Individual Details

Elizabeth Aitken

(Abt 1789 - )

1841 Census ED 4 p.16 - Kilsyth Main Street
Elizabeth (widow) Aken 50
Robert Shaw 25

1851 Census ED 10 p.14 hhs 57 Kilsyth, Newtown
Margret Shaw 32 1819 Head b.Kilsyth Weaver
Mary Shaw 6 1845 dau b.Kilsyth
Elezabeth Shaw 3 1848 dau b.Kilsyth
John Shaw 1 1850 son b.Kilsyth
Elezabeth Stiken 62 1789 Mother-in-law b.Banockburn

1861 Census ED 10 page 13 Kirk Street
David Shaw Burns 28
Margreat Burns 41
Mary Burns 16
Walter Burns 7
James Bunker Burns 5
David Shaw Burns 1
Elizabeath Shaw 13

SHAW - created by Richard Leishman
This account of the Shaw family is based upon the recollections of Georg e and Mary Leishman, and their son, Ian Leishman and also a letter fro m Jean MacGowan. A copy of the certificate of marriage of Elizabeth Sha w and James Abercrombie was purchased from the Larbert Registry Office, w hich holds Kilsyth records prior to 1900. Entries in the Kilsyth paris h registers of births and proclamation of Banns were also consulted.

I. John Shaw
II. Robert Shaw
III. Elizabeth Shaw
IV. Mary Abercrombie
V. George Leishman
VI. Ian MacDonald Leishman
VII. Richard George Leishman
VIII. Mary Elizabeth Lillian Rose Leishman

I. - JOHN SHAW - John Shaw and Elizabeth Aitken prior to c1818, the y ear of the birth of their son, Robert.
John was dead by 1849, as according to the parish register for Kilsy th, his son Robert was buried before his father’s headstone.
In the 1851 Census Return for Kilsyth, Elizabeth Aitken (mother-in-l aw, wiodw, aged sixty-two, windor, pauper, born in Bannockburn, Stirling ) was recorded living with her widowed daughter-in-law, Margaret Shaw, a nd her three grandchildren in Newtown.
John and Elizabeth had at least one son:

1. Robert, of whom, see below:

II. ROBERT SHAW - Robert Shaw was born c. 1818.
In the register of Proclamation of Banns for the parish of Kilsyth , there is the following entry: November 23 1844 - Robert Shaw and Mar garet Bankier, both residing in this parish have given in their names i n order to proclamation of Banns - 3 Sabbaths.
Robert and Margaret had three children before Robert died at the ag e of only thirty-one. He died during an outbreak of Cholera in Kilsyth , which took a total of thirty-four lives during 1848/49. Robert Shaw di ed on 29 January 1849 in Kilsyth, Stirling, aged thirty-one and was burie d on 31 January 1849 in Kilsyth.
In the 1851 Census Return for Kilsyth, Margaret and her mother-in la w, Elizabeth Aitken were recorded caring for the three children. However , Margaret married David Shaw Burns on 13 Aug 1853 in Kilsyth and the 186 1 Census Return for Kilsyth indicates that two of the Shaw children wer e being cared for by he and Margaret, along with their three children; Wa lter Shaw Burns, James Bankier Burns and David Shaw Burns.
Margaret died on 12 October 1864 and by the time of the 1871 Censu s Return David had himself re-married with Janet Patrick. The family wer e recorded in the 1881 and 1891 Census Returns for Kilsyth and David an d Janet had a further five children; George, Isabella, Alexander, Willia m and Elizabeth.
Robert and Margaret’s children were:

1. Mary, daughter of Robert Shaw, (weaver, resident of Old Town, Kilsyth ) and Margaret Bankier his wife, who was born on 23 February 1845, and b aptised on 10 April.
In the 1851 Census Return for Kilsyth, Mary Shaw (daughter, un-marri ed, aged six years, scholar, born in Kilsyth) was recorded living with he r mother and Elizabeth Aitken, her grandmother in Newtown.
In the 1861 Census Return for Kilsyth, Mary Burns (daughter, un-marr ied, aged sixteen, cotton weaver, born in Kilsyth) was recorded living wi th her mother Margaret Burns, Step-Farther, David Shaw Burns at Kirk Stre et.
Mary Shaw married James Rowatt on 30 December 1864 in Kilsyth. Jame s was born in 1841 in Airdrie, Lanark.

