Individual Details
Johannes Augustus Dreyer SV/PROG
(1 Jan 1689 - 6 Apr 1759)
Spouse | Sara van Wyk (1699 - ) |
Child | Jan Frederik Dreyer (1718 - ) |
Child | Johannes Augustus Dreyer (1721 - 1793) |
Child | Sara Dreyer (1723 - ) |
Child | Thomas Frederik Dreyer (1727 - ) |
Child | Andreas Dreyer (1731 - ) |
Child | Anna Cornelia Dreyer (1737 - ) |
Father | Ds. Johannes Dreyer (1665 - ) |
Mother | Anna Catharina Jensen (1665 - ) |
171631e Jan:rij
Isaac Dalgue uijt Holstein Jongm:, met
Sara van Wijck van Cabo jonge:r
Isacq Dalgue, adelborst.Is as boodskapper aangestel, maar vind die werk dikwels uiters moeilik en baie onplesierig, en nie altyd in verband met die distrik nie, maar eerder met die Kompanjie direk. Het nooit iets vir sy moeite ontvang nie. Vra vir sy gemisde betaling en verblyfsgeld.
Jan Frederik,d'Vader Jsaak Dalgue, d'Moeder Sara van
Wijck, getu: Jan Jacob Coetser, en Cornelia Helems
Johannes Augustus, d'Vader Isaac Dalgue, d'Moeder Saravan Wijck, getu: Jacob Coetser, en Sara van Wyk
6de July 1721
Ek vermoed dat die Jacob Coetser wat getuie was dieselfde persoon is as wat ek gekoppel het, maar ek kan dit nie met sekerheid sê nie.
Sarade Vader Isaak Dalgue, d'Moeder Sara Van Wyck
getu: Jurrien Hanekom, en Johanna Vander Bosch, 22de Aug:s
Isaacq DalgueHet as Adelborst in 1713 met die Nesserak aangekom; sedert 1715 werkende as boodskapper in die Stellenbosch- en Drakensteindistrikte; voel dat hy nie langer die vermoëndheid gebonde aan sy taak kan uithou nie, versoek om vryburger te word. (No. 87)
1727Thomas Frederick, d'Vader Isaac Dalgue, d'Moeder Sara
Van Wijck, getu: Michiel Otto, en Anna Maria Lick, 24 Aug
den 16 ditoAndreas
de Vader is Isack Daille, de moeder
Sara van Wijk, de Getuijge Andries Mulder
en Susanna van Dijk
Anna Corneliade ouders Izaak Dalgue en Sara van Wijk
de Getuijgen Willem van Wijk en Geertruij Emmenes
Lutheran ChurchFirst Memorial of the Lutherans, who ask for a Minister, and the right to conduct their Public worship, which cannot take place without the permission of the Seventeen ; they therefore ask Council's permission to send a Memorial to the said Seventeen, for the purpose, and also to support their Minister at their own expense. Signed by
O. Bergh, J. T. Rhenius, W. Bosnian, J. L. Bestbier, Pieter de Smith, Jochim George, Izaacq Dalgue, Matthias Letter, J. E. Wepener, Frederik Sappel, Jan Greve, Ariuvicus Peter Hubner, J. C. S. de Wit, Hans Roos, Willemsen Kemerling, Helmuth Luttig, Joh. Fred. Wilhelm Bottiger, Js. Needer, Dl.
Pheil, Jan Hend : Hop, H. Prehn, J. V. Renen, F. Swellengrebel, J. F. Tiemmendorf, Andreas Muller, M. Pentz, J. Bacheracht, H. Bletterman, Mart. Godl : Eckard, Christiaan Ackerman, Christ : Gothard Ackerman, P. Mathysen
de Vries, Carel Jac : Diets, Lourentz : Tiel, Joachim Daniel Hiebner, Michiel Otto, Jan Bam, Johan Pieter Rens, J. J. S. Elers, Joh : Zach : Beck, J. Bierman, Jn:
Jb: Pricelius, J. A. Horak, Jac. Theod : Stoetman, Paul Helwig, Jns. Swellengrebel, J. Warnecke, Jan Jurgen Screuder, Jn : As: Truter, H. Spiegelberg, G. S. G. Schindelaer, J. Needer, jr., D. C. Carnspeck, Jn : Raeck, Dirck Wydenaer ; Lourens Staaff, H. J. v. Rotenburg, As. Bergh, F. Rhenius, J.G. Haubtfleisch, F. Koch, Adam Hendrik Mulder, J. E. Schwartze, A. Bergstedt, J.N. v. Dessin, C. D. Rhenius, H. Booyen, H. P. Koopman, and Hans Christiansen.
N.B. Council replied, in its Session of 19 June, 1742, that the request in the Memorial is considered as very untimely (ontijdig), and it is therefore not entertained (van de hand gewezen). By order of Gov : H. Swellengrebel
and Council.
(Signed) J. de Grand Preez,
Secretary. (No. 34; date, 19th June.)
Versoek hier onder was blykbaar ingewillig, aangesien J. A. Dreyer Jr in 1691 genomineer word as diaken van die Lutherse Kerkraad.Luther Petition (2nd) for a Church, etc.-
Memorialists, servants of the Company, and burghers, here and in the country, Confessors of the unchanged Augsburg Confession, heartily desire to practice their religion openly here, in the same manner as in the Netherlands.
