Individual Details

Alexander Anderson

(21 Nov 1850 - 4 Nov 1928)

MR 1878 #40 Kilsyth
Marriage: 18 October 1878 at Low Craigends, Kilsyth
for: Alexander Anderson, ironstone miner, s, 26, Kilsyth
and: Agnes McInnes, cotton weaver, s, 26, Kilsyth
P: William Anderson, cotton weaver & Mary ms Barrie
P: James McInnes, cotton weaver, dec & Isabella ms Shaw, dec
Signed: George Parker, Wesleyan Minister
W: John Anderson & Elisabeth Black

James McINNES b. 9 Jul 1825 Kilsyth, Stirlingshire, Scotland; chr. 24 Au g 1825 Kilsyth, Stirling, Scotland; m 29 Aug 1846 Kilsyth, Stirling, Scot land to Isabella SHAW b. …
B#: C114839
“James McINNES - Christening: 24 AUG 1825 Kilsyth, Stirling, Scotland. Pa rents: Alexander McINNES and Agnes BARRIE”
1841 Scotland Census – Kilsyth Stirlingshire; Address: Burnside [Transcri bed printout via – Oct 2009]
“James McKINNS, (15) b. Stirlingshire, Scotland” [b. ~1826]
Living with Parents: “Alex McKINNIS (35) cotton HLW” and “Agnes McKINNI S (35)” along with five siblings.
Scotland, Select Marriages, 1561-1910 [ at 21 Mar 2016]
“James Mackinnis - Gender: male; marriage date: 29 Aug 1846; Marriage pla ce: Kilsyth, Stirling, Scotland; Spouse: Isabel SHAW; FHL film number: 10 41950, 1041951”
1851 Scotland Census – Possible match ?? [No Matching IGI records foun d – age of child possibly out. Could be 3?)
Kilsyth, Stirlingshire; Address: Charles Street [Two slightly different e ntries shown for same household]
James McINNES (24) head, mar Weaver b. Kilsyth, Stirlingshire [b. ~1827]
Isabella McINNIS (25) wife, mar Tambourer / Tan Bouser b. Kilsyth, Stirli ngshire [b. ~1826]
Isabell McINNES (8) daughter b. Kilsyth Stirlingshire [b. ~ 1843]
1861 Scotland Census – Not yet identified.
Both James and Isabella died prior to 1878, as they are both recorded a s deceased on their daughter Agnes’ 1878 marriage record.
Known child of James and Isabella McINNES:
1. Agnes McINNES b. 24 May 1851 Kilsyth, Stirlingshire, Scotland; d. No v 1931 at 63 South street, South Fremantle, WA, Australia; Burial: Freman tle Cemetery, Fremantle, WA, Australia m 18 Oct 1878 Low Craigends, Kilsy th, Stirlingshire, Scotland to Alexander (Alex) ANDERSON b. 21 Nov 1850 K ilsyth, Stirlingshire, Scotland; d. 4 Nov 1929 at 63 South street, Sout h Fremantle, WA, Australia; Burial: Fremantle, WA, Australia
Alexander ANDERSON was the son of William ANDERSON (cotton weaver) and Ma ry nee BARRIE of Kilsyth.
Alexander and Agnes McINNES were married on 18 October 1878 at Low Craige nds in Kilsyth.
