Individual Details

Alfred William Ashmall

(1845 - 13 Dec 1908)

DR 1908 #357 Kirkintilloch
for: Alfred William Ashmall, actor, m.Annie Duckenfield
died: 13 Dec 1908 in Forth & Clyde Canal at Twechar
usual res.: 47 Barrhill Rows,Kirkintilloch, age 63
P: Alfred William Ashmall, Chemist and Druggist
& Marth ms Large, both decesased
I: Geo. A. Ashmall, son, 47 Barrhill Rows, Kirkintilloch

Hi Derek,
Its the same family but different generations as follows;

The George Ashmall who married Lizzie White was born George Alfred Ashmal l ( after his father) on 26/8/1900 at Twechar Rows Kirkintilloch he wa s the son of George Ashmall, coal miner and Sarah Menzies who married 189 9 Dec 30th, George the father registered the birth at Kirkintilloch on se pt 10th as per gros data Birth 498/00 0311

George Alfred Ashmall, general labourer who was married to Sarah Menzie s died on the 24/3/1933 at 140 Barrhill Rows Twechar age 59 of carcinom a of the stomach and registering the death was son Joseph Ashmall. the de ceased George was the son of Alfred William Ashmall, actor and Annie Duck enfield both decd at the time of George Alfreds death as per gros data 49 8/00 0080 Death

Alfred William Ashmall, actor who was married to Annie Duckenfield died o n 13/12/1908 in the Forth and Clyde Canal, usual residence was 47 Barrhil l Rows Kirkintilloch he was 63 when he died making his birth around 1845.
He was the son of Alfred William Ashmall chemist and druggist and Marth a Large both decd at tiime of his death which was registered by Geo . A . Ashmall, son, of 47 Barrhill Rows Kirkintilloch, registered on 15t h Dec 1908at Kirkintilloch as per gros data 498/00 0357 Death

This gives you a total of 4 generations of the Ashmall family from the Ge orge Alfred who married lizzie, his father George Alfred, and grandfathe r and great grandfather both by the name of Alfred William Ashmall
Anne x

John, there is a lady called Lisa Kruse from Michigan who has a tree on a ncestry. It relates to our George Ashmall. But then it has differing inf o from what is on our marriage certificate of george ashmall and lizzie w hite.
[9/1/2013 10:03:41 AM] Derek Sneddon: Our certificate lists his parents a s being george ashmall and sarah menzies.Age 28 when married making him b orn about 1901. Lisa Kruse has a George Ashmall born 1873 Wishaw, Lanarks hire. But his parents are A.W. Ashmall and Sarah Ann Duckenfield.
[9/1/2013 10:05:19 AM] Derek Sneddon: Now here is the coincidence. Her Ge orge Ashmall died at 140 Barrhill Rows, Twechar in 1933. That's where ou r George was residing where he married in 1929. Weird?

MR 1900 #11 Kilsyth (actually Dec 1899)
for: George Ashmall, cm,bac,26, 8 Finlay St.,Kilsyth
and: Sarah Menzies, hse kpr,widow, 28, 24 Tweechar Rows
m. 30 Dec 1899, The Manse, Kilsyth
P: George Alfed Ashmall, actor & Annie ms Duckenfield
P: William Menzies, Fireman?,dec & Sarah ms Gilmour,dec

DR 1933 #80 Kirkintilloch
for: George Alred Ashmall, gen lab
m. to Sarah Menzies
died: 24 Mar 1933, 140 Barrhill Rows, Twechar, age 59
P: Aldred William Ashmall, actor,dec
& Annie ms Duckenfield,dec
C: Carcinoma of Stomach
I: Joseph Ashmall, son, present

at their wedding, was william crawford, musician and annie cassells, actr ess in 1872 at 59 maxwell street, glasgow


Birth1845Wallingford, Berkshire, England
Death13 Dec 1908Kirkintilloch, Dunbartonshire, Scotland


SpouseAnnie Duckenfield (1856 - )
ChildGeorge Alfred Ashmall (1873 - 1933)
ChildHarry Ashmall (1882 - )
ChildJoseph Sidney Ashmall (1886 - )