But as for this object a Minister will be required, confessing the said Augsburg Confession, Memorialists humbly pray that your Honours may support our request before our Lords and Masters, the Lords Directors of the Company, that a Minister may be sent, who shall be recommended to the Seventeen by the Evangelical Congregation at Amsterdam. They also pray that they may be allowed to build a Church at their own expense, and guarantee, for the support of their Minister, annually, f1200 (Caroli), which amount will be found in the Collection ; and should there be a deficit, the richest in the congregation will make it up.
They further mention in that are more Lutherans here than those mentioned in the Memorial, and who are in unison with the contents of the same, being prepared to take their share in the expenditure required. They therefore pray that the Council will look favourably on their request, and they will feel themselves in duty bound continually to pray that Heaven may make its Government sucessful (signed by)
Jas. Swellengrebel
D. G. Carnspeck
F. R. Rhenius
F. Warnecke
J. N. van Dessin
J. J. G. Shindelaer
F. Swellengrebel
J. S. Rhenius
Js. Bacheracht
W. Bosman
R. S. Alleman
A. Bergstedt
J. Needer
D. Pheil
J. H. Hop
H. Prehn
J. v. Renen
J. J. Bestbier
J. A. Kuuhl
C.L. Neethling
J.F. Pricelius
O. Bergh
J. Needer, junior
J.H. Spiegelberg
Jan Bam
J.D. Hiebner
D. Dreyer
J.E. Wepener
J. Riegeke
Jan Greve
P. Ackerman
P. Beck
Jan Jurgens
Willemsen Keemerlingh
Helmuth Luttigh
J.B. Hartog
C.G. Ackerman
F. Zappel
J.G. Strasburg
Jac. Nissen
H.B. Hebe
J.F. Delitz
J.P. Rens
A H. Mulder,
J. G. Haubtfleisch,
J. J. Schreuder,
M. Pentz,
M. Lagebergh,
C. Dalgué
O. L. Hemmy,
H. P. Koopman,
L. Staaff,
P. Greeff,
H. P. de Wit,
J. Knoop,
J. Kennebeek,
M. G. L. Eckhardt,
L. Hanssen,
J. H. Hensch,
J. F. Zeusch,
C. J. Diets,
D. Wydeman,
L. Tiel,
A. Muller,
J. F. Tiemmendorf,
A. J. Horak,
G. F. Straus,
Z. Jenssen,
J. Franck, J. Bierman,
H. Combrinck,
H. Booys,
G. Hydenryk,
C. J. Rhenius,
J. F. Muller,
F. Dreyer,
J. Z. Beck,
M. Letter,
P. Kelwig,
P. de Smeth,
J. P. Stoetman,
Z. Goose.
Council replies (14 Feb., 1742) that petitioners may address themselves to the 17, and if they so desire, they may send a Memorial among the Company's papers to the Fatherland. By order, etc. De Grand Preez Sec. N.B. At the Meeting in which this Memorial was submitted Baron von Imhoff
presided. (He was Governor-General of India.) (No. 46.)
Getuies:Johannes Augustus Dreijer en Susanna van Hoeve Wedwe. Greef
1. Dr. J. Hoge, Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, 1652-1806 (N.p.: n.p., 1946), 79.
2. Dr. J. Hoge, Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, 1652-1806 (N.p.: n.p., 1946), 79.
3. Dr. J. Hoge, Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, 1652-1806 (N.p.: n.p., 1946), 79.
4. Corney Keller, Transcriber, "Stellenbosch Marriages 1686-1788," eGGSA, ( : accessed ),
5. H. C. V. Leibbrandt, Keeper of the Archives, Requesten (Memorials), 1-5 (Cape Town: South African Library, n.d.), 348h.
6. Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk. Gemeente Stellenbosch, "Kerkrekords 1688-1977," digitale kopieë, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch ( : ), ; "South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers (Cape Town Archives), 1660-1970 ," database with images, FamilySearch.
9. H. C. V. Leibbrandt, Keeper of the Archives, Requesten (Memorials), 1-5 (Cape Town: South African Library, n.d.), 361d.
10. Dr. J. Hoge, Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, 1652-1806 (N.p.: n.p., 1946), 79.
11. Dr. J. Hoge, Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, 1652-1806 (N.p.: n.p., 1946), 79.
12. H. C. V. Leibbrandt, Keeper of the Archives, Requesten (Memorials), 1-5 (Cape Town: South African Library, n.d.), 364l.
16. H. C. V. Leibbrandt, Keeper of the Archives, Requesten (Memorials), 1-5 (Cape Town: South African Library, n.d.), 673m+.
17. H. C. V. Leibbrandt, Keeper of the Archives, Requesten (Memorials), 1-5 (Cape Town: South African Library, n.d.), 2:674-675.
18. Willem van Gend Vendurol (12 December 1744); Cape Archives Estate Files; MOOC 10/5.57, KAB, Cape Town.
19. Dirk Weesberg Vendurol (23 June 1745); Cape Archives Estate Files; MOOC 10/5.55, KAB, Cape Town.
20. Willem van Gent Vendurol (14 September 1745); Cape Archives Estate Files; MOOC10/5.57 1/2, KAB, Cape Town.
21. Richard Ball, Corney Keller, et al, "eGGSA BMD project (Birth, Marriage and Burial Registers)," database, eGGSA Birth Marriage and Burial Registers ( : accessed ), .
22. Johanna Siekermans Inventaris (9 November 1756); Cape Archives Estate Files; MOOC 8/7.48, KAB, Cape Town.
23. MOOC Death Register (1759); Cape Archives Estate Files; vol 6/1 vol 1, KAB, Cape Town.
24. Dr. J. Hoge, Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, 1652-1806 (N.p.: n.p., 1946), 79.