1878 Marriage record [Via John Shaw – 3 Apr 2016]
[Page 20] 1878 Marriages in the Parish of Kilsyth in the county of Stirli ng
No: 40
When, Where and How married: 1878 on the eighteenth day of October at Lo w Craigends, Kilsyth after banns according to the Forms of the Wesleyan C hurch
Signature of parties: Alexander ANDERSON Agnes McINNES
Occupation: Ironstone miner Cotton weaver
Marital Status: Single single
Age: 26 26
Usual residence: Kilsyth Kilsyth
Father’s name: William ANDERSON James McINNES
Father’s profession: Cotton weaver Cotton Weaver (dec)
Mother: Mary ANDERSON M.S BARRIE Isabella McINNES M.S. SHAW (dec)
Officiating minister: George Parker – Wesleyan Minister
Witness: John ANDERSON – witness; Elizabeth BLACK – witness
When & Where registered: 1878 October 21 at Kilsyth
Signature of registrar: John M. Reid
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Anderson Alex; 21 Nov 1850; Kilsyth,DNB; William Anderson/Mary Barrie; Ag nes McInnes; Low Craig En; LKS; 18 Oct 1878; 199
McInnes Agnes; 24 May 1851; James McInnes/Isabella Shaw; Alex Anderson; L ow Craig En LKS; 18 Oct 1878; 199
1881 Scotland Census
Registration District: Kilsyth; Civil Parish: Kilsyth; Town: Kilsyth; Cou nty: Stirlingshire; Address: Low Craigends
Alexr ANDERSON (29) Head Iron Stone Miner b. Kilsyth, Stirling [b. ~ 1852 ]
Agnes ANDRSON (29) Wife Miners Wife b. Kilsyth, Stirling [b. ~ 1852]
William ANDERSON (1) Son b. Kilsyth, Stirling [b. ~ 1880]
Alexander (36) and Agnes (35) McINNES immigrated to Western Australia i n 1886 on the ship Oriana with four young children; William (~7), Agnes B arrie (~5), James McInnes (~ 3) and Alexander (~ 1)
They lived at Coogee, South Freemantle for many years where Alexander wa s a gardener and established a large family business. They later lived i n Fremantle.
Sunday Times (Perth, WA: 1902 – 1954) – Sun 4 Nov 1928 [Trove – 15 Mar 20 16]
“Late Social Notes. The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs Alexander Anderson , was celebrated in the Rockingham Hall South, Coogee, on October 17. Com ing from Scotland over 40 years ago, they settled at Coogee, about nine m iles from Fremantle, remaining on their original block until seven year s ago, making, with the assistance of their sons, one: of the most succes sful gardens in the metropolitan district. The work is still carried on b y the sons. The wedding breakfast was attended by 35 descendants, includi ng sons, daughters, and grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson now reside a t 63 South-street, Fremantle.”
The Daily News (Perth, WA: 1882 – 1950) – Sat 10 Nov 1928 [Trove – 15 Ma r 2016]
Mr. Alexander Anderson, who was a pioneer settler of the Coogee district , passed away at his residence, 63 South street, South Fremantle, on Nove mber 4. Mr. Anderson, who was 77 years of age was born at Kilsyth, Scotla nd.
Forty-two years ago he arrived in this State in the barque Oriana and too k up land in the Coogee district. He was engaged in farming pursuits in t hat district until he retired about twelve years ago. The deceased wa s a foundation member, of the Coogee Methodist Church, and for the past e ight years was senior circuit steward of the South Fremantle Church. He h ad been one of the most regular attendants and workers in the interests o f the Methodist Church during his residence in Western Australia, and o n many occasions had assisted by taking services. He was also an old memb er of the Order of the Sons of Temperance. For a few months about 37 year s ago he was in charge of a tin ore prospecting syndicate at Greenbushes . On October 18 last Mr. and Mrs. Anderson had the distinction of celebra ting their golden wedding at which 35 of their descendants were present . The late Mr. Anderson was one of the most highly respected residents o f the district, and was affectionately regarded by a large circle of frie nds. A widow and a family of four sons, two daughters, 15 grandchildren a nd three great-grandchildren survive him.
On Monday afternoon November 5 after a brief service, the funeral corteg e moved from the above residence and proceeded to the Fremantle Cemetery , where the remains were interred in the Methodist portion. The Rev. C.A . Jenkins, assisted by Rev. A. Schroeder and Missioner W. Cuthbertson, of ficiated at the graveside, in the presence of a large gathering. Mr. Jenk ins, in the course of a brief address, referred to the kindly nature an d sterling qualities of the deceased.
