Individual Details

Andrew Evans Sr.

(Sep 28, 1759 - Dec 5, 1840)

Name Suffix:<NSFX> Sr. BIOGRAPHY: While residing in Washington Cou nty, Virgini a, Andrew enlisted in May 1780 and served two weeks a s a Private in Captain Wil liam Neil's Company, Colonel William Campbe ll's Virginia Regiment. Soon after this he served one week guardin g a Tory Captain. He enlisted again in July 178 0 (?) and served seve n weeks as a private in Captain Jacob Stephens's Company, Colonel Will iam Campbell's Virginia Regiment. Ten days later he enlisted again a nd served two months in Captain William Edmondson's Company in the sam e regim ent and was with John McCullough at the Battle of Kings Mounta in. Immediately after this, he enlisted again and served under Colone l Sevier (?) in a campaign against Cherokee Indians. Andrew and frie nd John McCullough apparently both m igrated through Pulaski County, K entucky to Indiana. His son David married Joh n's daughter Elizabet h in Pulaski County, Kentucky. The Evans' were active in the settlin g of Pulaski County, their names appear frequently as officers in t h e local militia and on road construction projects. Andrew's Will i s dated Sept . 25, 1837. There is a monument at Riverside Cemetery, W ashington Township, Ow en County, Indiana, that is titled "To Soldier s of The Revolution Monument". O n the south side of that monument, t he name of Andrew Evans of Wayne Township i s listed.


BirthSep 28, 1759Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
MarriageAbt, 1780Jonesboro, Washington County, Tennessee - Elizabeth Fain
Marriage1780/81Jonesboro, Washington County, Tennessee - Elizabeth Fain
DeathDec 5, 1840Owen County, Indiana, USA
Unknownthe Revolutionary War
Title (Nobility)Sr.
BurialAsher Cemetery, Owen County, Indiana
Event (I)the Revolutionary War


SpouseElizabeth Fain (1764 - 1850)
ChildDavid Evans (1783 - 1837)
ChildNathaniel Evans (1785 - )
ChildJesse Evans (1787 - 1875)
ChildJohn Fain Evans (1789 - )
ChildElizabeth Taylor Evans (1791 - 1837)
ChildNancy Evans (1793 - 1837)
ChildSamuel N Evans (1795 - 1875)
ChildAndrew Evans Jr. (1796 - 1863)
ChildMary Evans (1799 - 1871)
ChildWilliam Evans (1801 - )
ChildJames Evans (1803 - 1866)
ChildRachel Evans (1807 - 1885)
FatherDavid Evans ( - )
FatherDavid Evans ( - )
FatherDavid Evans ( - )
