Individual Details

James Keech

(Bef 1709 - Bef 3 Jul 1776)

KEECH, JAMES, Charles Co., planter. 9 Oct. 1771; 3 July 1776
To wife Mary Keech, Extx., 49 acres called "My Garner of Zachariah Manner" during life then to grandson James Keech, all my goods and chattels during life but if she marry then only 1/3 of my estate. If she does not marry she shall have the above goods during life and upon her decease to be equally divided between my two children John Keech and Mary wife of John Dailey. Also Negro woman Sarah, Mulatto woman Lucy, Negro boy Jack and Negro boy Ben.
To grandson James Keech Negro girl Sue, Mulatto Frank (at the decease of James' father, John Keech).
To son John Keech use of Mulatto boy Frank during life and then to grandson James Keech.
To dau. Mary, wife of John Dailey Negro girl Jenny and her increase.
The widow of the deceased and John Keech heir at law were present at the probate.
Wit: William Norland; Thomas Jones; Mary Morland. 41. 42

10/11/1777 John Harbin posted a surety for Mary Keech, exec of James Keech, Sr. (AF7-71)

It is not likely this was either of the James Keech from Charles county. James, Jr., the son of Courts Keech, appears in the land records after this date. This could not be the grandson mentioned in the will of James (d. 1776). Samuel, half-brother of James (d. 1776) had a son James given on the web as b. Nov 1747 and if correct, couldn't be this James. Samuel's sister Mary married John Burroughs, and the Hayes family was associated with the Gardiner family whose members probably included the step-children of James (d. 1776).
James Keech 2.100 D SM £99.8.6 Nov 28 1758
Sureties: George Borroughs, Thomas Hayes.
Distribution to orphan: Elisabeth.
Administrator: John Borroughs.

It is sometimes given that James was the unborn child mentioned by his father and therefore, born after his father wrote his will 14 Jan 1725/26. However, James mentioned his son James in this line: To 2 daus. Mary and Dorothy and unborn child and their hrs, "Charles' Lot"; shd. all die without issue, to pass to son James and hrs. That mention of James with no mention of his being under age and the following deed lead me to infer that James was of age when James, Sr. wrote his will. (But James also did not mention his son Samuel as being underage.)

p. 125, Charles County Liber M#2
Page 231. At the request of William Middleton of CC, the following deed was recorded Aug 4, 1730.
Jul 9, 1730 from James Keech of CC, Gent, to William Middleton of CC, planter, for 50 £ sterling, all that tract of land called His Lordships Favour, bounded by Rozers land, a small branch called the Horse Pond Saw Pitt Branch, the dividing line between John Beale and Elizabeth Tears, laid out for about 200 acres. Signed - Jams Keech. Wit - Jno King*, Jno Howard*.

p. 128, Charles County Liber M#2
Page 238. At the request of Francis Sims, the following lease was recorded this Nov 21, 1730.
Nov 7, 1730 from James Keech of CC, Gent, to Francis Sims, of CC, planter, for the rents and services to be performed and for divers other causes, the lease of a parcel of land lying at Ca_ah in CC, on the east side of the Horse Pen Branch, the sd land called his Lordships favour, and containing 1OO acres. This is a 15 year lease. The yearly rent is 800 lbs of tobacco in cask to be paid on sd plantation. Francis Sims is to make no waste of land nor timber any more then for the plantation's use, and also to plant 100 apple trees at a convenient distance each from the other, and to keep the same well fenced. Signed - James Keech, Francis (F his mark) Sims. Wit - Elizabeth (E her mark) Middleton, Holland Middleton, Jno Holland*, Benja Fendall*.

Book O#2
Page 139. Recorded Mar 30, 1736. Mar 9, 1735[/6] from Wm Middleton of CC, Gent:, to Benjamin Tyler & Eleanor, his wife, for the natural love he has for his daughter, Eleanor Tyler & divers other causes, 1 moiety of half part of that tract of land called His Lordships favour, which the said Will: bought of Thomas & James Abernathy, bounded by the dividing line between James Keech and John Abernathy deceased, until it includes 1 moiety or half part of the said land John Abernathy bought of Richard Beale called his Lordships Favour. Signed - Wm Middleton. Wit - Robt Hanson*, John Howard*.

p. 40, Charles County Land Record Book Z No. 2
Page 23. At the request of William Middleton, the following bill of sale was recorded on Mar 15, 1744 [/5].
I, Peter White of CC, carpenter, for 40 £, sell to Wm Middleton a Negro man called Tomacoe. Signed Feb 16, 1743/4 - Peter (- his mark) White. Wit - Rich'd Anderson, Jame[s] Keech Jr.

