Individual Details

Judith Walker

(26 Apr 1826 - 29 Aug 1914)

Representative Women of New England, edited by Julia Ward Howe, Mary Hannah Graves, pub 1904, Boston, p. 118
"JUDITH W. ANDREWS, philanthropist, was born in Fryeburg, Me., April 26, 1826. Her maiden name was Walker. Her father, Peter Walker, born at Concord, N.H., in 1781, died in that city in 1857. Her mother, Abigail Swan Walker, born at Bethel, Me in 1787, died in Boston in 1861. At Fryeburg Academy where she was educated, Judith Walker carried her studies so far as to qualify her to enter the Junior Class of Dartmouth College. After her graduation from the academy she taught for several years, both in the academy and in young ladies schools at York and Kittery. Subsequently her brother, Dr. Clement Adams Walker, one of the new school of physicians for the insane, having been appointed to take charge of the Boston Lunatic Hospital established in 1839 as the Boston Insane Hospital, she joined him at that institution and, although never officially connected therewith, she interested herself in the details of its administration and by her personal attention to the patients, endeared herself to them. No better school of training could have been found for the activities for which she has given much of her life."

The Sun (New York, N. Y.), August 30, 1914, Page 11, Image 11
Frequently Spoken of in Boston as Dr. Hale's "Right Hand."
"BOSTON. Aug. 29 - Mrs. Judith Walker Andrews, wldow of Gen. Joseph Andrews, died this morning nt her home at 36 Rutland Square. She was born in Fryeburg, Maine.
Mrs. Andrews was actively associated for many years with the charitable work of the South Congregational Church and in philanthropic movements in Boston. She was frequently spoken of as Edward Everett Hale's "right hand." Among bodies of which she had been president were the South Friendly Society of Dr. Hale's church and the South End Industrial School.

Portsmouth Herald, Oct. 31, 1898
A Free Lecture
"A free lecture will be given by Mrs. Judith W. Andrews of Boston at the Unitarian chapel on Tuesday, November 1st, at 3.30 o'clock. Subject "My Visit in India" and "Ramabai's Work There." The public are invited as it is a subject of universal interest."
A bit about Rev. Edward Everett Hale
Posted 01 Jan 2015 by Byardsearcher iki/Edward_Everett_Hale
Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909) - An American Unitarian minister, a social reformer, and a prolific and versatile author.
Edward Everett Hale, born in Boston, was a descendant of eminent New England families on both sides. His father was a newspaper editor and his mother an author.
After preparation in private schools, Hale entered Harvard at the age of 13 and graduated at 17. While still in college he worked as a part-time reporter; soon after graduating he initiated his career by contributing to magazines. He studied theology independently and was licensed to preach in 1842. He became pastor of the Church of Unity, Worcester, Mass. (1846-1856), and of Boston's South Congregational Church (1856-1899). He married Emily Perkins, a member of the crusading Beecher family, in 1852.
Hale was a leader in the Social Gospel movement of the last half of the 19th century and a forceful advocate of emigrant aid, African American education, worker's housing, and world peace. In 1903 he became chaplain of the U.S. Senate and did not return to Boston until shortly before his death there, on June 10, 1909.
Two of Hale's stories became famous. "My Double and How He Undid Me" (1859) combines fantasy and realism in a humorous story about a harassed minister, Frederick Ingham, who has a double perform some of his many tasks. Ingham reappears as the narrator of "The Man without a Country" (1863). This story was inspired by a recent condemnation of America by a Southern sympathizer and was based, vaguely, upon an actual incident.
"The Man without a Country" concerns Philip Nolan, who, while on trial with Aaron Burr for conspiracy, shouts, "Damn the United States! I wish I may never hear of the United States again!" Taking him at his word, the court-martial condemns him "from that moment Sept. 23, 1807" never to hear his country's name again. A perennial prisoner aboard a U.S. naval vessel, Nolan "for that half-century and more" is "a man without a country." On his death bed, now a fervent patriot, he finally learns about his country's history since his punishment began. The story's verisimilitude and the public temper during 1863, the year of its anonymous appearance in the Atlantic, made it popular. It was reprinted as a pamphlet in 1865, collected in Hale's If, Yes, and Perhaps (1868), and republished scores of times. As late as 1937 it furnished the book for an opera.
Hale's other writings, though less popular, were much admired. The writings he esteemed most were collected in a 10-volume edition in 1898 and 1900.
Further Reading:  Edward Everett Hale, Jr., The Life and Letters of Edward Everett Hale (2 vols., 1917), has the merits and defects of a biography written by a member of the subject's family. Jean Holloway, Edward Everett Hale:A Biography (1956), is the most useful study.
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Judith would give a "Free Lecture" in Portsmouth, N. H.


Birth26 Apr 1826Fryeburg, Oxford, Maine
Marriage15 Jan 1857Joseph Andrews
Death29 Aug 1914Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts


SpouseJoseph Andrews (1808 - 1869)
FatherPeter Walker (1780 - 1857)
MotherAbigail Swan (1787 - 1861)
SiblingWilliam Swan Walker (1810 - 1836)
SiblingGalen Carter Walker (1814 - 1856)
SiblingLyman Abbott Walker (1817 - 1893)
SiblingClement Adams Walker (1820 - 1883)
SiblingCharles Webster Walker (1822 - 1861)
SiblingHenry Durgin Walker (1829 - 1882)