Individual Details

Hannah Shaw

(9 Mar 1881 - 1 Oct 1977)

1910 Census
Union, Union, Oregon
George L. Huffman 35 Head
Hannah Huffman 28 Wife
Verl M. Huffman 8 - son
Leonard S. Huffman 6 - son
Kenneth S. Huffman 3 son
Mary E. Huffman 1 1/12 dau
Clarence Bienegaard 36 Servant

1930 Census
Union, Union, Oregon
Household members:
Mary L. Eaton 50 Head
Hannah Huffman 46 Sister
Gale Edwards 12 Nephew
Glena A. Edwards 6 Nephew

Huffman Funeral Monday

Six Little Girls Walk Beside Three Little Caskets

Union, Nov. 29 - Six little girls yesterday afternoon, walked beside thre e little caskets, containing the victims of the G. L. Huffman triple murd er and suicide near Prairie City last Wednesday. The little ones acted a s pallbearers for the children, while Woodmen of the World members acte d in like capacity for the body of Mr. Huffman. Despite the cold weathe r hundreds attended the funeral and saw the four caskets lowered, side b y side into on e large grave.
The funeral was one of the most pathetic ever held in Union. The service s were conducted by Rev. Mr Cullison, under the auspices of the Woodmen o f the World, and the Woodmen marched in a body preceding the hearse.
Much anxiety is felt for the widow and mother, whose condition is grave . She refuses to touch any food, and is being kept up only by the use o f strong stimulants. She keeps asking that they let her die also. The c ondition of Mrs. Huffman’s aged mother, Mrs. Shaw of this city, is also g rave from the shock.
Mrs Huffman has wealthy brothers and sisters, and the estate is estimate d to be considerable.


George Hoffman of Prairie City Tries to Exterminate His Family with Poiso n.
Three little babies and their father George Hoffman lie dead at Prairie C ity, Thanksgiving Day as the result of poison administered by the father . The particulars were not obtainable as their deaths occurred Wednesda y afternoon about three o’clock a few minutes before the Eagle went to pr ess. He lived on the Thomas ranch on Strawberry and was the father of fi ve children. Two of the children were at school and Mrs Huffman was abou t the house.
It is said that the poison administrated was cyanide of potassium and a s it’ s deadly effects act so quick there was no hope to save any of th e little ones when it was discovered that they were dying. Hoffman cam e to Prairie City last spring and settled on the Thomas ranch.

Articles from the Blue Mountain Eagle Newspaper
Canyon City, Grant County, Oregon
November 1915


Birth9 Mar 1881Oregon, United States
Death1 Oct 1977Oregon, United States
FamilySearch Id2MR5-4M7


FatherThomas Shaw (1841 - 1904)
MotherHelen Tunnoch (1849 - 1928)
SiblingJohn Thomas Shaw (1872 - )
SiblingNellie Frew Shaw (1875 - 1940)
SiblingEllen Frew Shaw (1875 - )
SiblingMary Laing Shaw (1876 - 1952)
SiblingThomas Farquhar Shaw (1879 - 1906)
SiblingAlexander L Shaw (1883 - 1942)
SiblingAgnes Shaw (1886 - 1924)
SiblingMargaret Shaw (1888 - 1955)
SiblingLena C Shaw (1889 - 1919)
SiblingRobert Stanley Shaw (1891 - 1970)