Individual Details

Austin Phelps

(1738 - )


Christen12 Jun 1743Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
MarriageAbt 1749Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut - Deborah Moore
MarriageAft 27 Oct 1768(of), Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut - Martha wife of Austin Phelps
DeathWindsor, Hartford, Connecticut


SpouseDeborah Moore (1745 - 1839)
SpouseMartha wife of Austin Phelps (1744 - 1821)
FatherJonathan Phelps (1682 - 1754)
MotherMartha Loomis (1704 - 1804)
SiblingMartha Phelps (1735 - 1821)
Sibling (son) Phelps (1732 - )
SiblingMartha Phelps I (1733 - 1733)
Sibling (son) Phelps (1734 - 1734)
Sibling (daughter) Phelps I (1738 - 1738)
Sibling (daughter) Phelps II (1740 - )
SiblingPhelps (1740 - )
Sibling (daughter) Phelps III (1741 - )
SiblingEunice Phelps (1742 - )
SiblingElizabeth Phelps (1744 - 1809)
SiblingMargaret Phelps (1747 - 1850)
SiblingJonathan Phelps Jr. (1731 - 1794)
SiblingAustin Phelps (1742 - )
SiblingJonathan Phelps (1730 - 1730)