2. Elizabeth Shaw, of whom, see below.

3. John, son of Robert Shaw, (weaver, resident of New Town, Kilsyth) an d Margaret Bankier his wife, who was born on 16 June 1849, and baptise d on 8 July.
In the 1851 Census Return for Kilsyth, John Shaw (son, un-married, a ged one year, born in Kilsyth) was recorded living with his mother and El izabeth Aitken, his grandmother, in Newtown.

III. - ELIZABETH SHAW - Elizabeth Aitken Shaw, daughter of Robert Sha w, (weaver, resident of Kingston) and Margaret Bankier his wife, who wa s born on 22 May 1847, and baptised in the parish of Kilsyth on 20 June.
On 29 Jan 1849, when Elizabeth was only twenty months old, her fathe r Robert Shaw, died of Cholera.
In the 1851 Census Return for Kilsyth, Elizabeth Shaw (daughter, un- married, aged three years, born in Kilsyth) was recorded living with he r widowed mother and Elizabeth Aitken, her grandmother, in Newtown.
On 13 August 1853, when was fiver years of age, Elizabeth’s mother , Margaret Shaw married David Shaw Burns
In the 1861 Census Return for Kilsyth, Elizabeth Shaw (daughter, un- married, aged thirteen, cotton weaver, born in Kilsyth) was recorded livi ng with her mother Margaret Burns, Step-Farther, David Shaw Burns at Kir k Street.
On 12 October 1864, Elizabeth’s mother, Margaret Burns died of consu mption after an illness of seven months.
Elizabeth Shaw (weaver, single, aged nineteen, resident of Newtown) , daughter of Robert Shaw (weaver, deceased) and Margaret Shaw nee Bankie r (deceased) married James Abercrombie (coal miner, single, aged twenty , resident of Parkfoot), son of Alexander Abercrombie (coal miner) and Je an Abercrombie nee Ross, at the Presbyterian Church, Kilsyth, on 31 Dece mber 1866. The marriage was witnessed by James Pollock and Peter Cleland .
Elizabeth and James had seven children: A males child, Margaret Ban kier, Alexander, Jean, Mary, Robert and James.
In the 1871 Census Return for Kilsyth, James Abercrombie (Head, coal miner, aged twenty-four, born in Kilsyth) and Elizabeth Abercrombie (wife , married, aged twenty-two, born in Kilsyth) were recorded living with th eir daughter Margaret at Shaw’s Proterty, Charles Street.
In the 1881 Census Return for Kilsyth, James Abercrombie (Head, iron stone miner, aged thirty-three, born in Kilsyth) and Elizabeth Shaw Aberc rombie (wife, miners wife, aged thrity-two, born in Kilsyth) were recorde d living with their five children and Robert Jaffrie (an agricultural wor ker who was lodging with them) at the Low Craigends, Kilsyth.
James Abercrombie (Ironstone Miner, thirty-five years of age, marrie d to Elizabeth Shaw), son of Alexander Abercrombie (Grocer) and Jean Aber crombie maiden name. Ross, died in an accident in No. 2 Pit Twechar, Kirk intilloch at 8.00 A. M. on 20 July 1881. The death was registered by Jam es’ father, Alex Abercrombie in Kirkintilloch on 22nd July (Extract of a n entry in a register of Deaths, Kirkintilloch). At this time Elizabet h was expecting the birth of her son, James, and also had five children u p to the age of twelve.
Elizabeth Abercrombie (her mark x, widow, aged thirty-nine, Low Crai gends), daughter of Robert Shaw (weaver, deceased) and Margaret Shaw ne e Bankier (deceased) married John Gray (coal miner, bachelor, aged twenty -five years, resident of High Craigends), son of James Gray (coal miner ) and Isabella Gray nee Paterson, after Banns according to the forms o f the Congregational Church at Kilsyth, on 2 September 1887. The marria ge was witnessed by Richard Lothian and Isabella Burns (Isabella Burns wa s the daughter of Elizabeth’s step-father and his second wife).
In the 1891 Census Return for Kilsyth, John Gray (head, married, age d twenty-seven, coalminer, employed, born in Stirling), Elizabeth (wife , married, aged forty-six, born in Kilsyth) and four of John’s stepchildr en were recorded living on the Low Craigends.
In the 1901 Census Return for Kilsyth, John Gray (head, married, age d forty, coalminer, employed, born in Stirling), Elizabeth (wife, married , aged fifty, born in Kilsyth), Elizabeth Gray (daughter, aged eight, sch olar, born in Kilsyth) and three of John’s step children (including Alexa nder Abercrombie who was actually a grandson of Elizabeth) were recorde d living on Criagknowe.
Elizabeth was a great support to her family. Alexander Abercrombi e (see 1901 Census Return above) was an illegitimate son of Jean Abercrom bie, and Elizabeth brought him up as her own. When her daughter, Mary Le ishman , was widowed in 1916, Elizabeth took her daughter and her three g randchildren, George, Elizabeth and Nan, into her home.
Elizabeth Gray (aged sixty-nine, married to first James Abercrombi e - coalminer, and second John Gray - coalminer), daughter of Robert Sha w (cotton weaver, deceased) and Margaret Shaw (MS Bankier, deceased) die d of chronic bronchitis and cardiac disease at 51 Low Craigends, Kilsyt h at 8.30 AM on 7 April 1917. Her death was reported by John Gray (widow ) at Kilsyth on 7 April 1917. (Extract of an entry in a register of Deat hs, Kilsyth).
Mary Leishman recalled that in her will she left her family quit e a lot of money.
Elizabeth and John Gray had one daughter

