGRAPHY: John Marady Lucas (1793-1879), w as a leading member of the New Union Baptist Church and donated lan d for its Carolina Cemet ery. With his family, he came to Morgan Towns hip, Owen County, Indiana from Mo ntgomery County, North Carolina in 1 833, entered land, and established a home. In the following two years , neighbors, though far apart, realized their need f or spiritual wors hip. Mr. Lucas and Jacob Beaman offered their homes for meetin g place s and in 1835 an organization known as "Little Flock Baptist Church" c am e into being. More settlers moved in: Beamans, Singletons, Haltoms , Hicks, Lang dons, and Randalls. They had all intermarried in North C arolina, so it was natu ral that they should settle in the same vicini ty, work and worship together. T he "Little Flock" grew until in Nove mber 1842 the group reorganized under the n ame of "New Union Baptis t Church". The ones who signed as charter members on th at memorable d ay of November 17, 1842 were: Jacob Beaman, Elijah Beaman, Marada Luc as, William Mason, Winna Beaman, Patsy Randall, Sary Beaman, Polly Bea man, Elizabeth Haltom, Rachel Hicks, Catherine Beaman, Rebecca Lucas , Wealthy Trent, Mary Beaman, Penelope Beaman, Sary Hicks, and Mary H altom. John and wife Rebe cca are buried at this church. John was al so the Sheriff of Owen County from 1 865 to 1869. Census: He is liste d in both the 1840 and 1860 census' of Morga n Township, Owen County , Indiana.


Birth1793North Carolina
MarriageOct 4, 1837Owen County, Indiana, USA - Rebecca Haltom
BurialCarolina Cemetery, Morgan Township, Owen County, Indiana


SpouseRebecca Haltom (1811 - 1852)
ChildCharlotte M Lucas (1838 - )
ChildNancy J Lucas (1841 - 1847)
ChildJohn H Lucas (1843 - 1927)
ChildMarinda J Lucas (1848 - )