p. 40, Charles County Land Record Book Z No. 2
Page 23. At the request of William Middleton, the following bill of sale was recorded on Mar 15, 1744/5.
I certify that I have sold to Wm Middleton 1 Negro boy called George, for value received. Signed May 14, 1744 -Thos Bryan. Wit - James Keech.
I hereby assign the within bill of sale to Saml Middleton. Signed May 14, 1744 - Wm Middleton (Sr).

p. 106, Charles County Land Record Book Z No. 2
Page 273. At the request of Holland Middleton, William Middleton Jr, and Samuel Middleton, the following instrument in writing was recorded on Aug 16, 1748.
Aug 5, 1748 from William Middleton Sr of CC, to Holland Middleton, Wm Middleton Jr, and Samuel Middleton of Maryland, for and in consideration of sd Holland, William Jr, and Samuel Middleton giving their joint bond to James Middleton and James Sheeck to indemnify them. James Middleton and James Keech bound themselves with the sd William Middleton Sr to Mr. George Maxwell for the payment of 180 & odd thousand lbs tobacco, to be paid at Benedict Town. This bond has since been removed and taken for 122 thousand some odd lbs tobacco with 2 years interest, to last Jun. Now sd Wm Middleton Sr, for the real security, and to enable Holland Middleton, William Middleton Jr, and Samuel Middleton to discharge the real balance due to Mr. George Maxwell and related charges on the bond to James Middleton and James Keech which Holland, William, and Samuel may be charged with, has sold to Holland, William, and Samuel Middleton, 4 feather beds and furniture, 4 cattle, 2 tables, 1 desk, 6 chairs, 1 iron pot, 1 pair of andirons, 1 spitt, 4 pewter dishes, 10 cullenders, 2 tin pans, 1 iron pestle, 1 spice mill, 1 sugar box, 1 saw, .. books, and all the debts due to sd William Middleton Sr., and all the tobacco money that shall be levied in the next public and county levy. Signed - Wm Middleton. Wit - Geo: Dent. Thos Howard.

p. 132, Charles County Land Record Book Z No. 2
Page 378. At the request of Holland Middleton, William Middleton Jr, and Samuel Middleton, the following instrument of writing was recorded on Feb 24, 1749 [/50] .
I, William Middleton Sr of CC, Gentleman, in consideration that Holland, Wm Jr, and Samuel Middleton of CC have given their joint bond to James Middleton and James Keach to indemnify them against a bond that they, sd James Middleton and James Keach of CC entered into together with me, sd William Middleton Sr, to George Maxwell of CC, merchant, for payment of 180 odd thousand lbs tobacco, to be paid at Benedict Town (the bond has since been renewed for 122,000 and some odd lbs tobacco, a debt due from William Middleton Sr to George Maxwell, and into which sd James Middleton and James Keach entered into and became bound as my securities, at my request, as also sd Holland, Wm, & Samuel Middleton in their sd bond to sd James Middleton and James Keach), and in order for the real security of sd Holland, Wm Jr, & Samuel Middleton and the better to enable them to discharge the real debt due to George Maxwell, and all costs and charges arising thereon to James Middleton and James Keach, wherewith sd Holland, Wm, & Samuel Middleton may be by law chargeable, and for divers other good causes, I, William Middleton Sr, have appointed Holland, Wm Jr, and Samuel Middleton my true and lawful attorneys, to demand all money and tobacco as are due me. Signed - Wm Middleton. Wit - J Chase, Geo Dent.

p. 147, Charles County Land Record Book Z No. 2
Page 434. At the request of Jno Douglass, the following deed of gift was recorded on Dec 3, 1750. At the request of William Douglass, the following deed was recorded on Nov 1, 1750.
I, Wm Duglass of CC, for the natural love that I have for my brother, John Duglass, I have given him and the male issue of his body, a clock which is in the possession of my father, Joseph Duglass his life, but is given to me by him, sd Joseph Duglass, after his death, by deed of gift recorded in CC to me, sd William Duglass. Signed Nov 1, 1750 - Wm Duglass. Wit - James Keech Jr, William Courts.

p. 61, TLC Genealogy, Charles Co Land Records 1752-1756 Liber A#3 (AKA A#11/2)
Page (327). Mar 31, 1755 from James Keech Sr of CC, planter, to Henry Hawkins of CC, planter, for 105 £ and for divers other good causes, part of a tract of land called his Lordships favour, containing about 176 acres 2 roods and 33 perches. Signed - Jas Keeck. Wit - Gustavus Brown, Walter Hanson. Mary, wife of the sd James Keech, relinquished her right of dower to the lands within mentioned. Recorded May 7, 1755.

