Individual Details

Melba Eloise Huber

(Jun 24, 1916 - Apr 17, 1987)

BIOGRAPHY: Melba was the author of "The Query's in America" that she p ut togeth er in the late 1970s and early 1980s. She penned these word s about herself: "S he and her husband lived on a farm just north of C loverdale, located on US 231 and South of I-70. She graduated from Ce ntral Normal College and taught school a few years. They are both me mber of the Church of Christ in Cloverdale...Aft er suffering a strok e in 1975, she has turned her talents to writing, having wr itten a hi story of the New Union (Carolina) Church and cemetery and the histor y of the 50 years activities of the Cloverdale Homemakers club. She i s correspo nding with 33 young men in Nigeria and Ghana in Africa, sen ding them lessons fr om the bible, correcting the returned ones, sendi ng the others and offering the m encouragement as part of the World Bi ble School." Obituary: Spencer Even ing World on Friday, April 17, 19 87 reads in part: "Mrs. Melba E. Haltom... (of ) Cloverdale...died ear ly today (Friday) at the Putnam County Hospital in Green castle follow ing an extended illness. Mrs. Haltom, retired school teacher, hou sew ife and active community member, was born June 24, 1916 in Putnam Coun ty, th e daughter of Alva Clinton Huber and Mahala McQuat Huber. On M ay 2, 1945 she m arried Chester K. Haltom and he survives. Mrs. Halto m is also survived by her father, Alva Clinton Huber and stepmother La ura Huber of Cloverdale, son Marvin Haltom of Cloverdale and sister-i n-law Mary Kennedy of Cloverdale. She was a m ember of the Cloverdal e Church of Christ. She was also a very active member of the Major Ab raham Owen Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, past Pre sid ent of the Putnam County Homemakers Club and past President of the Clo verdal e Homemakers Extension Club...burial will be in the Cloverdal e Cemetery."


BirthJun 24, 1916Putnam County, Indiana
MarriageMay 2, 1945Sullivan County, Indiana - Chester Kenneth Haltom
DeathApr 17, 1987Owen County, Indiana, USA
BurialCloverdale Cemetery, Cloverdale Township, Putnam County, Indiana


SpouseChester Kenneth Haltom (1913 - 1990)
ChildLiving Huber ( - )
FatherAlva Clinton Huber (1894 - )
MotherSelma Mahala McQuat (1894 - 1967)