The chief mourners were Mrs. A. Anderson (wife), Messrs. William, James , Alex, and John . Anderson (sons), Mesdames M. Love and W. Roach (daught ers), A., J., W., and J. Anderson (daughters-in-law), Messrs. M. Love an d W. Roach (sons-in-law), the Misses H. Whitham, A., R., S., and N. Ander son and D. Roach) granddaughters), Messrs. A., James, John and W. Anderso n, A. Whitham and W. Roach (nephews), and Mr. W. Taylor (cousin).
The pall-bearers were Mr. W. Watson, M.H.R., Messrs. J. Cooke and j . T I Cannon (South Fremantle Methodist
Church), H. J. Locke (Central Mission), C. J. Winter (Order of Sons of Te mperance), C. Trebley, C. M. Purdie, and
J. Glencross.
A large number of handsome wreaths were placed on the gravel and numerou s communications of sympathy have been received by the bereaved, relative s. The funeral arrangements were in the hands of Messrs. Arthur E. Davie s and Co., of Fremantle and Claremont.
The Western Australia (Perth, WA: 1879 – 1954) Thu 26 Nov 1931
FUNERAL - The Late Mrs. Agnes ANDERSON.
Mrs Agnes Anderson, widow of the late Mr. Alexander Anderson, of Coogee , died at her residence, 63 Sooth-street, Fremantle on Monday last, at th e age of 80 years. Mrs. Anderson was born at Kilsyth, Scotland, and cam e to Western Australia with her husband and four children in the sailin g ship Oriana in 1886, and lived at Fremantle and Coogee. Her husband pre deceased her three years ago. She was a keen supporter of the Fremantle M ethodist Church and one of the founders of the Methodist Church at Coogee . Mrs. Anderson was particularly interested in foreign missions and orpha nages, for which she did a great deal of practical work and her many dona tions for Charitable objects were anonymous. She leaves four sons, two da ughters, 16 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
The funeral took place yesterday in the Methodist portion of the Fremantl e Cemetery, in the presence of a large gathering. The Rev. C. A. Jenkin s officiated at the graveside and was assisted, by the Bight Bev. A. E. B rice, Moderator-General of the
McINNES – Agnes & Alexander ANDERSON Michele 3 Gregg 2016
Presbyterian Church in Western Australia, and the Bev. J. C. Lund.. Mr. J enkins, in a brief address, referred to the sterling qualities of the dec eased and extended sympathy to the bereaved family. The chief mourners we re Messrs. William, James, Alexander and John Anderson (sons), Mesdames . M. Love and W Roach (daughters), Messrs. M. Love and W. Roach (sons-in- law). Mesdames W., J., A and J. Anderson (daughters-in-law), Messrs. J. A rthur, William and Alex Anderson, W. Roach and Alex Whitham (grandsons) , Mrs. A. Richardson and the Misses Nellie, Agnes and Stella Anderson, gr anddaughters.
The pall-bearers were Messrs. Alex McCallum. M.L.A.. C. M. Purdie, J. Coo ke. A. Hines, Frank Simper. R. Willis, P. V. Carr, A. Newman, J. T. Canno n. C. Trebley, R. Sawle and L. Hicks.
Among those present were representatives of the Fremantle Toe H. the Meth odist Church, Protestant Unity League
and the Coogee Agricultural Society. Numerous floral tributes were place d on the- grave and the bereaved relatives have received widespread expre ssions of sympathy. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Arthur e . Davies and Company.
