Individual Details
(27 Oct 1775 - Bef Nov 1855)
Spouse | Rachel BECKERDITE ( - 1875) |
Spouse | Nancy Ann BECKERDITE ( - 1840) |
Child | Mary Polly BRILES (1796 - ) |
Child | Noah BRILES Sr. (1796 - 1874) |
Child | Martha Patsy BRILES (1797 - ) |
Child | Jacob BRILES (1799 - 1871) |
Child | Dan BRILES (1800 - 1865) |
Child | Rachel BRILES (1802 - 1880) |
Child | Solomon BRILES (1803 - 1850) |
Child | Elizabeth Betsy BRILES (1805 - 1840) |
Child | Alfred BRILES (1807 - 1872) |
Child | Alexander BRILES (1813 - 1900) |
Child | Holland BRILES (1814 - 1868) |
Child | John BRILES Jr. (1814 - 1886) |
Child | Frederick BRILES (1817 - 1848) |
Child | Ann Nancy BRILES (1820 - ) |
Father | Frederick BRILES (1740 - ) |
Mother | Mary GOODRICH (1750 - 1788) |
Sibling | George BRILES ( - ) |
Sibling | Mary BRILES (1784 - 1855) |
Sibling | Lydia BRILES (1769 - ) |
Land Entry
with the State of North Carolina for land being 100 acres on the waters of the Caraway for 30 shillingsResidence
with 2 males under 10, 1 male 16-26, 1 male 26-45, 1 female under 10, 1 female 10-16, and 1 female 16-26, listed as John BrilesLand-Purch
land being 91 acres for 600 pounds from Jonas Hoover, administrator of Andrew Hoover estate. Said 91 acres being part of plantation where John Hoover now lives lying on both sides of S. fork of Uharee being part of a tract of land Andrew Hoover bought of Henry E. McCulloh. Beginning at pine in Danio Hoover corner in line of old survey on south side of creek & river thence with Daniel Hoover line N 51 W 7 chain 50 links to his corner pine thence N 2 chains 70 links to Elm in bank of creek thence down the Domons courses of said creek and crossing it to Sweet Gum in N bank of creek thence N 26 E 6ch 50 links to pine in old line thence with old line N 28 W 7 Ch crossing creek in all 20 chains to Old crner white Oak thence on said line S 35 E 6 Ch 25 link to old corner pine thence on said line S 19 ch to old corner B Oak thence with old line S 40 E 15 Ch to beginning.Land-Purch
land composed of 5 parcels on the main fork of the Uharee totaling 490 acres for 500 pound from John Fouts and Michal FoutsLand-Purch
2 parcels of land from John Hoover, each being grants by the state to John Hoover. First parcel of land was granted 6 Dec 1799 containing 196 acres on both sides of the south fork of the Uharee beginning at a pine in the old corner with old oline S45 W20 chains to old corner with White Oak with old line S35E6Ch 23 Links to pine in old corner thence with old line S 19 ch to Black Oak in old corner thence N 20 W 15 Ch to Pine thence N 45W 28 Chains 50 links to Post Oak in Allen's corner thence with Allen line E 19 Ch 50 Links to creek to Beard's corner thence with Beard's lin S 2 ch to Black Oak in his corner thence with Beard's line E 10 CH across creek to Post Oak in his corner thence with Beard's line N 6 Ch 50 Lins to Pine in his corner thence with Beard's line E 23 h to Post Oak thence via David Hoover bounder S 36 Ch 50 Links to B. Oak thence W 13 Ch 5 links to WHite Oak thence N 70 W 1 Ch 50 link to his own corner thence with own line to beginning. Second parcel was granted to John Hoover 18 April 1800 containing 150 acres. Beginning with Post Oak in Allen's corner thence S 81 W 180 poles to Hickory in Byerly line thence bounded by 4th line N 43W 55 poles to Red oak thence N 245 poles to stake in Mirel's line thens with said line E 28 Poles to B. Oak in John Fouts line thence with JohnFout's line S 40 E 50 poles to Pine thence S 65E 8 poles to stake to beginning.Land-Purch
land being 100 acres on both sides of Sheppards fork of Caraway for $500 from Fredrick BroylsLand-Purch
land composed of 2 tracts, the 1st parcel being 230 acres on fork of Caraway and the 2nd parcel being 100 acres adjoining old tract on west side from Fredrick Broyls of Randolph County, NC for $500Land Entry
for a grant from the state of North Carolina for 48 acres on the waters of the Caraway at a cost of $10 per 100 acresLand-Sold
land being three tracts containing 437 acres on both sides of the north fork of the Uharu for $1100 to Noah BrilesTax
of Captain Cooper's DistrictLand-Purch
land being 480 acres on Little Caraway from Samuel WalkerLand-Purch
land being 240 acres on the waters of the Little Caraway for $500 from Ezra Dorset of Randolph County, NCLand-Sold
land being 240 acres on both sides of Uharie to Jacob Briles Jr for $550Land-Sold
land being 408 acres on both sides of the LIttle Caraway for $300 to John Briles, JuniorLand-Sold
land being 240 acres which was purhcased from Ezra Dorsett on the Little Caraway for $500 to Alexander BrilesResidence
with 1 male 10-15, 1 male 15-20, 1 male 60-70, 3 females 15-20 and 1 female 30-40, listed as John Briles Sr.Land-Sold
land being 250 acres on waters of Little Caraway to Alfred Briles for $500Land-Sold
100 acres on waters of Little Caraway to Anderson Briles for $50Residence
a 75 year old male farmer with $850 in real estate who was born in North Carolina and was listed as Jno Briles SenrNote
CENSUS: 1790 U.S. Census; Fayette District, Anson Co. NC (BRILES.CEN.013) 1 free white male 16 and up; 2 under 16; 1 free white femaleNote
LAND: Deed of sale; 1815; Peter Shepphard to John Broyls; land on west side of Little Caraway; originally land of William Shepherd passed to Peter Sheppherd; Randolph County North Carolina Record of Deeds Book 12; page 315; AGLL microfilm V156-93. (Doc. #: BRILES.NC.083J)Note
LAND: Deed of sale; 1836; John Briles to Dan Briles; 28 Jan 1836; 296 acres on both sides of Uharie; 'all that part of the north end of the plantation'; Randolph County, NC Deed Book 20, p. 295, 296; photocopy from County Recorder; Randolph County, NC (Doc. #: BRILES.NC.046)Note
LAND: Deed of sale; 1836; John Briles Senior to Solomon Briles; 29 Jan 1836; 200 acres on both sides of Little Caraway; Randolph County, NC Deed Book 20, p.295, 296; photocopy from County Recorder, Randolph County, NC. (Doc. #: BRILES.NC.046)Endnotes