7. Elizabeth Gray, who was born c1893.
George Leishman recalled that at the time of his marriage with Eliza beth Abercrombie, Johnny already had a daughter, Lizzy. However, the 19 01 Census Return for Kilsyth indicates that Elizabeth was born c 1893, si x years after Elizabeth and Johnny were married.
In the 1901 Census Return for Kilsyth, Elizabeth Gray (daughter, age d eight, scholar) was recorded living with her parents at Craigknowe.
George Leishman recalled that Lizzy married and had two sons

Died of chronic bronchitis and cardiac disease at 51 Low Craigends, Kilsy th at 8:30 AM on 7 April 1917. Her death was reported by John Gray (wido w) at Kilsyth.(Extract of an entry in a register of Deaths, Kilsyth.
Mary Leishman recalled that in her will she left her family quite a lot o f money. Elizabeth & John Gray had one daughter.

DC 1917 Elizabeth Shaw Gray - Married
1st to James Abercrombie, Coal Miner
2nd to John Gray, Coal Miner
Died: 7 Apr 1917, Low Craigends, K., age 69
Parents: Robert Shaw, Cotton Weaver (dec)
& Margaret Shaw MS Bankier
Informant: John Gray, Widower

II. ROBERT SHAW - Robert Shaw was born c. 1818.
In the register of Proclamation of Banns for the parish of Kilsyth , there is the following entry: November 23 1844 - Robert Shaw and Mar garet Bankier, both residing in this parish have given in their names i n order to proclamation of Banns - 3 Sabbaths.
Robert and Margaret had three children before Robert died at the ag e of only thirty-one. He died during an outbreak of Cholera in Kilsyth , which took a total of thirty-four lives during 1848/49. Robert Shaw di ed on 29 January 1849 in Kilsyth, Stirling, aged thirty-one and was burie d on 31 January 1849 in Kilsyth.
In the 1851 Census Return for Kilsyth, Margaret and her mother-in la w, Elizabeth Aitken were recorded caring for the three children. However , Margaret married David Shaw Burns on 13 Aug 1853 in Kilsyth and the 186 1 Census Return for Kilsyth indicates that two of the Shaw children wer e being cared for by he and Margaret, along with their three children; Wa lter Shaw Burns, James Bankier Burns and David Shaw Burns.
Margaret died on 12 October 1864 and by the time of the 1871 Censu s Return David had himself re-married with Janet Patrick. The family wer e recorded in the 1881 and 1891 Census Returns for Kilsyth and David an d Janet had a further five children; George, Isabella, Alexander, Willia m and Elizabeth.
Robert and Margaret’s children were:

1. Mary, daughter of Robert Shaw, (weaver, resident of Old Town, Kilsyth ) and Margaret Bankier his wife, who was born on 23 February 1845, and b aptised on 10 April.
In the 1851 Census Return for Kilsyth, Mary Shaw (daughter, un-marri ed, aged six years, scholar, born in Kilsyth) was recorded living with he r mother and Elizabeth Aitken, her grandmother in Newtown.
In the 1861 Census Return for Kilsyth, Mary Burns (daughter, un-marr ied, aged sixteen, cotton weaver, born in Kilsyth) was recorded living wi th her mother Margaret Burns, Step-Farther, David Shaw Burns at Kirk Stre et.
Mary Shaw married James Rowatt on 30 December 1864 in Kilsyth. Jame s was born in 1841 in Airdrie, Lanark.