Children of Alexander and Agnes ANDERSON:
1. William (Wally) ANDERSON b. ~1979 Kilsyth, Stirlingshire, Scotland; d . 6 Sep 1960 Fremantle, SA, Australia ; Burial: Fremantle Cemetery, WA, A ustralia m 1907 Subiaco, Perth, WA, Australia to Edith Amy (Amy) GLENCROS S b. ~1883 Carlton, Victoria, Australia; d. 13 Dec 1954 Beaconsfield, Fre mantle, WA, Australia; Burial: Fremantle Cemetery, WA, Australia
Headstone inscription: In loving Memory of Edith Amy Beloved wife of Will iam (Wally) Loved mother of Arthur, Nell, Bill, Alex, Colin & Bess. Passe d away 13th Dec 1954. Aged 70 years. Also Her loved husband W. (Wally) Pa ssed away 6th Sep 1960. Aged 81 years. Forever with the Lord
1. Arthur Alexander James ANDERSON b. 29 Nov 1908 South Fremantle, WA, Au stralia; d. 1 Dec 1993 Fremantle, WA, Australia m 1939 Fremantle, WA, Aus tralia to Doris Winifred (Dot) ALLEN b. 29 Jan 1915 Menzies, Western Aust ralia, Australia; d. 4 Jun 1972 Fremantle, WA, Australia
2. Eleanor McInnes (Nell) ANDERSON b. 1913; WA, Australia; d. 18 Mar 198 6 Fremantle, WA, Australia; Burial: Fremantle Cemetery, WA, Australia
Headstone inscription: “Eleanor (Nell) ANDERSON, Daughter of the above, D ied 18-3-86, Aged 73, Loving memories”
3. William Leslie (Bill) ANDERSON b. 1914 South Fremantle, WA, Australia ; d. 1991 Fremantle, WA, Australia; m Florence (Florrie) OWEN
1. Judith (Judy) ANDERSON
2. Suzanne ANDERSON
4. Alexander Albert (Alex) ANDERSON b. ~1915 South Fremantle, WA, Austral ia; d. 6 Sep 1984 Spearwood, WA, Australia; m Peggy Winifred UNKNOWN b . ~ 1918; d. 20 Aug 1992 Yangebup, WA, Australia
5. Colin ANDRSON b. 8 Dec 1919 WA, Australia; d. 19 Oct 2008 Spearwood, W A, Australia; m Edith Margaret (Peg) CAINE b. 25 Aug 1920 Swan, WA, Austr alia; d. 25 Jun 1995 Spearwood, WA, Australia
1. Cheryl Margaret ANDERSON b. 27 Oct 1944 East Fremantle, WA, Australia
2. Terence Colin ANDERSON b. 19 Nov 1947 Fremantle, WA, Australia
6. Bessie Holroyd (Bess) ANDERSON b. ~1925 South Fremantle, WA, Australia ; …; m 21 Dec 1950 Melbourne, VIC, Australia to Sydney Daniel (Syd) MATTH EWS b. 23 Dec 1921 Flemington, VIC, Australia
1. Ian Geoffrey MATTHEWS
2. Agnes Barrie ANDERSON b. 1881 Kilsyth, Stirlingshire, Scotland; d. 195 9 Applecross, Perth, WA, Australia; m(1) 1901 Fremantle, WA, Australia t o Frank Richards WHITHAM b. 20 Aug 1876 Penwortham, SA, Australia; d. 1 0 Nov 1935 Bassendean, Perth, WA, Australia; m2 Matthew LOVE b. ~ 1880; d . 1959 Melville, Perth, WA, Australia
1. Isabel Agnes (Bella) WHITHAM b. 1902 Fremantle, WA, Australia; d. 27 S ep 1987 Banbury, WA, Australia [?]; m 1924 Fremantle, WA, Australia to Ro bert HUTCHISON / HUTCHINSON [b. 24 Aug 1899 Perth, WA, d. 1958 Wellington , WA, Australia] ?
