Individual Details

Mary Boswell

(Aft 1701 - 21 Jun 1766)

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-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Mary's maiden name as Boswell is based on the deposition of her sister Ann concerning the estate of John Hanson and the various NOK and Securities to the various estate administrations recorded in William Boswell's notes, especially the fact that Angus McCoy and Francis Goodrick were the security for William Boswell's administrator.

Mary was still "Mary Hanson" as NOK to her son George Goodrick Jan 9 1764 and in the deeds below to her grandchildren on 5 Oct 1764.

p. 101, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records 1744-1752; Book Z#2
Page 255. At the request of Francis Goodrick, the following deed of gift was recorded on May 13, 1748.
May 13, 1748 from Mary Goodrick, widow and relict of Francis Goodrick, late of CC, deceased, to Francis Goodrick, son of sd Francis and Mary Goodrick, of CC, planter. Sd Mary, by the will of her deceased husband, Francis Goodrick, is entitled to and owns 2 tracts of land, during her natural life, and after her death, to her sd son Francis, that is to say, 300 acres and plantation whereon she now lives, and also the rest of a tract of land called Goodrick's Addition, not otherwise devised in the will. Now this deed witnesses that Mary Goodrich, for 100 £ and for the natural love she has for her sd son and for other valuable considerations, she has sold sd Francis, after Nov 1, 1749, all her right, during her natural life, to the 2 tracts of land and plantations, by virtue of the desire of her sd late husband. Signed- Mary (X her mark) Goodrick. Wit - Robt Hanson, Walter Hanson.

p. 70, TLC Genealogy, Charles Co Land Records 1761-1765, Book L#3
Page 543. Deed of Gift. I, Mary Hanson of CC, widow, for the love I have for Charles Sewell Jr, my grandson, I give to sd Charles Sewell Jr, a Negro girl named Elizabeth, now at my plantation. Signed Oct 5, 1764 - Mary (X her mark) Hanson. Wit - William Courts, James Key. Recorded Oct 13, 1764.
Page 543. Deed of Gift. I, Mary Hanson of CC, widow, for the love I have for Francis Goodrick Middleton, my grandson, I give him a feather bed with bolster, two pillows and cases, a pair of sheets, a pair of blankets, and a rug. Signed Oct 5, 1764 - Mary (+ her mark) Hanson. Wit - James Key, Will Courts. Recorded Oct 13, 1764.
Page 543. I, Mary Hanson of CC, widow, for the love I have for Francis Goodrick Middleton, my grandson, I give him a Negro girl called Charity, now on my plantation. Signed Oct 5, 1764 - Mary (X her mark) Hanson. Wit - James Key, William Courts. Recorded Oct 13, 1764.
Page 544. Deed of Gift. I, Mary Hanson of CC, widow, for the love I have for Elizabeth Aramintha Stone, my granddaughter, I give her a Negro boy named Benjamin, now in the possession of William Stone, natural guardian of the sd Elizabeth Aramintha, his daughter. Signed Oct 5, 1764 - Mary (X her mark) Hanson. Wit - W Courts, James Key. Recorded Oct 13, 1764.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Spring 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part II 1753-1779; Transcribed by Ruth King and Carol Mitchell [Extracted from LDS microfilm #13741/3375-05. The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory) Charles County: Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1766-1773
139: Mary Smoot-20 Sep 1766-Ign Middleton & Mary Stone kindred-Charles Smoot Admr
(Ignatius Middleton was Mary's son-in-law, married to her daughter, Ann Goodrick. Mary Stone was her daughter Mary Goodrick, married to William Stone. see the above deeds--NJL)

Abstracts of the Inventories Of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland Volumes 91-100 1766-1769 V. L. Skinner, Jr., p. 49
Mary Smoots 95.123 CH £452.8.4 Sep 20 1766 Sep 16 1767
Appraisers: Marmaduke Semmes Notley Maddocks.
Next of kin: Ignatius Middleton, Mary Stone.
Administrator: Charles Smoots,

The Smoots of Maryland and Virginia by Harry Wright Newman, Page 106
The inventory papers were filed on September 16, 1767, with an appraisement of £452.8.4, with William Courts and James Maddox as the sureties.

Abstracts Of The Balance Books Of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland, Libers 4 And 5, 1763-1770; V. L. Skinner, Jr., p. 110.
This section appears at the back of Liber 5. "Papers returned to the Prerogative Court beginning 20 February 1767." the Prerogative Court in 1767.
Folio 19
From Charles County, October 28.
Inventories: Edward Burch, Elisabeth Hunt, Jane Brice, John Tyler, Mary Smoot, Charles Venabies.

Abstracts Of The Administration Accounts Of The Prerogative Court of Maryland; Libers 59 through 66, 1768-1771; V. L. Skinner, Jr., Willow Bend Books, Westminster, Maryland; 1999, p. 33
Mary Smoot 60.154 A CH £452.8.4 £17.5.2 Oct 11 1768
Sureties: William Courts, James Maddox.
Payments to: John Mitchell, Stephen Chandler, Robert Mundell, Daniel Jenifer, Walter Dulany, Esq., Walter Hanson.
Mentions: representatives (unnamed) by marriage, Negro Sail.
Representatives: wife (unnamed, daughter) of Ignatius Middleton, wife (unnamed, daughter) of William Stone, wife (unnamed, daughter) of Charles Sewall, Frances Goodrick, children (unnamed) of Edward Goodrick (dead).
Administrator: Charles Smoot.

Abstracts Of The Balance Books Of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland, Libers 4 And 5, 1763-1770; V. L. Skinner, Jr., p. 70.
Mary Smoot 5.148 D CH £541.18,4 Oct 11 1768
Sureties: William Courts, James Maddox.
Distribution to 5 parts (equally): Ignatius Middleton, William Stone, Charles Sewell, Frances Goodrick, children (unnamed) of Edward Goodrick.
Administrator: Charles Smoot.


BirthAft 1701Charles County, Maryland
MarriageAbt 1720Francis Goodrick
Marriage20 Jul 1749Charles County, Maryland - John Hanson
MarriageAbt 1764Charles County, Maryland - Charles Smoot
Death21 Jun 1766Charles County, Maryland


SpouseCharles Smoot ( - )
SpouseFrancis Goodrick (1670 - 1746)
ChildAnne Violetta Goodrick (1720 - )
SpouseJohn Hanson (1681 - 1754)
FatherWilliam Boswell (1682 - 1741)
MotherMary Anne McAtee (1682 - 1754)
SiblingThomas Boswell (1705 - )