III. - ELIZABETH SHAW - Elizabeth Aitken Shaw, daughter of Robert Sha w, (weaver, resident of Kingston) and Margaret Bankier his wife, who wa s born on 22 May 1847, and baptised in the parish of Kilsyth on 20 June.
On 29 Jan 1849, when Elizabeth was only twenty months old, her fathe r Robert Shaw, died of Cholera.
In the 1851 Census Return for Kilsyth, Elizabeth Shaw (daughter, un- married, aged three years, born in Kilsyth) was recorded living with he r widowed mother and Elizabeth Aitken, her grandmother, in Newtown.
On 13 August 1853, when was fiver years of age, Elizabeth����������� ��������������s mother, Margaret Shaw married David Shaw Burns
In the 1861 Census Return for Kilsyth, Elizabeth Shaw (daughter, un- married, aged thirteen, cotton weaver, born in Kilsyth) was recorded livi ng with her mother Margaret Burns, Step-Farther, David Shaw Burns at Kir k Street.
On 12 October 1864, Elizabeth’s mother, Margaret Burns died of consu mption after an illness of seven months.
Elizabeth Shaw (weaver, single, aged nineteen, resident of Newtown) , daughter of Robert Shaw (weaver, deceased) and Margaret Shaw nee Bankie r (deceased) married James Abercrombie (coal miner, single, aged twenty , resident of Parkfoot), son of Alexander Abercrombie (coal miner) and Je an Abercrombie nee Ross, at the Presbyterian Church, Kilsyth, on 31 Dece mber 1866. The marriage was witnessed by James Pollock and Peter Cleland .
Elizabeth and James had seven children: A males child, Margaret Ban kier, Alexander, Jean, Mary, Robert and James.
In the 1871 Census Return for Kilsyth, James Abercrombie (Head, coal miner, aged twenty-four, born in Kilsyth) and Elizabeth Abercrombie (wife , married, aged twenty-two, born in Kilsyth) were recorded living with th eir daughter Margaret at Shaw’s Proterty, Charles Street.
In the 1881 Census Return for Kilsyth, James Abercrombie (Head, iron stone miner, aged thirty-three, born in Kilsyth) and Elizabeth Shaw Aberc rombie (wife, miners wife, aged thrity-two, born in Kilsyth) were recorde d living with their five children and Robert Jaffrie (an agricultural wor ker who was lodging with them) at the Low Craigends, Kilsyth.
James Abercrombie (Ironstone Miner, thirty-five years of age, marrie d to Elizabeth Shaw), son of Alexander Abercrombie (Grocer) and Jean Aber crombie maiden name. Ross, died in an accident in No. 2 Pit Twechar, Kirk intilloch at 8.00 A. M. on 20 July 1881. The death was registered by Jam es’ father, Alex Abercrombie in Kirkintilloch on 22nd July (Extract of a n entry in a register of Deaths, Kirkintilloch). At this time Elizabet h was expecting the birth of her son, James, and also had five children u p to the age of twelve.
