Individual Details

William Robert Gillie Jr.

(28 Apr 1938 - 3 Apr 2009)

EDEN — Mr. William Robert "Bobby" Gillie, Jr., 70, of 698 Linden Drive , p a ssed away on Friday morning, April 3, 2009, at his residence. T he f u neral service will be held 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 11, at Boone- Rey n olds Funeral Home Chapel. Interment will follow in Pleasant Grove P ri m itive Baptist Church Cemetery on the Ashland Road in Caswell County. M r . G illie was born in Rockingham County on April 28, 1938, a son of Wil l i am R. and Elizabeth Midkiff Gillie, both deceased. He was retired fro m S t oneville Furniture Factory. He is survived by his sons, Terry D un c an, Robert Gillie and Jack Gillie; his sisters, Virginia Rath, Stell a C o ckram, Nellie Hughes, Ruby White and Della Sparks; his brother, Joh n H e nry Gillie; his grandchildren, Robert Gunter and Ashley Gillie. H e w a s preceded in death by his daughter, Patty Gillie; his son, Mark Gi ll i e; and his sisters, Ella and Hazel. Published in the News Record o n 4 / 9/2009 -- MERGED NOTE ------------ EDEN — Mr. William Robert "Bobby" Gillie, Jr., 70, of 698 Linden Drive , p a ssed away on Friday morning, April 3, 2009, at his residence. T he fun e ral service will be held 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 11, at Boone- Reyno l ds Funeral Home Chapel. Interment will follow in Pleasant Grove P rimi t ive Baptist Church Cemetery on the Ashland Road in Caswell County. M r . G illie was born in Rockingham County on April 28, 1938, a son of Wil l i am R. and Elizabeth Midkiff Gillie, both deceased. He was retired fro m S t oneville Furniture Factory. He is survived by his sons, Terry D un c an, Robert Gillie and Jack Gillie; his sisters, Virginia Rath, Stell a C o ckram, Nellie Hughes, Ruby White and Della Sparks; his brother, Joh n H e nry Gillie; his grandchildren, Robert Gunter and Ashley Gillie. H e w a s preceded in death by his daughter, Patty Gillie; his son, Mark Gi ll i e; and his sisters, Ella and Hazel. Published in the News Record o n 4 / 9/2009


Birth28 Apr 1938
Death3 Apr 2009Rockingham, North Carolina, United States
Burial11 Apr 2009Caswell, North Carolina, United States


FatherRobert William Gillie (1900 - 1950)
MotherMahaley Elizabeth Midkiff (1899 - 1970)
SiblingElla Gillie (1920 - 1921)
SiblingStella Everleen Gillie (1921 - 1990)
SiblingNellie Lucinda Gilley (1923 - 1993)
SiblingDella Lee Gilley (1925 - 2004)
SiblingRuby Lou Gillie (1927 - 1989)
SiblingJohn Henry Gillie (1932 - 2000)
SiblingHazel Gillie (1935 - 1936)