p. 68, TLC Genealogy, Charles Co Land Records 1752-1756 Liber A#3 (AKA A#11/2)
Page (368). Jul 4, 1755 from James Keech Sr of CC, planter, to Henry Hawkins of CC, planter, for 105 £, and for divers other good causes, part of a tract of land called his Lordships favour, bounded by Zachiah [Swamp], containing about 176 acres. Signed - Jas Keech. Wit - Arthur Lee, Jas Nevison. Mary, wife of sd James Keech Sr, relinquished her right of dower to the lands within mentioned. Recorded Aug 21, 1755.

p. 81, TLC Genealogy, Charles Co Land Records 1752-1756 Liber A#3 (AKA A#11/2)
Page (460). Feb 23, 1756 from James Keech of CC, planter, to John Duncassell (Doncastle) of Virginia, Gent, for 50 £ 8 shillings and for divers other good causes, about 84 acres, being part of a tract of land called his Lordships Favour. bounded by that part of sd tract already conveyed by sd Keech unto Henry Hawkins. Signed - James Keech. Wit - Allen ~ Davis, Sam Hanson. Mary, the wife of the sd James Keech, relinquished her right of dower to the lands within mentioned. Recorded Mar 17, 1756.

p. 68, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records 1761-1765; Book L#3
Page 529. Deed. Sep 13, 1764 from James ------ of ---- County, Maryland, planter, to ---- ---- of the same County and Province, for ---- ---- crop tobacco, all that part or parcel of land called Courts Choice, lying in CC, bounded by the east line of a tract of land whereon sd James Keech now dwells called Spring Bottom, containing and laid out for about 43 acres. Signed - James Keech Jr. Wit - George Dent*, Josias Hawkins*. Elenor, the wife of the sd James, released her right of dower to the within mentioned lands. Recorded Sep --, 1764 at the request of George Keech.

p. 30, Charles County Deed Book 1765-1770 O#3
Page 170. Instrument of Writing. Indenture tripartite made Mar 13, 1767 between Daniel Jenifer of CC, Gentleman, and James Keech of CC, planter, of the 1st part, and Thomas Thornton of CC, Clerk, of the 2nd part, and John Hall, Esq, of the City of Annapolis of the 3rd part, witnesses that sd Jenifer and Keech, for the docking, barring, and cutting of all estates tail and remainder in tail of and in the lands and hereditaments hereinafter mentioned, and for the settling and insuring the same, and for the uses hereinafter expressed, and also for 5 shillings, have granted to sd Thornton, part of a tract of land in CC called his Lordships Favour, bounded by Zachiah [Swamp], containing about 176 acres. Also, one other part of the afd tract of land called his Lordships Favour, containing 84 acres bounded by that part of sd tract above mentioned conveyed by sd Keech to Henry Hawkins. The purpose of this deed is that sd Thomas Thornton may become perfect tenant of the Freehold and lands hereby conveyed and may stand and be seized thereof until a good and perfect recovery with treble voucher may be duly had of sd lands, according to the usual course of Common Recoveries. It is agreed that sd Jenifer, Keech, and Thornton shall permit sd Hall, before the next Provincial Court, to sue for and prosecute against sd Thornton, 1 writ of entry per disseisin enleport returnable before the lord Proprietary's Justice of sd Provincial Court, thereby demanding against sd Thornton the sd lands, to which writ of entry sd Thornton shall appear gratis. Signed - James Keech, Dan Jenifer, Thos Thornton. Wit - Geo Dent*, Jno Dent*. Recorded Mar 13, 1767.
Page 172. Instrument of Writing. Mar 13, 1767 between Henry Hawkins and Josias Hawkins of CC, Gentleman, and James Keech of CC, planter of the 1st part, and Thomas Thornton, Clerk, of the 2nd part, and John Hall, Esq, of the City of Annapolis of the 3rd part. Sd Henry Hawkins and Josias Hawkins, for docking and barring and cutting off all estates, tail, & remainders in tail of and in the lands and hereditaments hereinafter mentioned, and for the settling and ensuring the same to and for the uses hereinafter mentioned and for 5 shillings, have granted to sd Thomas Thornton, all that part of a tract of land called his Lordships Favour, lying in CC, bounded by Zakiah Swamp, Sawpit or Horsepenn Branch, containing about 267 acres. The purpose of this deed is that sd Thomas Thornton may become perfect tenant to sd lands hereby conveyed and may stand and be seized thereof until a good and perfect recovery with treble voucher may be duly had of sd lands, according to the usual course of Common Recoveries. It is agreed that sd Henry Hawkins, Josias Hawkins, James Keech, and Thomas Thornton shall permit sd Hall, before the next Provincial Court, to sue for and prosecute against sd Thornton, 1 writ of entry for discisin enlepost returnable before the lord Proprietary's Justice of sd Provincial Court, thereby demanding against sd Thornton the sd lands, to which writ of entry sd Thornton shall appear gratis. Signed - James Keech, Henry Hawkins, J Hawkins, Thos Thornton. Wit - Geo Dent*, Jno Dent*. Recorded Mar 13, 1767.