Elizabeth Abercrombie (her mark x, widow, aged thirty-nine, Low Crai gends), daughter of Robert Shaw (weaver, deceased) and Margaret Shaw ne e Bankier (deceased) married John Gray (coal miner, bachelor, aged twenty -five years, resident of High Craigends), son of James Gray (coal miner ) and Isabella Gray nee Paterson, after Banns according to the forms o f the Congregational Church at Kilsyth, on 2 September 1887. The marria ge was witnessed by Richard Lothian and Isabella Burns (Isabella Burns wa s the daughter of Elizabeth’s step-father and his second wife).
In the 1891 Census Return for Kilsyth, John Gray (head, married, age d twenty-seven, coalminer, employed, born in Stirling), Elizabeth (wife , married, aged forty-six, born in Kilsyth) and four of John’s stepchildr en were recorded living on the Low Craigends.
In the 1901 Census Return for Kilsyth, John Gray (head, married, age d forty, coalminer, employed, born in Stirling), Elizabeth (wife, married , aged fifty, born in Kilsyth), Elizabeth Gray (daughter, aged eight, sch olar, born in Kilsyth) and three of John’s step children (including Alexa nder Abercrombie who was actually a grandson of Elizabeth) were recorde d living on Criagknowe.
Elizabeth was a great support to her family. Alexander Abercrombi e (see 1901 Census Return above) was an illegitimate son of Jean Abercrom bie, and Elizabeth brought him up as her own. When her daughter, Mary Le ishman , was widowed in 1916, Elizabeth took her daughter and her three g randchildren, George, Elizabeth and Nan, into her home.
Elizabeth Gray (aged sixty-nine, married to first James Abercrombi e - coalminer, and second John Gray - coalminer), daughter of Robert Sha w (cotton weaver, deceased) and Margaret Shaw (MS Bankier, deceased) die d of chronic bronchitis and cardiac disease at 51 Low Craigends, Kilsyt h at 8.30 AM on 7 April 1917. Her death was reported by John Gray (widow ) at Kilsyth on 7 April 1917. (Extract of an entry in a register of Deat hs, Kilsyth).
Mary Leishman recalled that in her will she left her family quit e a lot of money.
Elizabeth and John Gray had one daughter

7. Elizabeth Gray, who was born c1893.
George Leishman recalled that at the time of his marriage with Eliza beth Abercrombie, Johnny already had a daughter, Lizzy. However, the 19 01 Census Return for Kilsyth indicates that Elizabeth was born c 1893, si x years after Elizabeth and Johnny were married.
In the 1901 Census Return for Kilsyth, Elizabeth Gray (daughter, age d eight, scholar) was recorded living with her parents at Craigknowe.
George Leishman recalled that Lizzy married and had two sons

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Bannockburn, Stirlingshire, Scotland.


BirthAbt 1789Bannockburn, Stirling, Scotland
Marriage24 Apr 1813Kilsyth, Stirling, Scotland - John Shaw
Description1851 Census ED 10 page 14 line 9
Ancestral File Number51ED101409N
Reference NoNew Town


SpouseJohn Shaw (1791 - )
ChildElizabeth Shaw (1814 - 1880)
ChildRobert Shaw (1816 - 1849)