Individual Details

Pollard Abell

(20 Sep 1777 - 8 Nov 1840)

Christening recorded at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Leonardtown, Maryland, Sept. 20, 1877.

Marriage Records for Nelson County, Kentucky 1785-1815

His marriage to Cathy Miller is recorded in Nelson County, Kentucky Marriage Book on August 23, 1800 with David Miller as bondsman.

Pollard is listed in Nelson County Census of 1810. Household includes 4 males under 10 years of age, 1 male age 26-45; 1 female under age 10 and one female age 26-45.

Pollard is listed in the Jackson County, Indiana Census of 1820 (Roll 13, page 263): 2 males under 10; 2 males 10 plus, 1 male under 18 and 2 males under 20 and 1 male under 45; 3 females and one female over 20.

Pollard is in the Jackson County, Indiana - Redding Township - Census of 1830 (Roll 29, page 490). The household includes 1 male, age 5-10; 2 males, ages 15-20; 2 males, ages 20-30; and one male, age 50-60; 1 female, under 5; 2 females, ages 10-15; 1 female, age 15-20-; 1 female, age 20-30, and one female, age 50-60.

Pollard Abell shows in the 1840 Census of Jackson County, Indiana, page 69: 2 males ages 5-10; 1 male, age 15-20; 1 male, 60-70; 1 female, age 10-15; 1 female , age 20-30 and a female age 50-60. One in household is in agriculture.

Burial site of Pollard and wife in Seymour (Old City) Cemetery, Jackson Township, Indiana which records a Pollard Abell and states " died 11/8/1840 - 63 years". Cemetery is located on Ewing Street (US 31). A Catherine Abell, W. P. 1779-8/31/1856. Also listed in this cemetery is David Abell, died 7/25/1869, age 62 years, 7 months, and 10 days. (born 1809) Could this be a son of Pollard?

Catherine shows in the 1850 Index.


Birth20 Sep 1777St Marys County, Md
Marriage23 Aug 1800Nelson County, Ky -
Death8 Nov 1840Seymour, in


FatherGeorge Abell (1745 - 1804)
MotherElizabeth Crawford ( - 1810)
SiblingAnn Abell ( - )
SiblingCatherine Abell (1766 - )
SiblingElizabeth Abell (1766 - )
SiblingGeorge Abell (1768 - )
SiblingJudith Abell (1771 - 1803)
SiblingFrancis Abell (1774 - 1805)
SiblingEnoch Booth Abell (1785 - 1837)