Individual Details

Henry "Loving Henry" Curtis

(Abt 1880 - )

1910 Census, Jordan School District 16, Dawson Co., Montana
Dwelling Number/Family Number 40/41
Henry E. Curtis is found as a Lodger in the household headed by Ralph D. Sensiba. He is Male, White, 30 years old,
Single, born Montana, father born U.S., mother born Maine. Trade/Occupation: Wolfer/Hunting; he can read and write;
[last 4 cols 3-4-7-x]

MARRIED: Carrie Hollenbeck, 1 Jul 1913 at Forsyth, Rosebud County, Montana
DIVORCED: Divorce degree dated 9 Oct 1915, Glendive, MT; no children; for neglect and non-support.

Garfield County-The Golden Years, Volume II, p435, the M.W. Robuck Story
"Later the fellow that had the half section north of us decided the trapping wasn't so good. He went back to the Peace River Country of Canada where he came from. Dad gave him a hundred dollars for the things he couldn't take along on his pack horse. This fellow was Henry Curtis; everyone called him Loving Henry. He had one grey eye and one brown eye and red hair. I think about all he ever done was trap. He told us kids some wonderful trapping stories."


BirthAbt 1880Balfast, Maine
Marriage1 Jul 1913Forsyth, Rosebud, Montana - Carrie Ellen Broughton
DivorceCarrie Ellen Broughton


SpouseCarrie Ellen Broughton (1892 - 1966)
FatherCyrus Curtis
MotherVesta Harris (1859 - )