1. Jean HUTCHISON b. …
2. Marjorie HUTCHISON b. …
3. John Richards HUTCHISON b. 1927
4. Geoff HUTCHISON b. 1928
2. Hazel Jean WHTHAM b. 1908 Fremantle, WA, Australia; d. 26 Sep 1986 Wil leton, WA, Australia m 1930 Fremantle, WA, Australia to Allan William Egl inton RICHARDSON 28 Jun 1901 Coolgardie, WA, Australia; d. 15 Dec 1995 Pe rth, WA, Australia
1. Leon Barrie RICHARDSON (female) b. 9 Nov 1935 Thornlea, South Perth, W A, Australia
3. Alexander Lawrence Anderson (Alex) WHTHAM b. 1910 Fremantle, WA, Austr alia; (m1) 9 Sep 1937 to Ruth Eulalie (Lally) LYSAGHT b. …
McINNES – Agnes & Alexander ANDERSON Michele 4 Gregg 2016
3. James McInnes ANDERSON b. 1883 Kilsyth, Stirlingshire, Scotland; d. 3 0 Sep 1957 Clearmont, Perth, WA, Australia; Burial: Fremantle Cemetery, W A, Australia; m 29 Feb 1908 Fremantle, WA, Australia to Catherine BARTO N b. ~1878 …..; d. 1 Nov 1960 Fremantle, WA, Australia; Burial: Fremantl e Cemetery, WA, Australia
1. Agnes McInnes ANDERSON b. 1909 Fremantle, WA, Australia; d. 1998 Nedla nds, Perth, WA, Australia
Agnes never married. She died at age 90.
Metropolitan cemeteries board: “ANDERSON, Agnes McInnes; age 90 years; Ye ar of death: 1998; Suburb: Nedlands [b. ~ 1908]”
2. Emma Rotha McInnes (Rotha) ANDERSON b. ~1915; m; d. 15 Feb 2003 …; m 1 939 Fremantle, WA, Australia to Charles LENANTON b. …
3. Charles ANDERSON
4. Alexander (Alex) ANDERSON b. 1885 ... ; d. 27 Dec 1966 Frema ntle, WA, Australia; Burial: East Rockingham Cemetery, Rockingham, WA, Au stralia; m 15 Mar 1911 Wellington, New Zealand to Margaret McINNES b. 3 0 Jul 1885 Wellington, NZ; d. 30 Dec 1965 WA, Australia; Burial: East Roc kingham Cemetery, Rockingham, WA, Australia
Margaret McINNES was the daughter of John McINNES and Christina PATRICK w ho emigrated from Kilsyth Scotland to Wellington, New Zealand in 1879.
Children of Alexander and Margaret ANDERSON:
1. James Clifford (Jim) ANDERSON b. 29 May 1912 Wellington New Zealand; d . 24 Jun 1993 ... WA, Australia; Burial: East Rockingham Cemetery, Rockin gham, WA, Australia; m 1934 ... WA, Australia to Emily Alberta GREENHAM b . 5 Jan 1912 ....; d. 5 Jan 1996... WA, Australia; Burial: East Rockingha m Cemetery, Rockingham, WA, Australia
Children of James and Emily ANDERSON: (based on headstone information)
1. Robert Clifford ANDERSON b. ...; m Kathleen UNKNOWN b. ...
2. Donald Edward ANDERSON b. ... m Rhonda Lesley UNKNOWN b. ... (check)
3. Shirley ANDERSON b. ...
4. Janice ANDERSON b. ...
2. Alexander John (Jack) ANDERSON b. 1916 ....; d. 23 Jan 2009 ... WA, Au stralia; m(1) 1936 Fremantle, WA, Australia to Agnes Veronica (Pansy) DEE BLE b. 12 Jul 1910 Boulder, WA, Australia; d. 26 Sep 1977 South Coogee, F remantle, WA, Australia
Pansy’s parents were Ernest and Agnes Jane DEEBLE. Her stepfather was .Jo hn GOSCH.
Children of Jack and Pansy ANDERSON:
1. Allan John ANDERSON b. 11 Aug 1936 Hillcrest, North Fremantle, WA, Aus tralia; d. 1977 South Coogee, WA, Australia m ? Carol Hetty ....??
