Individual Details

Richard Dirck van Ripen (van Riper)

(9 Jun 1734 - 24 Apr 1807)


Richard or Dirck was the youngest son of Jurjaen and Aeltje
(VanWinkle) Van Riper and was born June 9, 1734. On May 23, 1762,
when twenty-eight years of age, Richard married twenty-three year old
Elisabet Meek (Elizabeth Mead). They had ten children, seven sons and
three daughters. Of these children, our particular interests lie with
Jacob, the second oldest son.

On November 23, 1762, Richard bought a tract of land comprising
145.40 acres in Upper Preakness, New Jersey. There he settled and
lived with his family until his death in 1807.

Richard's farm was always known as the "Old Van Riper Place".
It's location was described as "about a mile to the right from the old
Hamburgh Turnpike at Mrs. Andrew H. Van Riper's, or about as far
across the flats to the left, from Andrew P. Hopper's place on Berdan
Avenue (the road from Upper Preakness to Oakland, Bergen County)".

During the early years of the farm, there was located on the place a
grist mill, saw mill, cider mill, distillery, blacksmith shop and slaves. In
those days, there were slaves on nearly all the Preakness farms.

In connection with the foregoing statement regarding slaves, it is
interesting to note that in 1806, some of the Preakness people petitioned
the State Legislature to repeal the Act of 1804 which provided for the
gradual abolition of slavery. Included in the fifty-four names signing the
petition were Uriah Van Riper, Richard Van Reypen, Richard Van Riper, Jr.
and Jacob Van Riper, all farmers and close relatives of our Jacob who
had previously moved to New York City.

Our Richard or Dirck VanRiper, with rank of captain, commanded a
company of New Jersey militia under Colonel Edward Thomas, whose
regiment consisted of two companies from Bergen, two from Morris and
three from Essex Counities. The regiment was activated July 18, 1776 and
was in service until October 7, 1776. The companies were raised under the
act of July18, 1776. The foregoing military record is from the files in
the Archives and History Bureau, New Jersey State Library, Trenton, New
Jersey. A further verification of Richard's military record is found on page
43 of the Lineage Book published by the Daughters of the American

Richard Van Riper was one of the leaders in the movement to have
the original Preakness Reformed Church built in 1798. He was one of the
heavy contributors toward the cost of the church building. The acre of
ground comprising the grounds about the existing church building, together
with the old burying ground back of it, was deeded June 7, 1799 to David
Demarest, Samuel Van Saun, Richard Van Riper, Jacob Berdan, Henry
B. Spear and John Van Winkle and "all the rest of the builders of the
Church of Preakness". Prior to the building of the Preakness Church, the
people of Preakness were probably members of the congregation of the
Dutch Reformed Church at Ponds, Pompton or Totowa.

The Rev. Peter DeWitt was one of the supply ministers at the
Preakness Church during its early years of existence. It should be noted
here that Richard Van Riper's granddaughter, Elizabeth married Peter
DeWitt, son of the Rev. Peter DeWitt.

The old church was replaced by a new church building in 1852,
using largely the material from the old structure. It was composed princi-
pally of stone, although the facing of the walls was of brick. The new
church was destroyed by fire in 1930. The present brick structure was
built in 1948.

After the death of a grandson, Andrew VanRiper, May 23, 1881,
the old Van Riper farm went out of the possession of the family and the
last known owner was George Roat.

Richard was buried in the old burying ground back of the Preakness
Reformed Church. A brownstone tombstone marks the grave and the
tombstone inscription which is in English reads: "In Memory of Richard
Van Riper who departed this life April 24, 1807, Age 72 years, 10 mos,
24 days."

Two days before he died, Richard made out his will, dating it April
22, 1807. His estate consisted of the farm, cash on hand, bond and notes,
negro boy, Harry and negro wench, Annick, one span of horses, breeding
mare and wagon. The will provided that Richard's wife, Elizabeth, was
to manage any part of the farm for her use, during her widowhood. The
eldest son, Uriah, was willed 87.5 acres of land in addition to the piece
of land he then held; son, Jacob, who moved to New York to engage in
the trucking business, was left $150 and son, John was given $75 and a
mare. To his three daughters - Mary (Polly), wife of Garret Leydacker;
Margaret (Peggy), wife of Richard D. Siskoe and Elizabeth (Betsey),
wife of Simeon VanWinkle, Richard gave each $100. Should daughter
Mary (Polly) "happen to die" (Mary died May 1, 1807, eight days after
the date of the will), her share was to be held for her (two children until
they were of age. Son Richard was left the remainder of the lands and
he was to pay the legacy.

After Richard's wife, Elizabeth, died the residue of the estate was to
be divided equally between Richard's children.

The Executors of the will were: son, Richard; son-in-law, Simeon
VanWinkle and Cornelius Merseles. Witnesses to the will were: Henry
Cooper, Andrew Cooper and William Row.


Birth9 Jun 1734
Death24 Apr 1807


FatherJuriaen Thomasse van Ripen (1693 - 1750)
MotherAeltje Simonse van Winkle (1695 - )
SiblingAntje Van Rypen (1716 - 1781)