Individual Details

John J. Adam

(7 Feb 1910 - Aug 1974)

DEATH: Obituary of John J. Adam, JORDAN TRIBUNE, 15Aug1974; 1974; Photocopy in
possession of Art Hawkinson, Hudson WI.

MARRIAGE: Obituary of Clyde Worthington, JORDAN TRIBUNE, 5Sep1974; 1974; NOTE:
John Adam was also married to Viola (Worthington) Payne, daughter of Hurley
and Anna Worthington; Viola is a sister of Clara Stanton (Mrs. Niles); Copy in
possession of Art & Nancy Hawinson.

BIRTH-DEATH: SSDI;; researched 1996 by Nancy Hawkinson.

OBITUARY: Jordan Tribune, 15Aug1974

John J. Adam, 64, died Tuesday in the Holy Rosary Hospital in Miles City after
a long illness.

He was born February 7, 1910, in South Dakota, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Adam. He came to Montana with his parents as an infant and homesteaded
northwest of Jordan. He ranched with them and later moved to Jordan where he
was in the trucking business until four years ago when his health began to

Survivors include an aunt, Mrs. Frank Morton of Forsyth.

Services were held at 3 p.m., Friday in St. John's Evangelical Lutheran
Church in Jordan with the Rev. Jim Thacker officiating. Burial was in the
Pioneer Cemetery, Jordan.

Music was provided by organist, Cathy Kelley and "The Old Rugged Cross" and
"In The Garden" were sung by Susan Stanton.

Casketbearers were Frank Baker, Emmett Clark, Reinhart Rath, Roy Stinebaugh,
Tiny Umland and Ray Watson.

J.E. Graves Funeral Home, Miles City, was in charge of arrangement.


Birth7 Feb 1910, South Dakota
Marriage13 Sep 1955Jordan, Garfield, Montana - Viola Paine
DeathAug 1974Miles City, Custer, Montana
BurialAug 1974Jordan, Garfield, Montana, Pioneer Cemetery
MarriageEdna Louise Hollenbeck


SpouseEdna Louise Hollenbeck (1911 - 1960)
SpouseViola Paine
