Individual Details
Barend Burgerd SV/PROG
(1665 - Bef 12 Sep 1705)
Spouse | Marritje van der Merwe (1675 - ) |
Child | Willem Burger (1696 - 1740) |
Child | Andries Burger (1698 - ) |
Child | Helena Burger ( - ) |
Child | Barend Burgerd ( - ) |
Court appearance
Baren Burghert daagde in 1700 Cornelis Joosten van Daalen voor het gerecht om uit te leggen waarom hij buiten zijn medeweten en dat van de knecht om Burgherts wagen had ingespannen en gebruikt.Occupation
1700. 24 Sept.No. 62,. 1064 To Stellenbosch (Landdrost and Heemraden.)
"Lieutenant Barend Burger appointed captain of Drakenstein vice Jacob de Savoye, who has left (for Europe), and François du Toit to be luitenant."
Heemraad Baren Burgert gaf in 1701 Balster Christiaensz Wever order om met Abraham Diemer "uijt te gaan om swarte jongens aen de Parel op te zoecken". Wever verklaarde echter dat hy liever niet achter die weggelopen slaven aan wilde gaan. Hij was alleen thuis. Aangezien "zijn jongens het zoo daanig aen stelde, dat hij in seven of agt nagte niet op zijn koij durfde gaan, maar geduurig wagh hield, dat zij niet mede zoude weg loopen", vroeg hij een oppasser las hij echt mee moest.Miscellaneous
1702. 2nd Sept.No. 52, p. 727. To Stellenbosch. (Landdrost Ditmar, the Heemraden of Stellenbosch and Drakenstein, and the military officers of the burgher infantry and artillery there.)
"To preven disorder at the military parade, we have resolved for various reasons, on the 30th of August last, to order you that the three companies of cavalry and infantry, both of Stellenbosch and Drakenstein, but separately, shall be instructed to appear at the Cape fully armed, i.e., the first infantry comapny about the 14th, that on the following day they may parade before us.
The cavalry company shall appear on the 1st, and the second company of infrantry on the 15th October next, with the following officers, viz. : of the first company of infantry, Pieter van der Beyl as captain, Jacobus van der Heyden as lieutenant, and Wessel Pretorius as ensign; of the cavalry, Pieter Robbertsz as captain, Hercules du Pree as lieutenant, and Jan Elbertsz as cornet. According to our resolution mentioned, we have excused (declined the services of) Lieutenant Ferdinandus Appel and Cornet Jan Elbertsz.
The officers of the second company of infantry, viz., Captain Barden Burchard, Lieutenant F. du Toit, and Ensign Gerrit Cloete will retain their appointments. All these are to be acknowledged in their various ranks, whilst those who remain absent without lawful cause will be fined Rds. 10; the punishment of the disobedient officers being left to our discretion. We seriously advise you to carry out this order promptly."
16th May [1703]No. 243, p.290. From the Landdrost and Heemraden regarding the Drakenstein corn mill.]
"Mill examined. Has very little water in the dry season, and must therefore often stand still. A large dam should be made. This will cost a lot of money. The mill has no loft or door. Baas Jan is bound to make them, as ex-Heemraad Barend Burgert says that the has been already paid for it. A part of the people's corn must lie exposed to the air, as there are no lofts. We therefore come to you as Heemraden with the request that you may be pleased to order us what we are to do, as we never had any control over the mill, as ex-Heemraad Burgert hitherto has had the control and collection of the money on his shoulders alone. We beg also that "Baas Jan " may be ordered to finish heis work, so that we may give the people greater satisfaction."
(Signed by)
P. Robbertsz.
François du Toit
Pierre Rousseau
1703. 24th MayNo. 91, p. 975 To Drakenstein (The Prov. Land. and Heemraden)
"Having received your report on the Drakenstein mill, we find that the master woodcutter, Jan Vosloo, has not yet made the mill, although already paid for it; that the floors and doors are still wanting, and therefore a portion of the people's corn must lie exposed to the weather outside. You are therefore ordered to summon said Jan Vosloo before the Court of Justice, in order to compel him to to fulfil his engagements.
You say that in the dry season the mill is often to stand still for want of water, and that this could be remedied by the making of a dam. You are to send us an estimate of the cost, in order to enable us to come to a decision.
It also appears to us that you never had anything to say in the matter of this mill, but that all the authority and power of collecting were assumed by the ex-Heemraad Barend Burchard (Burger?). He is to inform us by whose orders he has assumed that power, which we disapprove of. It is our order that the Landdrost and Heemraden at Drakenstein shall collectively hold that power, and that every Heemraad shall take his turn for collecting the fees. Barend Burger shall also render to you an account of all the sums collected by him from beginning to end."
1. Ad Biewenga, De Kaap de Goede Hoop: Een Nederlandse vestigingskolonie, 1680-173 (Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Prometheus / Bert Bakker, 1999), 69.
2. H.C.V. Leibbrandt, Letters Despatched 1696-1708: Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope (Cape Town: W.A. Richards & Sons, 1896), 160.
3. Ad Biewenga, De Kaap de Goede Hoop: Een Nederlandse vestigingskolonie, 1680-173 (Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Prometheus / Bert Bakker, 1999), 112.
4. H.C.V. Leibbrandt, Letters Despatched 1696-1708: Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope (Cape Town: W.A. Richards & Sons, 1896), 211.
5. H.C.V. Leibbrandt, Letters Received, 1695-1708: Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope (Cape Town: W.A. Richards & Sons, 1896), 321-322.
6. H.C.V. Leibbrandt, Letters Despatched 1696-1708: Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope (Cape Town: W.A. Richards & Sons, 1896), 226.
7. Ad Biewenga, De Kaap de Goede Hoop: Een Nederlandse vestigingskolonie, 1680-173 (Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Prometheus / Bert Bakker, 1999), 59.
8. H.C.V. Leibbrandt, Letters Despatched 1696-1708: Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope (Cape Town: W.A. Richards & Sons, 1896), 272.
9. Barent Burgert Inventaris (1 October 1705); Cape Archives Estate Files; MOOC 8/2.3, KAB, Cape Town.