p. 46, Charles County Deed Book 1765-1770 O#3
Page 273. Lease and Release. Sep 13-14, 1767 from James Keech Jr of CC, planter, to Henry Digges of CC, planter, for 441 £, a tract of land in CC (being 1 tract called Hardship, and part of 2 other tracts of land called Spring Bottom and Courts' Choice) and of which sd tract a common recovery was suffered to the use of sd Keech at a Provincial Court held at the City of Annapolis before the Justices of the same Court in May Term last. Sd tract is bounded by Hardshift, the land of Robt Henly Courts, the main Road, the land of George Elgin, containing about 200 acres and 5 perches. Signed - Jas Keech Jr. Wit - John Winter*, Geo Dent*. [Blank], the wife of the sd James Keech, relinquished her right of dower. Recorded Sep 26, 1767.

p. 138, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Deed Book 1770-1775 S#3
Page 164. May 10, 1771 from James Keech of CC, planter, to the Revd Thomas Thornton of CC, for 150 £, and 5000 lbs of tobacco, the remaining part of a tract of land called his Lordships favour belonging to sd Keech, bounded by the west side of Zachia Swamp, the dividing line of the whole tract between Eleanor Tears and Elizabeth Tears, the line of that part of sd tract conveyed by William Middleton to Henry Hawkins, that part of the afd tract conveyed by Daniel Jenifer to the Revd Thornton afd, containing about 110 acres. Signed - James Keech, Thos Thornton. Wit - J Hawkins*, Jas Craik*. Mary, the wife of the sd James Keech, relinquished her right of dower. Recorded Jun 1, 1771.

p. 173, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Deed Book 1770-1775 S#3
Page 285. Lease. Aug 12, 1772 from Thomas Thornton of CC, Clerk, to James Keech Sr of CC, planter, and Mary Keech, his wife, for the rents and for divers other good causes, the lease to sd James Keech and Mary, his wife, and the survivor of them, all that part of a tract of land in CC called His Lordships favour, which is bounded by a large stone marked IK standing at the edge of Zachia Swamp, a Spring Branch at the foot of a hill, the lines of that part of sd His Lordships Favour heretofore sold by Daniel Jenifer to sd Thomas Thornton. To have and to hold, from the date hereof, during the natural lives of James Keech and Mary, his wife, and during the natural life of the survivor of them, paying sd Thornton on each Dec 25, 600 lbs of good, sound, and merchantable tobacco. If the rent is more than 30 days in arrears, or any of the below mentioned covenants are broken, Thornton may enter the demised premises, or some part thereof, in the name of the whole. The Keeches may not fell, use, or destroy any timber growing upon sd land more than is needed to supply him and her in fire wood, nails, house repairs, and other suitable conveniencys on or about the land. The Keeches may not sell or give away any wood from the land, and they shall not work the land with more than 5 laborers in any 1 year. James Keech Sr shall have liberty to cut and maul and carry off from that tract of land called Keeches Meadows, he making no waste thereof, such timber as shall be needed for the support of the within mentioned premises, during his and his wife's natural life. Signed -Thos Thornton, James Keech. Wit - J Hawkins*, Saml Love*. Marian Bertrand Thornton, wife of the sd Thomas Thornton, relinquished her right of dower. Recorded Aug 14, 1772.


BirthBef 1709
MarriageBef 15 Feb 1736/37Charles County, MD -
DeathBef 3 Jul 1776Charles County, MD


FatherJames Keech (1680 - 1725)
MotherRuth Hawkins (1684 - 1707)
SiblingMartha Keech (1702 - 1752)
SiblingElizabeth Keech (1705 - )
SiblingJohn Keech (1707 - 1725)