1. Randolph County North Carolina Deeds (: ), Deed book 9, page 59 (Briles.NC.041).
2. Broyles, John K., Keith's Typescript with Additions, (Clinton, TN: John K. Broyles, Sr.), p. 87. Hereinafter cited as Keith's Typescript.
3. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 database, ( Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 : accessed .
4. Broyles, John K., Keith's Typescript with Additions, (Clinton, TN: John K. Broyles, Sr.), p. 87. Hereinafter cited as Keith's Typescript.
5. 1800 U. S. Census, Randolph County North Carolina, population schedule, Hillsboro, Randolph County, North Carolina, image 3, John Briles; digital image, accessed ).
6. Randolph County North Carolina Deeds (: ), Deed book 8, page 325 (Briles.NC.031).
7. Randolph County North Carolina Deeds (: ), Deed book 8, page 393 (Briles.NC.044).
8. Randolph County North Carolina Deeds (: ), Deed book 8, page 324 (Briles.NC.030).
9. 1810 U.S. Census, Randolph County North Carolina, population schedule, Randolph County, North Carolina, image 8, John Briles Jr; digital image, viewed online Sept 2018).
10. Randolph County North Carolina Deeds (: ), Deed book 12, page 315 (Briles.NC.052).
11. Randolph County North Carolina Deeds (: ), Deed book 12, page 315 (Briles.NC.043).
12. 1815 Tax List of Randolph County, North Carolina (Raleigh, NC: W. P. Johnson, 1957), (Briles.NC.012). Hereinafter cited as 1815 Tax List of Randolph County, North Carolina.
13. Randolph County North Carolina Deeds (: ), Deed book 10, page 474 (Briles.NC.047).
14. Randolph County North Carolina Deeds (: ), Deed book 17, page 438 (Briles.NC.032).
15. , "", The Genealogical Journal : Vol. X Number 1 (Briles.NC.079).
16. Randolph County North Carolina Deeds (: ), Deed book 19, page 429, 430 (Briles.NC.033).
17. Randolph County North Carolina Deeds (: ), Deed book 20, page 96 (Briles.NC.035).
18. Randolph County North Carolina Deeds (: ), Deed book 20, page 295-296 (Briles.NC.046).
19. Randolph County North Carolina Deeds (: ), Deed book 20, page 306 (Briles.NC.034).
20. Randolph County North Carolina Deeds (: ), Deed book 21, page 316 (Briles.NC.036).
21. 1840 U.S. Census, Randolph County North Carolina, population scheudle, Northern Division, Randolph County, North Carolina, page 92, John Briles; digital image, viewed online Sept 2018).
22. Randolph County North Carolina Deeds (: ), Deed book 26, page 107 (Briles.NC.045).
23. Randolph County North Carolina Deeds (: ), Deed book 26, page 250 (Briles.NC.042).
24. , "", The Genealogical Journal : Vol 1 # 2, page 28.
25. Randolph County North Carolina Marriage Bonds (Salt Lake: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1944), p. 26 (Briles.NC.096). Hereinafter cited as Randolph County North Carolina Marriage Bonds.
26. Broyles, John K., Keith's Typescript with Additions, (Clinton, TN: John K. Broyles, Sr.), p. 87. Hereinafter cited as Keith's Typescript.
27. Randolph County (North Carolina) Marriage Bonds abstracted as part of National Youth Administration (: ), (Briles.NC.001). Hereinafter cited as Randolph County (North Carolina) Marriage Bonds.
28. North Carolina, Marriage Records, 1741-2011, Marriage bond by John Briles & Michael Robbins, 16 Nov 1845; database with images, ( : viewed online May 2017). Original Source: North Carolina County Register of Deeds.
29. "North Carolina, Marriage Index, 1741-2004," database, ( : viewed online May 2017), John Briles - Rachael Beckardite.
30. "Noth Carolina, Index to Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868," dtabase, ( : viewed online May 2017), John Briles - Rachael Beckardite.
31. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 database, ( Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 : accessed .
32. 1850 U.S. Census, Randolph County, North Carolina, population schedule, Northern Division, Randolph County, North Carolina, p. 203, household 569, Jno Briles Senr; digital image, ( : viewed online May 2017); NARA microfilm publication M432.
33. North Carolina, Wills and Probate Records 1665-1998, John Briles, November 1855; database with images, ( : viewed online May 2017). Original Source: North Carolina County District and Probate Courts.