Individual Details

Sarah Pearsall

( - )

An Order concerning the wife of John Emery:
Whereas I am given to understand that Sarah the wife of John Emery late of Eastchester is detained from her husband and resides contrary to his good will or likeing at the house of Nicholas Parsalls her father, haveing no just reason or lawfull pretence to do the Same, the which tends very much to the Detriment of her said husband and hinders him from following his Trade and other Occasions, These [presents] are to require you that you admonish the parents of the said Sarah Emery that they doe not (_ _ _) (_ _ _) in their Custodye (_ _) are not to refuse to doe (_ _) the Contrary at their perills (_ _ _ _ _ _ _) my hand at Fort James in N(_ _) (_ _ _) this 18th Day of November 1670. To the Constables of Flushing these.


SpouseJohn Emery ( - )
FatherNicholas Pearsall ( - 1691)
MotherSarah Pearsall mnu ( - )
SiblingMary Pearsall (1643 - )