Individual Details

Frank H. McKeever

(Abt Dec 1918 - 19 Feb 1985)

BIRTH-PARENTS: 1920 U.S. Census, School District #8, Garfield Co MT; 1920;
ED122, Sheet 1A; Lines 12-15; Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison WI;
NOTE: Living in the household of Frank M. and Mayme C. McKeever is their son,
Frank H., age 1 2/12, (enumeration date 11Feb1920).

The Jordan Tribune, 10May1917, p5 [This is Frank McKeever's father]. He was
born 12 Dec 1894 and died in September 1976.

Frank McKeever, son of Mrs. Rena McKeever, the well-known ranch woman located
near the mouth of Steve's Fork creek, has purchased the ranch improvements of
Frank B. Haney near the head of Snow creek and has moved onto the place with
his family. Mr. McKeever will raise live stock quite extensively in his new
location, the country thereabouts being especially adapted to that industry. He
is a progressive, ambitious and industrious young man and will make a success
of his new undertaking. Mr. and Mrs. Haney are undecided as to where they will
locate, but will in all likelihood remain in that locality.

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The Jordan Tribune, 28Feb1985, p4

Services are Held for rancher, Frank McKeever

Services were held Thursday, Feb. 21 for Frank S. McKeever, 66, who passed away
at his home on Feb. 19.

McKeever ranched in the Brusett area north of Jordan. He was a member of
Montana Stockgrowers Association and Masonic Lodge, a director of Bureau of
Land Management, a school trustee, director of Fort Peck Game Range Committee
and a 4-H leader.

He was born in Mentor, Minn., a son of Frank and Mamie C. McKeever. He
attended school in the Brusett area. graduated from Garfield County High School
and attended Montana State University in Bozeman for three years, majoring in
civil engineering. On Aug. 29, 1942, he married Melba Saylor in Rapid City,

Survivors include his wife, two sons, Mike of Circle and John of Brusett; two
daughters, Mrs. Lyle Lilienthal of Lewistown and Mary Elizabeth McKeever of
Brustt; a sister, Phyllis Watt of Jordan and eight grandchildren.

Officiating at the services were Rev. Richard Davis and Pastor Wayne Moore.
Pallbearers were Bob Buffinton, John Coston, Harold Hageman, Barney Murnion,
Glenn Stanton and Don West.

Masonic graveside services were held at Pioneer Cemetery.


BirthAbt Dec 1918Mentor, Minnesota
Death19 Feb 1985Brusett, Garfield, Montana
Burial21 Feb 1985Jordan, Garfield, Montana, Pioneer Cemetery
MarriageMelba M. Saylor

