Individual Details
(May 22, 1908 - )
In a phone conversation with Thomas Gardner Halfast 25 Ap r 2005 Tom s aid the German spelling of his family name wa s "Halbfaus". That fami ly left Hanover, Germany and saile d to America in the 1830's. As o f the above date, Tom ha s been unable to identify exactly when, wher e they departe d and disembarked, and on what ship that journey occurr ed . He believes they first settled somewhere in Pennsylvania.
Birth | May 22, 1908 | Mannington, W. VA, USA | | | |
Marriage | May 29, 1932 | Springdale, AR, USA - Thelma Irene Gardner | | | |
Burial | | Hominy, OK, USA | | | |
Death | | Del Rio, TX, USA | | | |