2. Wallace (Wal) ANDERSON b. ...
3. Ronald (Ron) ANDERSON b. ...
4. John Edward ANDERSON b. ~ likely after 1942
5. John McINNES ANDERSON b. 1887 Fremantle, WA, Australia; d. 9 Dec 194 2 Beaconsfield, Perth, WA, Australia; Burial: Fremantle Cemetery, Fremant le, WA, Australia ; m 1915 Fremantle, WA, Australia to Eunice Frances WAT ERHOUSE b. 1895 Fremantle; WA, Australia; d. 25 Apr 1989 WA, Australia; B urial: Fremantle Cemetery, Fremantle, WA, Australia
Child of John & Eunice ANDERSON: (Only child)
1. Eunice Stella McInnes (Stella) ANDERSON b. 14 Dec 1916 Fremantle, WA , Australia; d. 13 Dec 2003 ….; Burial: Fremantle Cemetery, Fremantle, WA , Australia; m(1) 2 Nov 1940 Fremantle, WA, Australia; Malcolm BRADSHAW b . 1915 Boulder, WA, Australia; d. 8 Mar 1943 Gasmata, New Britain, Papu a New Guinea [R.A.A.F ]; Memorial: Rabaul Memorial Panel 34., Papua New G uinea.; m(2) ~ 1948 to Robert Alexander McKIMME b. 1921 Australia; d. 196 0 Caulfield, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; m(3) …. to ...[Thomas?].. OW EN
6. Mary Barrie ANDERSON b. ~ 1890 Fremantle, WA, Australia; d. 1968 Apple cross, Perth, WA, Australia; Burial: Fremantle Cemetery, WA, Australi a m 1912 Fremantle, WA, Australia to William Henry ROACH b. ~ 1885 …; d . 21 Jan 1946 South Fremantle, WA, Australia; Burial: Fremantle Cemetery , WA, Australia
1. Dorothy Agnes ROACH b. 1917 WA, Australia; d. Oct 2004 WA, Australia ; Burial: Fremantle Cemetery, WA, Australia; m 5 Jul 1945 WA, Australia t o Howard Auber HURREN b. 1918 ….; d. 17 Nov 1968, WA, Australia; Burial : Fremantle Cemetery, WA, Australia
1. Howard William HURREN b. 1948 ...; d. 10 Jul 2005 WA, Australia; Buria l: Fremantle Cemetery, WA, Australia
2. William Alexander (Billy) ROACH b. ~1922 WA, Australia; d. 8 Jun 1944( R.A.F); Memorial: Runnymede Memorial, Surrey, England, UK; m 28 Sep 194 0 Fremantle, WA, Australia to Mignon Elizabeth WINCH b. 1918 East Coolgar die, WA, Australia; d. 11 Jul 1995 Fremantle, WA, Australia; Burial: Frem antle Cemetery
(m2) of Mignon in .... to Eric William KENNEDY b. ~ 1913 ...; d. 29 Jun 1 989 Fremantle, WA, Australia; Burial: Fremantle Cemetery
1. Lee Mignon ROACH (female) b. 29 Jul 1943 South Perth, WA, Australia; m ? <1965> to Colin Charles AINSWORTH


Birth21 Nov 1850Kilsyth, Stirlingshire, Scotland
Christen22 Dec 1850Kilsyth, Stirling, Scotland
Marriage18 Oct 1878Kilsyth, Stirlingshire, Scotland - Agnes McInnes
Death4 Nov 1928South Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia


SpouseAgnes McInnes (1851 - 1931)
ChildWilliam Anderson (1880 - 1960)
ChildAgnes Barrie Anderson (1881 - 1959)
ChildJames McInnes Anderson (1883 - 1957)
ChildAlexander Anderson (1885 - 1966)
ChildJohn McInnes Anderson (1887 - 1942)
ChildMary Barrie Anderson (1890 - 1968)
FatherWilliam "Walter" Anderson (1821 - )
MotherMary Barrie (1824 - 1895)
SiblingWilliam Anderson (1845 - 1900)
SiblingMargaret Anderson ( - )
SiblingGilbert Anderson (1849 - )
SiblingJames Anderson (1852 - )
SiblingJohn Anderson (1854 - 1910)
SiblingRobert Anderson (1855 - )
SiblingAndrew Anderson (1857 - 1880)
SiblingDavid Anderson (1859 - 1859)
SiblingDavid Anderson (1861 - 1876)
SiblingMary Anderson (1864 - )
SiblingThomas Anderson (1866 - 1869)
SiblingJeanie Anderson (1870 - 1898)